Friday, August 2, 2013

Against a Carolina Sky

What is one of my favorite things about living in the south in the summertime?
The fact that crepe myrtles are almost everywhere you look.

You don't see them in Ohio, where I come from.
I'll never forget the first time I saw them.

We lived in Kentucky (I never saw them there either) and we went to visit friends in Georgia.
They were everywhere, of course. I was mesmerized by their beauty.

It was autumn when we moved to North Carolina in 1992.
You can imagine my joy when summer came...and crepe myrtles were EVERYWHERE!

Don't you just love them too? 

O LORD, how manifold are your works! 
In wisdom has thou made them all: the earth is full of your riches.
Psalm 104:24 

I hope you have a week overflowing with blessings!


  1. I do love them! I've never even visited the South, so it was really special seeing some of the beautiful blossoms of summer. Your photos are so very lovely.


    (p.s. I don't think I've mentioned it, but I grew up with a dachshund, too - his name was Bo. Currently, the only dog in the family is my grandbeagle, Marty, who teaches me a lot about God!)

    1. Sharon,

      Thanks so much for your sweet comments. I have never been out west to see the sights out there...hopefully someday! What would we do without our furry relatives???


  2. Hi Debby,
    So nice to meet you hear in blogland, and I too, am captivated by crepe myrtle as well.
    These were such strikingly beautiful pictures, and it was neat to see you live in North Carolina, My daughter and her hubby are about to move to Asheville. N.C., the end of this month. I am a believer as well, so am captivated by the Lord as well..............
    Hope to visit with you again,
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Hi Nellie! Thanks for your sweet comments! we love it here in NC...right between the mountains and the beach! My hubby's sis used to live in Ashville. So nice of you to stop by my blog! Have a blessed weekend!


  3. Hi Deby,
    I think those flowers were amazing! I have never seen them before. I live in such a dry climate we have a very hard time growing flowers. But I will never give up trying :)
    So enjoying your post! It has been fly haven around here and it is getting worst darn (skeeeters)!!
    I think we need to go for a swim my grandsons are getting antsy!
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Hi Roxy...I know what you mean about the skeeters....they are HORRIBLE here in NC. The crepe myrtles are actually small trees and come in several colors....white, hot pink, pale pink, red, and lavender...maybe more. They are everywhere you look...just gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by!

      Have a blessed weekend!

  4. Truly gorgeous! The flowers are so pretty and the pink is divine :) HPS!
    Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  5. Thank you, Pernilla... you came a long way! So glad you came for a visit! Would love to visit there someday!

    Have a fantastic weekend!


    1. Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by!


  7. Beautiful!!! I am from up North and just recently moved down South.. I understand completely!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Cat @ Gypsea Nurse

  8. Hello glad you are able to enjoy them now too!



  9. We were just in North Carolina for the first time in July. We were having our first dinner on the patio of a restaurant in Charlotte when I saw these lovely flowering trees. I asked the waitress what they were and she said "I think they are Crepe Myrtle." After that I saw them everywhere. They are so lovely. I grew up in Kentucky and had never seen a Crepe Myrtle and of course they don't grow in Arizona. I was amazed at the variety of colors also.

    Happy Pink Saturday

    1. Pam,

      Well I am certainly glad you were able to catch them in bloom! I lived in Mt. Sterling, KY for 11 years from '81-'92. Are you from anywhere close to it? Kentucky is a beautiful state and both of my boys grew up there. I have never been to Arizona or anywhere farther west than Dallas, TX. Thanks for visiting my blog and your comment.

      Have a blessed weekend!

  10. Hi Debby! Thank you so much for visiting my Historic Illinois Homes post and for leaving a comment. It's always so nice to meet another Victorian Wanna Be!
    Yes, I love Crepe Myrtle too! We visited Memphis a couple of Summer's ago and I noticed all the Crepe Myrtle trees there, so when I returned here to Missouri I tried to get some of those trees and was told they would not do well here so I settled with the Crepe Myrtle bushes. Pretty but not as pretty as the trees.
    Thanks for sharing such beauty with the flowers and the Bible verse.
    Have a great weekend,

    1. Hi Gina!
      Thanks for coming to see me and for your sweet comments! I love the name of your blog. I am torn between a Victorian and a country girl! Does that make any sense?? How about I furnish my fantasy farmhouse with rich, Victorian antiques while the chickens and goats run about in the yard as I sit and catch up on Downton Abbey episodes :)

  11. They look overjoyed to be blooming. Beautiful.

  12. My SIL tells me they grow so beautifully in his home state of Louisiana. I don't see them here in Kansas so much. They are so brilliant in color.

    1. Ann, yes they do grow throughout the south...I've seen them in Louisiana also...never been to Kansas! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

      Have a blessed weekend,


  13. Hi Debby! I love crepe myrtles too. We see them everywhere here in Texas. I have several in my yard and love all the different colors they come in. It helps that they're a native shrub/tree, so they don't need a lot of attention. :) We really appreciate a good drought tolerant plant here. :) Beautiful pics!!

  14. Thank Lisa!
    Have a blessed week :)

  15. Wonderful flowers against a perfectly blue sky. A nice way to begin a week!

  16. Thank you! Hope your week is blessed!

  17. Hi Debby! I was visiting Dwellings party and since I too live in NC I couldn't resist your title! I live in Raleigh and wonder if you do as well? Your photos of Crepe Myrtles are beautiful! I saw a post last week where someone had picked up the blossoms from the ground where they has fallen and filled a bowl with them. Gorgeous!

    Loving Jesus in Raleigh,
    Linda at The French Hens Nest

    1. Hi Jeannie & Linda! More Carolina girls...yay! I live in Mebane which is only about 45 minutes east...near Burlington. I have a dear friend, Latan Murphy who lives in Raleigh...she is a Christian speaker and writer...maybe you have heard of her? So glad you stopped by my blog! And I think I saw those crepe myrtles in the bowl too. I just love them.

      Have a blessed Monday!

  18. I love Crepe Myrtle trees. I miss the one we had planted in our front yard in California. It was so beautiful during blooming season. Even in the fall, if we had a crisp night, some of the leaves would turn orange.
    Thanks for the memories.

  19. So glad I helped stir up a good memory!

    Have a great week :)

  20. Gorgeous photos, Debby! I haven't taken any pictures of my Crape Myrtle yet - they look marvelous against the sky! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  21. Thank you, Kathy!

    Yes, they are gorgeous blooms for sure. Thanks for visiting and hosting party!


  22. Living in NC too, I know what you mean...they are beautiful trees with beautiful blooms! Gorgeous in the winter also, the trunks are beautiful!
    Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

    1. we were returning from our cabin in Va today...I noticed that you will see them in Mt. Airy and then into Cana,VA but when you go up the mountain to Fancy Gap, there are none. I guess it is too cold for them up there! They are lovely, for sure :)

      Have a blessed weekend :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.