Friday, November 22, 2013

Once upon a frosty morn...

Here in central North Carolina, we don't get much snow...
...however, we get our share of frost on those brisk, clear mornings of late fall.

It looks a lot like snow, don't you think?
Maybe just a little bit?

The bales of hay looked like giant cinnamon rolls covered in sugary icing.

I found this poem that pretty much says it all. 

"Frosty Morning"
~by Rachel Heffington

I've heard that in the halls of old
They plated everything with gold—
The chandeliers, the pillars, floors
With spoils from their latest wars.

Yet all this splendor cannot be
As rich as what is given me.

For every night as soft we sleep
Out in the dark, and midnight deep
A beauteous miracle is done
Before the waking of the sun;

 And if I wake just at the dawn
I catch a glimpse of what went on:

Each leaf is clad in crystal cloak,
The grass glimmers in fairy smoke.
The rudest bramble, tinged with rust
Is sprinkled well with diamond-dust.

The thorn, the tree, the hidden flower
Are glittering with silver shower
And things that never caught my eye
Are regal in their shimmering dye.
This miracle is but for those
Who early from their beds arose
And I can say I'm wealthy quite:
My world is gilded every night!

Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty.
    His righteousness never fails.
Psalms 111:3 ~ NLT


  1. Hi Debby! What gorgeous photos, and such a perfect poem too! How do you find such applicable words to what you are expressing? You have done such a beautiful job here.
    And God's work in nature is better than gold, that's for sure. I admire it over any jewelry, and believe me, I like my jewelry! But what God creates has no equal.
    Have a wonderful weekend :)

    1. Thank you, Ceil! I knew there had to be poems on the internet about frost...I was right there are many...not be confused with many other poems by Robert!! I actually found a poem that described the frost covered hay bales as big cakes with frosting! I didn't like the rest of it as much so i didn't use it :) You are right...God's jewelry is the best! Blessings for a great weekend and Thanksgiving too!

  2. Beautiful my friend....but my favorite was your description of the hay bales. Have a great weekend!

    1. Lisa, Lisa, are a hoot! Thank you, sweet friend :)

  3. Oh,oh! I love these frosty scenes. Such intricate designs,formed by the Master Artist.

    1. Thank you , Ruth...the Master Artist, indeed :)

  4. So beautiful...I love the way you have presented these amazing photos with the ragged edges. Thanks for sharing them with us.


    Your photos were beautiful - and I just loved the poem. Yes! God creates the most amazing landscapes of beauty, doesn't He?! Today I am sitting in my robe and slippers, and watching the prettiest and most peaceful snowfall. The trees are covered with white *furcoats* - and the sky keeps dropping its pearly flakes...

    And it is so quiet outside.

    Sigh - how I love my Creator!


    1. Well Sharon, it sounds like you are literally RESTING today :) Oh, that snowfall sounds just heavenly...I am so jealous! My gown and fuzzy socks is my outfit of choice :) Isn't it amazing that it gets quieter during a snowfall and that you can actually hear the flakes landing? I LOVE SNOW! I WANT SNOW! I will trade you some of your snow for some of my note cards :) Have a wonderful snowy weekend!

  6. Debby, absolutely beautiful post--love the photos, poem, and verse--everything fit together perfectly. So glad I came over.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Elizabeth...I'm glad you came too!

  7. Simply gorgeous! I love a frosty morning. Wish we had more of them here in my little woods.

    1. Thanks, Dayle...I have to go out looking for it most of the time since we are pretty sheltered under all of the trees

  8. Great images and it looks like a fairly heavy frost. I like the perspective with the hay bales.

    1. Thank you, Susan, it was...almost looked like snow in some places.

  9. Hi Debby.

    I think this poem is perfect for your pictures and I love the frosty touches in the garden...but I could do without the snow except for Christmas time.
    Hugs, Lynnie

  10. The poem is beautiful, as are your photos!

  11. Beautiful photos Debby Ray. Love everyone of them.
    Thanks for braving the cold to get them and sharing with us.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  12. I dearly love a frosty morning at dawn! So lovely.

  13. Enjoyed this post ever so much... photos, that wonderful poet and Psalms of course!

  14. Beautiful photos!!! Just grabbed my heart. Would love to see them and be there. Thank you so much for the sweet and blessed way you put the pieces together.

    1. Aww, Caryjo...thank you for your kind comments, sweet lady!

    2. Well, you just blessed me. Thank you. I need my heart filled with encouragement. and you just DID IT!!! Bless YOU!!.

  15. Debby, these pictures are beautiful! I loved the poem also. My sil lived in N.C. for a few years. She told me about the ice. We don't get it quite like this. . .gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Thanks, Jann..we are having yucky,cold rain here today...on the verge of freezing :( Thanks for hosting!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Debby,
    Your pictures are amazing. Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing with Wednesday's Adorned From Above Link Party. Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.