Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Stainback General Store

I am just automatically drawn to old, broken down buildings.
They are wonderful reminders of a simpler time, when the world was a kinder place...
...at least, that's the way I look at it.
I have loved seeing this old store building for many years.
I could have just taken my photos of it and slapped them on my post without elaborating...
...but I thought, why not tell the story about it?

This is the old Stainback General Store, which is currently being restored...
...notice the new porch with new tin roof.
This old store is an historical landmark in the town where I live in North Carolina.

This is the way it has looked for many years, before the restoration was started.
Currently, the historical society has purchased it, is restoring it
and will be making it into a museum.
I don't know though...I kinda like it all broken down, don't you?
I have passed by this old place quite often over the past fifteen or so years...
...since the birth of my first grandson.
His other grandma (Nana) lives right through the group of tree surrounding it.
The other day when I took the boys to her house, I decided to stop and take some pics.

The Stainback General Store is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.
It was that smart, oldest grandson of mine who told me this...
...having done all of the research about it since he has spent much of his life,
just a hop, skip and a jump away from it :) 

It was built in 1891 from the remnants of the old Cross Roads Presbyterian Church
(which stood directly across the road), after the new church was constructed.
I just love the rusty old Coca Cola and Pepsi signs covering the windows.
Across the street, was the local sawmill and the caskets that were made there
and were stored right up here on the second floor.


The original church was equipped with a slave gallery,
I assume something common in churches during that time period.
The photo below is what the church looks like today.


The cemetery that makes up part of the churchyard, has over 250 stones,
the earliest dating from 1796. 
Because the slave graves are unmarked,
there are many more people buried than there are markers. 


Now, comes really the cool part...
...author Alex Haley of “Roots” fame visited Cross Roads
and researched his ancestors who lived in this very county in North Carolina. 
In 1977, one year after the mini-series “Roots” debuted on television,
 a documentary entitled “Roots—One Year Later” was filmed at Cross Roads. 
 Wouldn't you love to know all of goings on behind those doors?

This is an old photo I discovered online of a couple of locals playing checkers out front of the store.
How cool is that?


The old building has served multiple purposes over the years,
from a photography studio, a shoe and clock repair shop, post office and of course, a general store.
They closed the doors in 1973 due to the condition of the building.
Here, I added some effects to "olden" it up a bit.

So now you know a few things about the old Stainback General Store,
and some NC history...whether you wanted to or not.
I hope you have enjoyed your history lesson :) 


  1. I enjoyed the history lesson. Must say that this is the first time that I have heard of a "slave gallery." That's the difference between the history of the north and south. I am thrilled that the historical society is restoring it. It looks as if it will be a true restoration. That is pretty cool about Alex Haley's visit, too.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great post, Debby! I love it when someone restores an old building. And what a beautiful roof on that porch.

  4. What an interesting history!
    I love old General Stores, I even have a Pinterest board full of ideas for one I dream of having!
    You sure have a personal history related to this one.

  5. What a great old store. I'm glad to know it's being restored and will serve as a local museum. Thanks for sharing the interesting history of it Debby. Blessings, Pam

  6. fabulous old general store! so glad they're saving it! beautiful! great piece of history in the area, too!

  7. Hi Debby,
    I'm glad to meet you and become a follower of yours! Thanks for visiting A Million Skies and look for my post on Monday (you know, the one I've been "forced" to do) :)

  8. General stores have such romance attached to them, don't you think? Like you said, they are little reminders of simpler days gone by. I am glad that this little piece of history will be treated to some finery and shine once again.


  9. What a great story! So glad that are restoring it. I love to see the old broken down buildings, but it makes me sad to think that it could still be used for something useful. I think having a museum there will all the history behind it is great! They talked about renovating our old train depot and making it a museum. They also talked about turning into a home for the community theatre. The little town is just going to survive and it makes me sad. So glad to hear stories like this. BTW, love the lemons!

  10. I loved the history lesson! WOW! I just love the old buildings and then to see that they want to restore it is just wonderful. My Father has an old milking barn on his property that we used to use as a play house when we were children. It's just a one or two cow barn, ever so cute. We always fear that someone will come in the night and take the wood from it, as it sits in the meadow near the road away from the main house.
    Lovely post Debby!
    Blessings, Debbie

  11. Oh, I so love old buildings, and was so glad to read the history of these!

    BTW, I am the baby of 8 children, too...and my hubby and I will be married 38 yrs in July! I was grew up in east Tennessee, but live in Indiana now.

  12. This is such an interesting post, I enjoyed it very much! I love old buildings and reading about the old days and ways. I was happy to read that they are restoring this old building!

  13. I loved the history lesson. This is an amazing building and I like that you incorporated old photos of the general store and the church. I am thrilled it is being restored. I remember watching Roots and Roots One Year Later. Interesting place! I lived in Raleigh for 3 years in the mid '90s. It is a beautiful state. Thank you so much for linking up!

  14. This was so interesting. And I love history lessons (as long as there's no pop quizzes!). This was such a quaint building, with so many stories to tell. As they say, "If only these walls could talk." Your pictures added just the right charm to a very enjoyable story.


  15. Your history lesson was wonderful and very welcomed. I love to hear the stories of all the old buildings. Seems like so many people have forgotten and the young ones don't seem to care as much. Thank you for this great post. I absolutely loved it! Thank you!

  16. I totally enjoyed this lesson in NC history. The old general store is wonderful. I'm glad it's being preserved.

  17. I love the photos and history.

  18. I love history, and it's so nice when places are restored rather than being torn down. thanks for sharing the pictures; I loved the one with the men playing checkers! And thank you for stopping by my blog and your sweet comment.

  19. I love old buildings like this one and it's a treasure worth preserving. You live in a beautiful part of the state. It's interesting to learn more about the history of that area. I love the photos you've shared. Enjoy this holiday week my friend! Hugs, Diane

  20. This was a fun post! If only those walls could talk...


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