Thursday, May 8, 2014

Good Fences

Hey everyone!
I hope you all are having a great week!

Today, I'm excited to be joining Good Fences with Theresa at Run*A*Round Ranch!

She has a beautiful blog filled with lots and lots of great photography of wildlife and such...
...and, of course, lots of great fences, I might add!

I have always been drawn to fences and gates and so I was excited when I came across her link-up.
So...since last week, I have been going through all of my photos (which are a little unorganized)
and pulling out the ones I had taken of fences.

I am proud to say that I now have most of them in a folder got it...FENCES!

I took these just this week, through the pickets of the fence looking out into my front yard.
The azaleas were still looking pretty good but the blooms don't have much longer, sorry to say :(

Last week, when I was on my way back to work from lunch break,
I pulled up to a stop sign and just had to snap this as soon as I saw it.

I just love the mailbox...U. S. MAIL...well, of course it is!

You should have seen me....I had the windows down in my Jeep,
reaching my arm out here and there... just snapping away!
You won't catch me texting and driving but you will may catch me snapping and driving.
It's easy to do with my point-n-shoot and every now and then, I get lucky :)

These last two photos are from a post from last fall when I took an early morning stroll...
...down the road that leads to our cabin in Fancy Gap.
The misty sun rays were gloriously filtering through the trees...a heavenly sight.

Just what is it about a fence anyway?

So...this is my first fence post! (sorry...I couldn't resist)

Have a good one!


  1. wow, debby! you really outdid yourself! each and every one of these is truly spectacular! if i was forced to pick a favorite, i think it would be the sun's rays, but all of them make a close contest!

    thank you!!

  2. Oh scrumptious's Narnia magical. You be careful out there!

  3. I love,love,love that first picture.

  4. And an amazing fence post it is!

  5. Oh, wow, I love all of these.

  6. Every photo is a star!! Great job on your "fence post"! ;)

  7. Smiling and enjoying your wonderful photos.

  8. Great photo's, I particularly like the last one with the spiders web attached


  9. Wow, Debby! Each one is just awesome! The sun ray photo is breathtaking. Great captures!

  10. Excellent choices for your fences. Love how you photographed them. The last one is amazing, but they all are really. Have a good weekend!

  11. I love, love your fence post!!! :) You really are so need to start a business with your photography! I always look forward to what you do next...:) Hugs to you today!!

  12. Debby, your fence photos are so beautiful! I love them all. The first one looks like one is looking through a keyhole to that gorgeous scene inside. I'm also guilty of 'drive by shootings'. :) Have a lovely weekend.

  13. Hi Debby! I wonder if they'll pass a law about driving and 'snapping'? Inspiration is a wonderful thing, isn't it? It's fun to see how you get excited about your photo subjects. That's when you know you are an artist.
    Beautiful shots :)

  14. HI All are stunning but I really love the simplicity of the last one. Have a great weekend.

  15. I love this Debby! I'll be looking through fences now too. I just love you and your sweet blog!

  16. Oh my goodness, this is like a fairy tale in a magical garden. Quite lovely captures, thank you.

  17. I love the shot with the mail box. Through the pickets is nice, too--so colorful. At first, it appeared to be through a keyhole and I wondered how you did that! The misty sun rays make a nice photo.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.