Friday, October 10, 2014

Still Life: An October Photo Challenge

Hello friends, I hope everyone has had a good week!
Linking up to Donna's Personal Photo Challenge is something I really look forward to.
It's interesting and fun to see what others will be sharing on any given month.
This month's challenge is all about still life photography.
I so appreciate all of the great information and links she gives us to prepare for it.
For instance...
...did you know that there is such a thing as a found still life?
I didn't!
This would be a scene that you would just happen on to...
...something that you would find set up, usually in nature, all by itself... the day I came across this leaf in the driveway with these lovely water drops.
I was out walking with my boys (dogs) and just had to hurry and go inside to grab my camera!
It was taken back in late summer, shortly after I upgraded my camera to the DSLR.
I just shot it with normal automatic settings and as you see, it had been raining.
I brightened it up just a smidge in Picasa and Picmonkey.
I couldn't very well do this post without including "The Watch".
This is an example of created still life...where you set up the scene using whatever.
I have taken so many photos of this watch, a family heirloom, set up in many different ways.
It was hard for me to decide which photo of it to use for this challenge.

There were other backgrounds that I preferred but I really liked the shadowing in this one.
This was actually taken last year with my trusty little Sony point & shoot,
on macro setting, edited to black & white, then warming up the temperature using Picasa.
As long as there is life in that little camera, I will keep it handy.
It has a permanent home in my purse :)
Lastly, I sat this scene up last weekend and took MANY shots, re-arranged in different ways.
I love this old enamelware bucket that I had up at the cabin.
But I have a confession to make...
...I only had two apples left and one of them is fake.
You can probably guess which one, now that I've told you.
I do like the contrasting color of the faux Granny Smith though :)

This was taken with my zoom on automatic settings.
I really need to take some time and experiment with the different settings... I actually know what I am doing!
I used the cross process edit and gave it some softness, also in Picasa.
Well, that's it for me, although I was tempted to add a fourth photo.
 But Donna is such a sweetie... and I didn't want to break the rules :)
Thanks again, Donna for hosting this fun challenge!
And have a great weekend everyone!


  1. all are lovely! i especially love the leaf.

    i don't know what i'm doing with my camera, either, sadly... :)

  2. Oh, Debby, your photos are gorgeous ~ love each of them but the watch is my favorite! Nicely done :)

  3. I like the variety you have posted and your thoughts behind them.

  4. Lovely shots! I especially like the watch.

  5. LOL, you know that I never scold anyone for posting more than the state maximum number! I don't want to discourage enthusiasm! Isn't is a thrill to find a little treasured scene like your leaf photo? Lovely contrast with the pop of color, and the water drops add to the texture. The pocket watch photo is stunning. What an amazing prop! And your composition and lighting is perfect for it. Thanks for mentioning that it was captured with a point and shoot camera. I keep telling people that it doesn't matter what kind of camera you use. YOU determine the artistry. And who would ever guess that the green apple is a fake? Not me! Great addition to give a different color element and also present an odd number of items for the composition.

    This challenge wasn't difficult for you at all! And I'm so glad that you enthusiastically participate, month after month!

  6. P.S. I changed your link on the photo challenge blog. The address you entered didn't work.

  7. Wow. You learned your lessons well!

  8. Gorgeous Debby! Amazing what the little point and shoot can do, isn't it? I do hope to get a better camera someday, I think mine is wearing out. I love the watch the most, probably because it's an old-timey kind of photo. The apples are great too and this came out so good you should print it and use it for notecards! The watch too, well, the leaf too! :-)

  9. I enjoyed this very much but since I am used to your blog, once I saw that you had linked up, I expected to :) You are a very talented lady in more ways than one, as the saying goes : )

  10. I like the effect you used on the last one. Would be pretty printed out. And how beautiful is your Fall banner. Enjoy your weekend my friend! Hugs, Diane

  11. Very nice choices and great pictures!

  12. Debby, these are all exceptional! My hubby still has his grandfather's pocket watch and I have never thought to photograph it but now I am inspired to dig it out.
    Fruit tumbling from a container..that was my intention too and to use blueberries but they would have stained my tablecloth.

  13. These are all great photos, Debby. I like the found still life for the vibrancy of color and those wonderful rain drops. The watch photo is vintagey and so artsy. And the apples - it's the season!

  14. I'm always envious of still life photographers, I'm rubbish at that sort of shot and would love to go to classes but so far haven't seen any near where I live.
    I've enjoyed your post, especially the leaf and raindrops.


  15. Such beautiful still lifes, Debby! I love the found one for its crispness and clarity, but my favourite is the apples, for its colour combinations, softness, and oil on canvas properties! Exquisite!!


  16. Beautiful photos Debby! I really like the last one with the apples and think the green apple looks real and is perfectly placed in the 'dark' of the pail. Nicely done.

  17. These are especially lovely. Great job! :)

  18. Love your photos! and I especially loved your post! I just became a follower of your blog! Thank you for talking me through the challenge and sharing your ideas! xxDazee

  19. Debby, I love them all. Each one appeals to me for some reason or other.

  20. Debby, I love all of your photos! You are an artist!

  21. Debby these are perfect...simple as if in a them!

  22. Absolutely beautiful pics, Debby! So glad I hopped over here from Sharon Sharing God


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.