Saturday, April 5, 2014


As long as I have even had memories of springtime, 
the redbud tree is one of things that I look forward to the most. 
I remember as a little girl, sitting and looking out my bedroom window, 
down across the vacant lot and into the neighbor's yard...
...where their gigantic redbud stood out from all of the other trees.

I love to see it's lovely purplish-pink blossoms...
...against the contrasting of shades of lime green of the other new growth.


Rides in the country are especially satisfying...
...where the forests are splashed here and there with their bright color.
Even more spectacular is when white dogwoods are also in the mix... yet another contrast.

Getting up close and personal to the redbud,
you can see what look like little pink mittens...and/or socks.
What an extraordinary God we have to have created these delicate little "buds"...
...each one unique, as you can see.

Trying to grow a redbud tree can be quite a challenge.
In fact, I have never been successful in doing so.
I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the red clay that makes up 100% of my yard :(
Now, if the Creator puts it there, that is a different story all together.

To this day, anticipating those beautiful, bright magenta blooms finally appearing,
is something that I do every year,
In fact, it is the one thing that the season's change brings that tells me without a doubt...
"Spring has arrived!"

One must enjoy this special brand of God's Eye Candy while it lasts...
...not more than a week or two...
...for each warm day brings those heart-shaped green leaves closer to the surface,
gradually replacing those brightly colored flowers.
For then and only then, the redbud is almost indistinguishable against the rest of the forest.
That is...until next year...
...same time, same place.


~Theodore Waterfield

There is a bending at the hill
where the redbud reaches to the sky,
and the earth lies silver still
and the soul breathes with a sigh.

It only comes in spring
when love and joy are new,
this lovely bending thing
that captures me and you.

Here I wish to linger
and hold you close to me,
near the bending river, 
and by the redbud tree.

What is your favorite sign of spring?
I pray my friends who are still covered with snow will soon find some!

Have a blessed Lord's Day!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Barbie....hope you have a blessed week :)

  2. They are beautiful! We have family in W.V. and we were amazed that they were growing and blooming all through the woods in the Spring. I like the longer days....more sunlight! Happy Sunday my friend! Hugs!

    1. Yes, Diane...I have made many trips through the mountains of W.V. and have seen them often. We are having a lot of rain today so I expect by the end of the week our spring will be in full swing! Have a wonderful week!

  3. WOW!!! I could stand to have a few of those trees around. I don't think they grow here,but at least I can enjoy them on my computer,thanks to you. Spring is without a doubt my favourite time of year,new life everywhere and colour,lots of colour.I will have to wait just a little longer for the colour to show here,but its on its way.

    1. Ruth, I'm not sure how far north the redbud will grow...we had them in OH where I am from and it got pretty cold up there. They, along with the dogwoods are my favorite signs of spring. Hoping your spring comes soon!

  4. We're still waiting for the snow to melt. Then there should be some daffodils poking through the ground. These photos are stunning.

    1. Thank you, Susan. I hope you will soon be able to see some signs of spring!

  5. Stunning beauty. I commented somewhere today that God has the most vivid imagination. The earth declares the glory of God.

  6. Beautiful post. Debby, my favorite tree too. Ours are really brilliant now along with the azaleas, cherry blossoms and dogwoods. Definitely the peak. But my favorite with the redbud is your second picture, they are so whisky and especially beautiful in contrast to green trees. We really never notice them when they are not blooming; pretty unassuming trees.

    1. After the rain that we are getting today, I'd say we will be at peak very soon...the dogwoods here are just opening up....LOVE all of the newness of spring!

  7. Beautiful pics, Debby. I had a redbud tree in my backyard when I lived in the Dallas area. It was a highlight of spring. I also love azaleas and dogwoods. Only the Creator can provide such splendor at no cost. Thanks for sharing.

  8. P. S. I LOVE the new header!

  9. Now I must check to see if we even have such a tree to look forward's a beauty!

    1. Hi Vee...I am not sure how far north redbuds grow. They are everywhere in the south but I am from OH and we had them up there too and it gets pretty cold for long periods up there too. Spring is right around the corner from you...I just know it!

  10. Hi Debby! I love your description of the buds as 'mittens' or 'socks'. They do look like that, don't they. A wonderful splash of color is just what I need to show me that spring is on it's way. It's still pretty cold in my neck of the woods.
    I still look to the robin as my sign of spring. I have seen quite a few, so the new season is on it's way!
    Happy Monday :)

    1. Those robins are definitely a great sign that spring is springing! It seems like I have so many blogging friends who live in colder climates...I really hope and pray that your weather warm s up soon! I guess we will be complaining this summer when it gets to be in the 90's, won't we? lol!

  11. The poem was so sweet! There is just such a wonderful feeling I also get when I see the pretty new blossoms on the trees, so fragile and fleeting.I am learning to take pleasure in every part of the process.
    Always, Roxy

  12. I've always wondered why it is a "red" bud - when it's more purple/pink than red - and then it makes me wonder about what people "saw" hundreds of years ago when they dyed things - red, purple and blue. I love a red-bud tree - all the flowring spring trees are such a delight, though - but the red-bud's color is always so brilliant! I so enjoyed the poem - and Gods mittens and socks of the bud! He does give us eye-candy!

    1. You know, I have wondered that myself! If you look close, the only red are the edges to the "mittens & socks" and the little stems that hold them on to the limb! The redbud does stand out among the others, doesn't it? Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  13. Oh Debby, those are beautiful photos! The Lord is so extravagant with His beauty! Think of it, all that beauty for only a week or two. I think He just delights in delighting us!

    We have some really lovely trees up here in the mountain, and I love to see the vibrant colors of new blossoms. But, my favorite sign of Spring is when all the creatures return. Especially the chipmunks - they are so very entertaining. (I am not so much a fan of the lizards - just sayin')


    1. Thank you Sharon...I imagine you have much mountains majesty to enjoy! You know, I haven't seen chipmunks in our area...we used to have them in Ohio & KY but never saw lizzards until I moved to NC. I'll take the chipmunks any day too! :)


  14. What beautiful pictures.....redbuds are so pretty....we have one in our yard and enjoy it. I love spring and seeing the daffodils, apricot blossoms, peach blossoms and more delightful. :) Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Thank you for visit and comments! Spring is such a wonderful time of the year, isn't it? I love it all!

      Blessings, Debby

  15. My dear Debby Ray, your photos are always so breath-taking - thank you for sharing your talent with a camera with us :) Your photos make me want to drink in the beauty of Spring.

    I think my favorite sign of Spring is seeing the Robins - they bring such sweet delight! The Lord is so good and it's a joy being able to celebrate seasons of life. Blessings to you, friend. Hugs!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind remarks,'s funny, I haven't seen a lot of robins where I live...only a few...but I can't see them without remembering those lovely turquoise eggs. A true sign of spring, for sure!
      Have a wonderful day :)

  16. Hi Debby! Oh, what gorgeous blooms on the redbud tree. I've never had one but they are so pretty! Your snaps are just so beautiful. You brought a memory to me when you mentioned the red clay. When I was little we had red clay at our yard. I would make little dishes and bowl out of the clay and set them out in the sun to dry and by the next day, I had some little play dishes. I thought I was so clever! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thank you Sheila...I wish the ones in the pics were in my yard but they are not :( Ah yes....the lovely red clay of NC...I enjoyed your story about making the little dishes! I never experienced it until I moved here in '92!

  17. Your photos are so beautiful ! Your season is ahead of us. We have two eastern redbud in our front yard that are not yet blooming. We have high acidic soil and they do well.

    1. Thank you won't be long before they will be turning green after all of the rain we had here yesterday! You have them to look forward to them! Have a great week!

  18. Dear Debby,

    Oh how perfect are your radiant redbud images this very dark and dreary April morn! I can't take my eyes off your very last photo, where the redbud branches seem to be infinitely floating in the fluffy skies!

    I am missing a beautiful spring on the island, where my lilac bush must be blooming, along with a few little freesia bouquets; both two of my favourite flowers, for their refreshing, spring scents!!

    Have a lovely week! Finally got access to GFC, so am following you, yay!!


    1. Poppy... great to have you following along! Thank you so much for your more than kind comments. I do love the redbuds but I noticed this morning that they are fading already...the blooms don't last long at all! By the sound of it, you must still be on this were referring to missing your little island. The photos that you have shared of your lovely view is so amazing and I would miss it too! Although I am sure you must be enjoying your visit, I hope that can soon return to the lovely place where you make your home...there IS no place like it, they say :)

      Blessings to you!

  19. Debby, thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures of the Redbuds. I've never seen a tree like that here in MN, but I will be looking into it. We had different colors of Flowering Crab Apple trees on our farm when I was growing up. They {along with our lilac bushes} were my favorite part of spring. I'm thankful that our neighbor has a Flowering Crab in her yard and I get to enjoy it's beauty from my front window.


    PS: Found you via Sharing His Beauty

    1. Hello Heidi, thank you for visiting! I don' think that the redbuds grow in severly cold climates. I am from Ohio originally and we had them up there. I have a friend who live in MN and I know your winter has been VERY cold with LOTS of snow. There are so many beautiful flowering trees and I hope you will be seeing some soon!!
      Have a blessed week!

  20. What a lovely tree, I have never heard of a redbud before?

  21. Those buds look great up close.

  22. Debby, these are just beautiful! I had never heard of a redbud before. I guess growing up in the mountains explains that. :-)
    We are so slow in waiting for Spring. I will not plant flowers until the first of June. we nearly get frost every May 24th.
    The Robbins are what I so enjoy. They are so busy making their homes in our pine trees. And then the sign of the creek beside us beginning to thaw and run.
    Have a beautiful blessed week end.

  23. I also love the bright pink of redbuds that tickle the landscape in the spring. My favorite nature cues of spring are the appearance of daffodil blooms and the bright yellow-green of weeping willows.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.