Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nobody's Home

I'm re-posting this from my archives today and sharing with Roses of Inspiration.

A couple of weeks ago, as I was out for a drive in the country, I noticed this empty house. There was just something about it that grabbed my attention the moment I saw it. There wasn't any place to pull off and the road didn't have much traffic. I made sure no one was coming behind me, stopped in my lane of the road, snapped a couple of pictures and went on my way.

After I returned home, I uploaded my photos on to my laptop like I always do and started to edit them. When I got to this one, I immediately began wondering why this lovely house was sitting quick glance will tell you that nobody lived there and evidently hadn't for quite some time.

As I sat there, it dawned on me...when a home becomes empty, it's just a house. And then I got to thinking, isn't that kind of like what our lives are like before we give our hearts to Christ? Or maybe we accepted Him once and due to a situation or circumstances lost our faith and rejected Him. It's sad to say that there are many people who are alive physically—they walk, talk, breathe, speak, eat—but they seem dead inside. Do you know anyone like that? Most of us have encountered them at one time or another...sometimes daily. It might be that clerk who checked you out at the grocery store or the the young man who handed your food to you at the drive-thru window at McDonald's. It could be a friend or a co-worker you have known for many years. It might even be a member of your church that you see every week. What about a beloved family member? They may feel so hopeless—like they are just existing—with no joy to be found in them. It's like the empty seems nobody's home.

Then one day, praise be to God, through divine intervention, Jesus passed by and He was invited in! My, how things have changed...and nothing will ever be the same again!

Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. 
Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.     
Ephesians 3:17

Once we make the decision to put our faith in Christ, He dwells in our hearts...He makes it His home. Keeping this faith alive is something that we need to work on daily—through prayer, spending time in His word and keeping a close relationship with a body of believers. After all, we want Him to move in permanently, don't we?

Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, 
I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
 Revelation 3:20 

This is a beautiful song that I first heard years ago at a Women of Faith Conference.
It is also my prayer...everyday.

May you be at home with Jesus this week!


  1. Debby, That was beautiful; not only the picture, but the sentiment. Thank you for that post. Have a blessed weekend.

  2. Hi Debby.

    I love your picture and I love your thoughts about it. Thank you for sharing both with us.

    Visiting via Deidra's Sunday Community.

    God Bless and have a great Sunday.

    ~ Cassandra from Renaissance Women

    1. Cassandra,

      Thank you for your sweet comment and for visiting me! I hope you have a blessed Sunday!


  3. Hi Debby! Thank you for visiting me today, and joining me too. It made my Sunday happier!

    I know what you mean about empty houses...I often wonder what the history of abandoned houses are, and what joy it must have provided it's first inhabitants. But we are like that too, as you pointed out. If we don't know the Lord, we are missing something inside. (Sort of like the missing 'new guy') I should have life within me. Hopefully, I will present a house full of light and movement in the world.

    Good to see you today :)

    1. Thank you, Ceil! That would be my prater as well. Have a great week!

    2. That would be "prayer" as well :)

  4. Ah, that empty house analogy resonated with me! So glad that now there's Someone home! Lovely post.

  5. Such a meaningful reflection that you've shared.

  6. This is just beautiful! May my heart be a home - today. Always. His Home. I am visiting from Sharing His Beauty & am grateful that you were just before me :)

    1. Thank you for dropping by and for your sweet comments. Have a blessed week!


  7. I loved the photo (though it was a bit sad) - and I really loved the lesson that you gained from it. Lately I've been feeling quite *empty* - and overwhelmed by the *weeds* of life that have creeped into my heart. But, I have also been so very aware of the Presence of the Lord living within me. I might be a bit down-trodden right now, but I am never alone - and certainly alive in Him!


    1. Sharon, bless your heart. I so enjoy reading your encouraging posts. Yes, the empty house made me sad too...I would love to swoop it up and fill it with love and life! Sometimes my life seems so full of weeds too and I wonder if it's possible to even find a nice flower anywhere. As long as we can continue to feel His presence, I think we'll be OK. God bless you, friend :)

  8. Hi Debby! Love this post of yours. I will never be able to pass by an old, vacant farm house without remembering your words about being vacant inside. Came by way of Lisa Tuckers, you know, the lady with the bald chickens.

    1. Hello Tete,

      Lisa is a hoot! I am so glad you stopped by!

  9. Dear Debby, Great Words! I love this!! I did Pin that picture! I want that picture so bad, it was funny how it was crying out for someone to love it. Your such a sweetie, love your heart!
    Always, Roxy

    1. Roxy, thank you so much for always posting such encouraging comments. I do appreciate them!


  10. What a beautiful words ! Love how you put it. It's really touching my heart. What a wonderful life we have after we give our heart to Jesus. Full of Joy and hope indeed despite the circumstances we live in. have a blessed week !


    1. Amen...and thanks so much for the sweet comments!

  11. What a great post...I wonder the same thing when I see places like that too. So beautiful and a bit sad too. And forever grateful Christ is at home in my heart.

  12. Such a moving post, Debby. I'm so grateful to know the Lord, to have Him abiding in my heart and in my home.

  13. Not only do you have an eye for photography, you have a way with words. So beautifully written and I felt each and every word. Such a blessing you have given all of us.. thank you!

    1. Kadee,

      Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. My purpose was served if it blessed your heart :)
      Have a great rest of the week!


  14. Lovely post! I found you at "Share Your Cup". I am your newest follower. Would love it if you stopped by and joined me :)

    1. Hello, Sarah!

      Thank you and also for following!


  15. Lovely post! Very true too! The picture is great, it is sad that this house sits unloved now. What fun it would be to make this house a home again!

    1. Thank you, Melanie... I feel the same way. I love the look of the could certainly be turned into a wonderful home with some TLC. Glad you stopped by.

  16. Debby, what a beautiful post! Can you imagine how lovely that home could be if someone brought it back to life? so it is with those who feel lost and unloved. They come to life and a light literally shines in their eyes when they find love through our savior. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Thank you Jann...I feel the same way. It's really a lovely house and I would LOVE to bring it back to life! I hope some family that needs anew home will be led to it to do just that :)

  17. Very nice read this morning. Thanks, Debby!

    1. Hey Polly! Fancy meeting you here! Thank you for stopping by :)

  18. We are empty vessels until He fools us with His love. I live in the country and it is so sad to see houses sitting empty. They could be used and become the perfect dwelling place for a family :0)

  19. This was such a wonderful and enjoyable post to read while I sipped on my morning coffee. How I love visiting you, dear Debby. Thank you so much for sharing with Roses of Inspiration - I am blessed to have you join the party. Hugs!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.