Wednesday, January 29, 2014



So....the came and went, only leaving about 1-2 inches in my neighborhood. 
Yes, a little, but still enjoying the beauty of short-lived as it will be. 

Winter is not over yet but I am sure my family up north and some of you bloggy friends 
are more than just over it, already!

Being raised in Ohio, snow was something that I looked forward to every winter.
  Here are a couple of old photos from my childhood home back in Ohio. sweet mom...

What is that they say? We always seem to want what we don't have?
Yeah...that's me sometimes.
The inner child that lives within me (I pray she never moves out)... 
...still hopes for a snowfall or two every winter. 

OK, so we only got about 1-2 inches.
The quiet beauty of it still nearly takes my breath away.

Thank you, Jesus :)


  1. You have some lovely pictures here. I do get tired of winter,but still enjoy the beauty I see all around me.

  2. These are beautiful photos Debby. I love the last one. It looks so sparkly. And yes, we are so done with winter up here. LOL Have a nice evening. Pamela

    1. Thank you, Pamela...I couldn't resist adding a few bokeh sparkles :) Spring is on the horizon!

  3. I have to agree that snow can be very beautiful.. Sometimes I marvel at nature's wonderful details. A new snow storm is always so clean and breath-taking. What I hate is when the snow is now covered with dirt and exhaust. I'm looking forward to some new, clean snow this week!

    1. Oh, I'm right there with you...that nasty, dirty stuff is UGLY :(

  4. I enjoy just enough snow for a couple nice photos for the scrapbook. Looks like you got the perfect amount to me. :)

    1. I wouldn't have minded a few more inches. In the late '90's, we had about 20"...really a fluke. Most years, we are lucky to just get one pretty one :)

  5. It's beautiful reading your thoughts about snow - so sweet and fresh. I don't like snow, but you almost make me change my mind. ;-)

  6. The cardinal is such a vivid contrast to the snow. Your photos from Ohio look similar to what we are seeing here.

  7. I was also raised in Ohio, now living in KY. I think we've had it pretty bad here, but up north has had a terrible hit this year. Nice photos!

    1. Cindy, what part of Ohio did you live? I was raised about 20 miles north of Dayton in the little bitty town of Medway...ever heard of it? I also lived in KY for 11 years...Mt.Sterling...before moving to NC. Are you anywhere close? I think it a bout 30 miles east of Lexington. Yes, the north has really had it rough!

  8. Enjoying your photos. No snow here in this part of Texas, but I do love the beautiful, soft, fluffy snow.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.
    Be safe.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  9. Hi Debby! My favorites were the cardinal one, and the last one with the snow on the branches.
    I am a midwest gal myself, and yes, I think we got WAY more snow back in our youth than we have now. This winter is a huge exception. You don't want what we have, believe me!
    Your Mom reminds me a little of my Mom. Always wore skirts until I was in high school. Just like June Cleaver!
    My daughter went to college in Ohio, so we have a little connection there. Fun!
    Have a good afternoon my friend,

    1. I totally agree about the snows we used to get when I was kid. I remember knee-high snows quite often with huge drifts. We lived near a small lake which would freeze over every year where we went ice skating...such a blast! My sweet mama never wore pants...she was a member of the Old German Baptist church...or Dunkards. If you are from the mid west, you may be familiar with it. Very strict, some didn't drive cars, men with beards and black brim hats, women wore hair in buns with white net caps that tied under the chin...also specific dress styles for all women....very plain. I have written about her on my other blog. She was a precious angel...lived almost 98 years :)

  10. Loved the photo of your precious mom!

    We have only had a few very light snows this season. Unusual for this time of year. I miss it, too. It's so peaceful, so quiet with a blanket of white on everything. (And we could really, really use the moisture here!)

    I am still amazed at a God who makes every snowflake unique! What a wondrous Creator.


    1. Aww thanks Sharon, she was a sweetie and I miss her so much. She went to be with Jesus in 2010 at nearly 98 years old. There is nothing that surpasses God's created beauty and I enjoyed my short-lived snow!

      I pray you are finding comfort in His arms since your sweet dad's passing. Bless you, sweet friend :)

  11. Awww Debby, Loved the photo of your Momma. And I must say I also hope my inner little girl never moves out!
    I grew up in Michigan and I remember some very deep snow storms, when I had to walk up hill both ways to school LOL
    Love the Red Cardinal, amazing....
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Thank you, snow is almost gone now...beautiful while it lasted!

  12. Hi-
    I just found your blog this morning over coffee.
    What a treat for the eyes.
    I live in South Texas, so I have very little experience with snow, but I know what it's like to miss my Mom.

    Enjoyed visiting, and I am a new follower.

    White Spray Paint

    1. Hi Laura! I'm so glad you came to see me and also becoming my newest follower! I have only been to Texas a time or husband has a niece and nephew who live in the Dallas area. Here in NC, we get a little snow here and there and I do love it when we are fortunate to get some. And about our sweet moms....we never stop missing them...just continue to look forward to the day when we will see them again, right?

      I hope your weekend is blessed! Coming to visit you now!

  13. Your photos are beautiful, Debby! We lived in Ohio for a few years many years ago. Our first child was born there and it is where we became born again Christians. God had a plan for us :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.