Saturday, November 9, 2013

Just Making Do

The other morning while getting ready for work, it dawned on me. I realized as I was getting dressed, that I was basically being held together by safety pins! The slacks that I had decided to wear had a missing button and the last time I had worn them, I pinned the waistband in a hurry instead of sewing on the button. I had to find it first, right? Hastily, I had washed them, put them away in my closet and found them just the way I had left them, safety pin and all. Also, the sleeveless top I had picked out to wear underneath my sweater had safety pins attached on each shoulder. Now, there is a very good reason for this. The top has a tendency to fall down too low in the front and well, I don't like showing pin it to my bra, OK? There you have it. True confession time. So basically, I guess you could say that I was depending on those safety pins to hold it all together—a quick fix, so to speak. This situation got me to thinking just how often I do things in haste instead of doing them the right way. To say the least, I'd be totally embarrassed and humiliated if I was in an accident or suddenly gotten ill and had to be rushed to the hospital. On any given day, they may have to use the Jaws of Life to cut through all of that metal to get my clothes off!

Seriously, I realized that neglecting to do something as simple as sewing on a button or running a seam or two was also a sign of laziness. Laziness? Or maybe it's a lack of character on my part—just getting by—just making do. Do any of you ever have those times when you are just doing enough to get by? The holy spirit has been convicting me of this lately and He used a few safety pins to speak to me. Safety pins. If I'm not careful, this type of attitude can get out of hand seep into bigger, more important areas of my life. I have to admit that sometimes it does.

Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
Proverbs 10:4

I feel like there is an another aspect to the issue and that would be the fact that I was keeping something hidden. You see, I would never wear those safety pins on the outside. Of course not! But as long as I can keep anyone from seeing them, I'm good. Can I get a witness? Hidden things many times are equal to not-so-good things, right? Now don't get me wrong...we all need to use a temporary fix at times. Those little safety pins sure come in handy when we need them and I am only using them as an example.

For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, 
and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open.
Mark 4:22

Sometimes God chooses to use the most unusual things to speak to us, doesn't He?
Is God using something unusual to speak to you?
I would love to hear about it :)

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. 
It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Colossians 3:23-24

Have a blessed weekend!


  1. Thanks for sharing this. Yes,unfortunately,I have to confess to 'making do' in some areas of my life.Having said that,I will now go get the vacuum cleaner going and clean my floors.

    1. Ruth, could you do me a favor? Could you please come vacuum mine when you are finished with yours? :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Great post my friend! And yes HE gets my attention all the time with the simplest things. And that's just the times that my eyes are open and ready to see....can you imagine the number of times that HE has tried to show me things when I was not looking? Lately I've been introduced to new friends in my life and I'm having a hard time with my self esteem..I'm feeling fat and boring and not as fabulous as they are........but today I felt like the Lord is telling's not always about you.....let them shine and you applaud them. So I know exactly what you are talking about. I can always count on you to make me and hugs!

    1. Oh...sweet Lisa. I have to say I have noticed this in your posts lately...about the self-esteem thing. Please never let anyone, skinny or thin, make you feel inferior. You are way thinner than I am from what I see and anyway, that's not what this is about. You are a lovely soul, inside and out and I love you although we have never met. I can understand your position but your Father made you to be who you are and nobody else. Take good care of Lisa and have a wonderful Sunday :)

  3. A great post, Debby. God speaks to whomever is listening, and he works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.

    1. Thank you, Gayle...yes He does and I am so grateful for it :)

  4. Oh, I love this, Debby. You quoted some of my favorite verses, too. Great thoughts to live by.

    1. Thanks, let's see how well I live by them :)

  5. What a fun post--with a thought-provoking message. Thank you!

  6. So true, such a lovely post Debby! Love these verses...

  7. I so get this. Thanks for putting it into words.
    Visiting from Deidra's today . . .

  8. Life has been so overwhelmingly busy lately that I feel I am just getting by in most areas. My house is a mess, I haven't folded laundry in weeks, my desk at work is sloppy. Thank you for this post and for allowing the Holy Spirit to gently convict me about my laziness. Thanks for linking up to The Weekend Brew.

    1. Barbie, do you know how much better I feel knowing someone else is in this boat with me? If the truth were told, I bet we would have lots of company in our boat :) Thank you for your honesty :)

  9. Hello, Wonderful.... Safety pins Oh My Gosh. Send your items to me I will fix them all up in a jiffy. Really good analogy. Also the sweet little socks all fluffy. You're so much fun to stop in and get some cheer!
    Blessings to YOU! Roxy

    1. First of all, I love your new photo :) Go ahead...just ask me how many safety pins I'm wearing today...3!!! Thank you for your sweet comments...they always make my day!

  10. Fabulous quotes and such a wonderful post. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, marty

  11. Your post is so honest and pure that I am going to confess. I have a blog, link up with blog parties and have an Etsy shop. Those things require a lot of networking, encouragement, notes, replies, feedback, etc. I try to be my nicest most encouraging when doing those. On the other side I am part of a Christian Facebook page for prayer requests and a lot of time there is a lot of whining going on. Sometimes I just can't find anything nice to say so I don't say anything at all! After leaving a very encouraging note to a fellow blogger I heard a tiny voice say "you should be that nice to your sisters in Christ" ZING!!! I am working on it!! Great post!

    1. AnnMarie, here's what I am thinking...#1. If you're like me, a lot of your blogging friends are Christians as well, so they are your sisters in Christ too. #2. You are doing what your mother always said to do..."if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"...good girl...#3. We ALL have areas that we need to work on and it will always be that way until Jesus comes back...thank God for His wonderful grace and mercy! Thanks so much for stopping by and for your honesty!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. You've given me something to think about as I sew. ~grin~
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  14. I think we've all done that from time to time - actually placing priority on one thing over another - thinking we don't have time to do the simple necessary tasks - I love your application. I am delighted that you shared with A Return to Loveliness,

    1. My priorities certainly need adjustments most of the time :(

  15. Hi Debby,
    This is beautifully written. I think we are all guilty at times of taking shortcuts. Even when it comes to prayer. I get that check from the Holy Spirit often, but I'm very happy that it do. It reminds me to take the time I need to be close to God and also to listen to him when he speaks. Thank you so much for the reminder.

    Thanks so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link party.
    Debi and Charly at Adorned From Above

    1. Thank you so much for your kind never fails to amaze me what he will use to remind me of what I need to be doing...or NOT doing :) Thanks for hosting and allowing us to share.

  16. Such a great post and a good reminder of how just 'making do' doesn't cut it. Isn't it funny how just the simplest things in life can teach us amazing lessons? Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. It certainly is, Jann...thank YOU for hosting :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.