Friday, August 23, 2013

Repurposed "Country Girl" Apron

Hey ya'll...I'm back with another apron I made from repurposed textiles!

Here's a little riddle for you:

What do you get when you combine a jeans skirt from Goodwill...
...a red bandana from the Dollar General...gotta love Dollar General...
...and some remnants of John Deere fabric?

You get a really cute apron that screams that familiar song...

Back in the spring, before I started this blog, I made several aprons
for door prizes for our apron-themed Mother/Daughter Banquet at my church.
This was one of  them so since I wasn't blogging at the time,
I don't have a step-by-step tutorial for you.
I will explain the best way I can but I just know that all of you talented seamstresses
 out there can figure it out!

I started out by cutting the skirt (it was a short one) in half.
I used the back of the skirt since I liked it that the pockets were already there.
I am saving the front of the skirt for another has a zippered fly and I think that will be cute.
I have some darling farm print pillow cases (from Goodwill of course) to add to it.

Oh well...another apron for another post :)

Next, I cut a bib, neck loop and ruffle from the John Deere fabric.
I also cut a triangle from the red hankie to add to mimic the look of a "neckerchief".

Cut double thickness of fabric for bib and stitch the triangle onto what will be the front.
 For the neck loop, you will need a piece about 5" by 18-20"...fold in half lengthwise and stitch, turn and press flat. Next, with right sides together, sew bib together including neck strap in the seam, leaving the bottom you're making a pillow. Turn, and press flat. Finish the raw edge with zigzag stitch or seam binding and then sew it to the waistband of the skirt.

I cut a very long piece of fabric for the ruffle and machine stitched one edge for the hem.
If you have a ruffler attachment for your machine, now would be a great time to use it!
If not, pleat or gather it by hand. I found some red seam binding in my sewing basket that worked perfectly to trim the skirt where it had been cut to hide raw edges.
I then finished off the ruffled edge with a zigzag stitch and sewed the ruffle to the skirt.

Finally, I used the rest of the bandana as a belt and threaded it through the belt loops.
I added extra lengths of what remained for the ties.

And there you have it!

Now... like a Deere down to the Goodwill for some linens or clothing to repurpose!  


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  1. Debby, I so love this idea!! My little inspiration is just flowing. Our should I say you got my tractor out of it's rut. Way cute!!
    I saved the picture to my folder of great ideas.
    Thanks, and have a good week-end.
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Thanks, Roxy...I'm so glad I inspired you! Blessings for a great weekend :)


  2. You are so smart!! The apron is so cute....but not as cute as you....:)))) You are always inspiring!!! Have a great weekend!!

    1. Awww...thanks, Lisa. I can actually picture you wearing it :)

  3. That is the cutest apron ever. I can't wait to see the one you make from the front of the skirt. When I was little (I'm old now LOL) my mother made a half dozen aprons for Grandma using material left over from little dresses she'd made my sister and me. No one could ever understand why Grandma never used those aprons. After Grandpa died the family moved Grandma closer to them and they found those 6 aprons wrapped in tissue paper in a box in her bedroom. She was asked why she never used them and she told them they were so pretty she didn't want to spoil them. So sweet, but I say use those repurposed aprons and the lovingly made quilts. Use them and love them to pieces. Your pictures are wonderful and instructions easy to follow. Thank you.

    1. Oh...I just love that apron story! I would give anything to have one of my mom's aprons she had made. They are floating around the family somewhere. Thanks so much for your sweet glad you thought my directions weren't too complicated :) Have a great weekend!

  4. The technicals of the work just lose me, for I have no "hand talents" whatsoever, but the charm and clever of the apron---those are phenomenal! An eye which can see the possibilities---that's a rare gift, and your eye is true.

    This is simply charming, and so sweet, besides. When we were called back home the year after my Mother died, and Daddy was selling the house, he said come get any and everything we'd like to keep. I took two boxes into the kitchen and upended two drawers right into the box---my Mother's Recipe Drawer, and her Apron Drawer. Both are lovely keepsakes in my Memory Trove.


    1. Rachel,

      Thank you so much for the very kind comments! And how blessed you are to have been able to get those recipes and aprons! What is it about aprons anyway? I have such sweet memories of them as well. I wrote about them on my other blog and am sharing the link if you are interested in reading it.

      Thanks again for stopping by! Have blessed weekend :)

    2. Rachel...sorry the link up didn't work. If you want to read it on other blog you can get to it on my profile page :)

  5. Oh my how cute is this. Love it. You are so creative. Thanks for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  6. That is so cute and I especially love the way you incorporated those pockets!

  7. Love it! My mom made me an apron from an old pair of jeans years ago. I'm so going to try what you've done here.

    1. Aw...thanks Dayle...I can picture you wearing one of these! Of course with your cowboy hat AND boots! Just to let you know, after my little "emergency" yesterday, I actually re-wrote this post. When I linked up to the first party with this new one, I found that the original is still out there too. You know how the linky will remember the info after you put it in the first time? When clicked on it to check if it was working, the original popped up! This is the strangest thing...

      I'm anxious to see that apron when it's done!

  8. Absolutely adorable, Debby Ray! (The link you put on my blog party didn't work, but I found the post. Too darned cute!)

  9. I'm glad you were able to find it. Somehow the link got transposed into another one when I was linking actually got linked into the railroad track post. I had to delete the original apron post and re-write the whole thing! I was so frustrated but it's all good now. Glad you liked the apron :)

  10. Too cute! Thanks for stopping by DIY Vintage Chic’s Friday’s Five Features and Fun Festivities. Don’t forget to stop back by this Friday!

  11. What a fun and clever idea! These aprons are SO cute! If I ever find time to sew, I will try making something similar. Thanks for sharing!


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