Monday, July 22, 2013

"Punched Tin" Backsplash

Hello, my friends!
Today I am digging deep down into the archives to share this again.
This is a post from 2013 and I'm linking to Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration.
There have been a few changes in decor since I posted this,
but in a few few weeks, I will be .....(drumroll please)....
Please pray for me!
Hopefully the next photos of my kitchen will reveal lovely white cabinets!
Stay tuned...

I have always loved the look of old fashioned punched tin. I didn't know where I would get my hands on anything that would even come close except for those panels you can buy at Lowe's. I actually bought a piece to try it but it was going to be pain to cut and I would need quite a few pieces to go all the way around my counters. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm all about getting it cheap as possible...and these pieces were about $20 a sheet. Well, while I was looking around at Lowe's the same day I returned that sheet I had purchased, I found this textured wallpaper. The whole roll was less than one sheet of that! Sorry, I don't have a picture of the unpainted's just...white.

It is a thick, embossed white wallpaper which comes in several patterns...and then I got a brilliant idea...spray paint, one my favorite things. First of all, I cut all the pieces that I needed, took them outside and gave them each a few coats...the more you spray, the shinier it will become. It actually dried pretty fast and then I glued it to the backsplash with wallpaper paste.

I was really very pleased with the results!

My next challenge is to give it and "older" look somehow...maybe I will try a little antiquing finish of some sort. Hmm...some Old English maybe? I'll let you know!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. are a genius!! They look wonderful!!!!! It's so nice to have smart friends.....:)))))

  2. Lisa,
    No genius here...I'm just all about cheap! Thanks though, for the compliment!

  3. Hi Debby! I am visiting from S. Etole's blog. When I saw the picture of your backsplash, I gasped out loud. It is GORGEOUS! I bet it gives off a soft glow of light in the evening too.

    So glad I came! Nice to meet you :)


    1. Ceil, so glad you came too! Thanks for the sweet comment! You are right about the soft glow when just the lamp is on in the looks nice. Come back anytime!


  4. That really looks nice! I love your's cheery and greets us when we visit! Hugs!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by and for the comment....and for following me!
      Have a blessed rest of the week!

  5. What a clever idea. I am very impressed. It looks great and I can imagine how amazing it will look once you give it the aged look. Thanks for visiting my blog Debby. Your sweet words are truly appreciated.



    1. Janet,
      Thanks so much for your kind words! If I get the look I'm after, I'll update my post. I appreciate you coming to see me!


  6. Really beautiful and so creative! You did a great job on this project and i know you will enjoy both the savings and the look!

    1. Thank you! I really love this textured paintable wallpaper and it comes in many different can give many "faux" looks!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I love how this turned out! Way to get it done easier and cheaper!


    1. Trisha,

      Easy and cheap...that's the way I like it! LOL! Thanks for stopping by!


  8. LOVE, LOVE LOVE this!!! Great idea!! I have some embossed borders that I bought at a yard sale that I just may do something similar with!! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!


  9. Thanks Debbie! I really love the way it looks...just want to find find a way to make it look "old"...haven't decided how to do it yet! I appreciate your sweet comments and for stopping by!

  10. Love the look of punched ceiling tins too! Such a clever way to capture this in your backsplash!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

  11. Thanks, Cindy...I also love the look of the old Victorian ceiling tiles. That may be a project for another day! Thanks for hosting!


  12. Beautiful job! That's exactly what I used to mimic punched tin in a recessed ceiling of my kitchen! :-) Great minds think alike! Thank you for linking up with Sunday View, Inspired Sunday!


    1. I would love to do the ceiling but I have that nasty "cottage cheese" stuff on it now....would have to sand it all off and what a mess it would be! Maybe someday if I get REAL ambitious! Thanks for your comment!


  13. Wonderful idea. I wonder if Rub n'Buff could age it? It might take too much. Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home.

    1. Hello Sherry,
      Thanks for your comment and stopping by my blog! I have never used Rub n'Buff. My kitchen is pretty small and there is not a lot of area to cover...I may check this out. Thanks for the suggestion! Have a great day :)


  14. Oh that looks wonderful!!!! You did a very great job on your backsplash, Debby. I love your idea of adding adding paint on it becaus it looks more prettier and shinnier. It is very awesome on your dark or black colored marble table top. It is such a perfect idea.

    1. Nancy,

      Thank you so much! I am wanting to find something to put on it to give it an aged look. I haven't quite figured out what yet :) Glad you stopped by!

  15. I am so glad I found you!! I have been wanting to do this to a china closet that I refinished. I hate to put the gross particle board back in just the way it is after I worked so hard to re do the cabinet. I was going to purchase real tin tiles, but too much money and then the textured wall paper came to mind!! I am curious have you tried to give yours a distressed look yet?? That's what I want to do and would love your opinion on how you would do it.

    1. Hello! It's funny you would find my blog at this time...I actually just worked my trying to distress my backsplash last weekend! I thought I had ruined it. I first used a tiny bit of Old English scratch cover,,,didn't like it. Then I tried lightly sponging on a rust colored craft paint....nope. It looked dull and dirty. I wound up repainting the spot back with the silver paint. i think i will leave it alone now :) I think your cabinet will look great with this on it! Good luck and let me know how it turns out!

  16. That looks pretty awesome :)
    I was just wondering how it holds up to water, steam and grease if its behind a sink and stove? I should probably use the real tin/plastic stuff but I too am too cheap lol any suggestions?

    1. Hi Krystin! Actually, it has held up really well! I don't remember how many coats I used but the more you use, the more it is resistant to moisture and grease and you can just keep it wiped off with a damp cloth. I have had this on my back splash for nearly two years now and it still looks great. It won't last forever but I think by coating it with clear polyurethane, either spray or brush, it would even add to the durability. Thanks for the visit and I hope if you try it, you will let me know how it turns out!

  17. Gorgeous! The backsplash totally transformed your kitchen. Thanks for sharing this beautiful and creative idea with Roses of Inspiration! Hugs to you!

  18. I love the look of the punched tin as well! It would also make a pretty ceiling! :) Thank you for sharing the great idea :)

  19. That looks fantastic!

    I just did this with the sheets you can buy. (Got mine at Home Depot.) Your idea looks easier and just as metallic!

  20. What do you use to paste to the wall? Just wallpaper paste. Looks great

  21. I love the look. I own one of those panels from Lowes, but I have a copper one. I figure by the time we get to that job, it'll be outdated, anyway! Your wallpaper sounds like a more economical way to go, plus you can customize it to your liking. It looks like you did this in 2013? How has it held up for you?

    1. Patti, it has held up great! Back when I painted my kitchen cabinets (several months ago) I sponged a few patina effects with a few tones of darker grays and silver...just here and there to make it look like old tin..I thought the bright silver looked too new and didn't show the texture of the embossed pattern enough. I then went over the whole back splash with clear poly to seal it and give it more depth. It looks much better but all in all, the wallpaper has really held up!

  22. Love it!! I live in a small apartment so would need something removable. I wonder if there's a way to tack it up or would that leave it too loose? I'm unemployed at the moment so have time but need to be cheap too lol.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you, Noni! I would imagine that the wallpaper would be able to be stripped off pretty easily. It might work to tack it up but a stapler or staple gun might work better. Let me know how it goes if you decide to do this! Have a good weekend!

  23. I have gone back & forth with wanting to do tin backsplash but the cost was just way too much. This is a really great idea & I think I just may try it!!!!

  24. I can't believe how great that looks, and you sure can't beat the price! Would you mind if I included one of your photos with a link back to this post in an article about DIY backsplashes I'm writing for an RV makeover blog I'm starting?

  25. Hmm, I see this was written quite awhile ago, hope you're still here. I loved this idea - have been wanting a tin backsplash but couldn't afford the real thing. What I'd really like is white tin that looks antique so may try just brushing some grey or brown on the white to make it look worn. Can I ask where you found the wallpaper?

    1. Geanie...I hope you check back here to read my reply...I don't know how else to answer the question you had since you are a noreply blogger. I bought the wallpaper at Lowe's several years ago. If they don't have it in the store you can order it or I think you can get the textured paintable wallpaper on Amazon. Good luck with your project!

  26. What a fantastic idea, Debby! One of these days I need to take some time and go through your archives.

  27. Hi Debby, I love the backsplash. Live others who have replied, I've been thinking about a tin backsplash but also have considered the paintable wallpaper. How has it stood the test of time. I noticed your original post was in 2013.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.