Monday, January 19, 2015

A Tale of Two Debbies

Once upon a time in a small town in Ohio, there lived two young girls.
Their houses were in the same neighborhood, they attended the same school,
and rode the school bus together...many times, sharing the same seat.
Not only did they share these things, they also shared the same name...well almost.
One Debbie spelled her name with an "ie" at the end...the other Debby with a "y".

During their junior high and high school years,
the Debbies became good friends.
They enjoyed talking, laughing and doing what teenage girls do best...
...being quite silly at times! 

When the Debby with a "y" was a senior,
she began to attend a different high school and didn't see Debbie with an "ie" as often.
 Debby with a "y" became involved with new friends from her new school...
...and slowly, began losing touch with Debbie with an "ie".

Time passed.
More time passed.
Months became years and years became decades.

During these years, Debby with a "y" married a man named Jim and they had a son.
Soon they moved to Kentucky where they had another son,
and several more years later, moved even further south to North Carolina.
Life had gotten very busy for Debby with a "y"... it most assuredly did as well for Debbie with an "ie"...
...unintentionally letting their friendship slip through the cracks.
Yes, it slipped right through the cracks of time.

After many more years had passed,
 the invention of a strange thing called the internet became available to nearly everyone.
Oh, it was a really strange thing, alright... gave a person the ability to communicate without wires...
 ...and find out all kinds of useful things...even the ability to find long lost friends...
This became a way of life for many.
They called it Facebook.

One day, out of the blue, Debbie with an "ie" sent Debby with a "y" a friend request...
...yes, you can actually request a friend with just one click.
This made Debby with a "y" very happy and right away accepted her request.
Then one day, after catching up a bit,
Debbie with an "ie" posted these photos on Debby with "y"'s page.

(Yes, that's a skinnier version of me...the one with the shorter hair.)

This put a big smile on the face of Debby with a "y".
She remembered these two young girls goofing off in that photo booth.
She also remembered that you got four photos for a quarter...
...and that she had kept the other half of them.

She also knew exactly where she had kept them all these years.
So very promptly, she posted them to Debbie with an "ie"'s page... she could share the joy!

The End

Actually, I hope it's not the end, but just the beginning of our resurrected friendship!
Debbie with an "ie" still lives near our hometown.
The next time I visit my family in Ohio, I plan to look her up :)
What a blessing this has been for me!


  1. how awesome that you reconnected! great photos! i bet you share lots of stories. :)

  2. Oh, what a delightful little story, Debby Ray! How wonderful that you were able to reconnect with your Debbie friend :) And may I just say those pictures are adorable!

    Hugs to you!

  3. How wonderful Debby with a 'y'. The internet can certainly be a marvelous thing. I've just lately reconnected with a girl I was best friends with when we were nursing together, we live a long way apart but catch up in person when we can. Wishing you all the best next time you visit with her in Ohio.


  4. How sweet! Love the photos. Glad to hear you were able to reconnect with your childhood friend!

  5. How delightful! Facebook can be a curse and a blessing, but mostly a blessing, bringing old friends together again.

  6. Wonderful pictures, and a sweet story. There are a lot of Debbie's our age, aren't there? In our book club of 11, there's four, Debby, Deb, Debra, and Deborah!

  7. I hope you get to get together before long...this was a joy to read.

  8. How cute you both were....and are! And how nice to find each other again. You'll enjoy catching up and seeing her again. I stay in touch with a few of my childhood friends and I love it! Hugs!

  9. I enjoyed this story Debby as I have also found some 'old' high school friends on Facebook and we've re-connected. I am still in touch with my best friend from grade 9 although she's not on Facebook and we actually send birthday cards in the mail! We both turn 65 this year. Yikes!! We've known each other for 50 years! I can't believe it. I also have some photo booth photos of us. Such fun memories. I'm glad you found your friend Debbie after all this time and hope you get to meet again soon.

  10. Very cool! I love hearing good stories about FB.

  11. That is a sweet story. You must get together and rekindle that friendship.

  12. What a great story of friendship! So glad you have reconnected with your friend.

    1. I have reconnected with several old friends on really can be such a blessing!

  13. Well, that is so much fun to reconnect with an old friend!

  14. This is what I like about fb. And hopefully you will be able to see each other in person. It seems as we've gotten older we've reconnected with old college friends, etc with visits and take up right where we left off.

    1. I feel the same way, Dotsie...fb is a wonderful tool to reconnect to long lost family and friends :)

  15. Now, this is a good story. I'm so glad you have your sweet friend again. Love the photos.
    My word, those hairdos look exactly like the ones I sported long ago. :)
    Have a great evening.

  16. I'm a sucker for a good Facebook story! I know there are negatives with Facebook, but the positives (like this story!) outweigh the negatives in my book!

  17. How very sweet! We really carry these wonderful childhood friendships in our hearts!
    I just deleted my F/B page LOL But to find an old BFF...
    I guess that's the way it goes... I found it to be such a distraction for me!
    Have a wonderful day!

  18. Hi Debby with a 'y'! You gotta love that internet don't you? i am so excited for you to rekindle a friendship that started so long ago. I can pick you out right away in those cute photobooth shots. I remember those booths very vividly. Right down to the quarters they ate!
    What a beautiful gift to start the year,

  19. Debby, LOVE the pictures! You and your friend are so darling! Facebook can be a wonderful thing! So glad your friend found you.

  20. OOO, I so love stories like this. The very same thing happened to me but it was a long-lost cousin that found me thru facebook. I'd not seen him since I was 10 yrs old...I am a product of divorced parents so I lost contact with a lot of my 1st cousins. When I met him and his wife this last summer, I was just so so happy to be with kin again. :)
    I so hope you and your friend can stay in touch now.

  21. HI Debby! Oh, what a wonderful story of friendship and I'm so happy you were able to find each other again. This has happened to me too, even finding friends from elementary school! The little photo booth snaps are darling! You've always been a looker! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  22. What a wonderful post, Debby! And I love the CUTE pics taken in the photo booth. What fun!

  23. I am so glad you found each other again. How wonderful!!!!! I sincerely hope you two get to meet face to face again!!!!!

  24. What a great story, told so well. Glad you found your friend - Facebook can be useful!

  25. Aw. That's the most heartwarming story I've read today. It's true that when two people are friends, no time or distance can end their friendship. They'll pick up where they left off. Glad you found your friend again. I do hope it's another start of another beautiful story in your friendship. :)

  26. What a sweet story! I didn't want it to end! And those pics are darling! I'm so happy for you two, and glad that you will see one another again, in person, and maybe take some new photos together! Wouldn't that be lovely?:))

    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  27. Hi Debby! Well, to answer you, I would have gone outside and taken a snap but there's too much snow on the ground.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  28. Good for you two! Facebook is good for such things.

  29. What a beautiful, beautiful story, Debby! I hope that this will be a very sweet time of renewing a special friendship for you...

    And thank you so much for visiting my blog - your words of encouragement blessed my heart greatly this morning!

    Blessings to you! Love, Kelly-Anne


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.