Saturday, September 14, 2013

I'd rather have Jesus...

“If you give your soul up to anything earthly, whether it be the wealth, or the honours, or the pleasures of this world, you might as well hunt after the mirage of the desert or try to collect the mists of the morning, or to store up for yourself the clouds of the sky, for all these things are passing away.”

~Charles H. Spurgeon

Click on the video for one of my favorite songs, "I'd Rather Have Jesus"

I pray you are bestowed with a wealth of the Lord's riches this week!


  1. I love that verse, Debby. I actually have the chorus on the bottom of my blog - just so I remember that nothing I could ever want, or ever want to achieve in this life, can compare to the incomparable riches of knowing Jesus.

    I really, really liked your photo. A good reminder that the things of this earth can *rust* away - and all that matters is the treasure we lay up in Heaven.


    1. Thank you Sharon,

      There is an old mountain man near our cabin in Fancy Gap, VA that has a line of these old rusted out vehicles right off the road. Every time I went by them I wanted so badly to take pics...I finally got to and the first thing that came to mind was that these used to be someone's brand new treasures...and now look at them.

      Have a great week!

  2. Your post rings a song in my mind and heart, "That I rather have Jesus than world's treasure..." Love your post!

    1. He is the only thing that really matters! Thanks for visiting me :)

  3. They sure do fade away, Debby. I pray daily for a mind that is turned toward heavenly treasure.

    1. Same here, Alison...we take nothing material with us with us when we die, do we?

  4. Many, many years ago... May of 1966... shortly after I had come to the Lord, on a Sunday evening, I sang this song. Jim Reeves had been singing it on radio, and he was one of my favorite singers, and the words in this touched me big time. I was 20, turning 21 in July, and had been raised in poverty, abuse, and was one of the angriest kids in those days. And then the Lord broke in and my whole life began to change. That song was very truthful...and still is. I love it.

    You grabbed my heart!! Thank you.

    1. Oh, Caryjo...YOU have blessed MY heart with your beautiful testimony! Here's the thing that would have made it even better...when I was searching Youtube for a video, the one of Jim Reeves actually came up and even though as a kid, I listened to him and loved his voice, I thought no one else would know who he was! I should have gone with my first instinct! It is such a wonderful song and I am so glad I was inspired by God to share it...if for no one else but you!


  5. What a lovely blog, you've got. I'm here for the first time, and I am now a new follower through GFC. Hope that you will sometime visit my blog - would be wonderful. Have a wonderful day ...

  6. Hello Helle,

    Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming my newest follower! I just visited your sweet blog too and of course translated it into English! Beautiful photos of some lovely fruits and vegetables and very darling and unique craft items too! I didn't see what country you were in though. I'm now following you too!


  7. I haven't heard that song in years, yet the words came right back to me! Love that old car too!

  8. Anita,

    It certainly is a great old song isn't it? This old car is only one of about a half a dozen all lined up in a group....some of them even older than this. I just loved the color of this one.

  9. Dear Debby,
    I also agree from my very depths of my breath! Jesus is my everything! I hope your doing well and enjoying this season. I think your lettuce post was so good! My chickens are not to happy about it LOL
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. What do we have if we don't have Jesus, right? So, must have tried the lettuce thing? If it works as well for you as it does for me, well....sorry chickies :(

  10. Beautiful song, just beautiful! Have a great weekend!

  11. Debby,
    Beautiful Post!
    I've nominated you for a Leibster award for bloggers! Check out my post to read about it! Congrats on your blog! Keep up the great work!-aimee

  12. Hi Debby!! Love these wise words. Congrats on your liebster award!! I look forward to your future posts!

  13. We all need Jesus in our lives. He is the perfect example of love and compassion. So thankful that he helps to guide me in my life! Thanks for sharing with SYC. Now following.

    1. Yes we do, Jann...don't know what I'd do without Him. Thanks for following :)


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