Tuesday, January 6, 2015

I'm Starting Over

OK, let me just be honest here.
New Years Day has come and gone and I have to admit I've been feeling a little blue.
I can't really put my finger on one thing in particular.
I am usually all about making a New Year's resolution of some sort.
They are probably very similar to the the ones you make...
...eating healthier or starting new diet...
...or maybe to begin exercising regularly...
...to read my Bible more...
...I'm pretty sure you know how it goes.
And yes, I need to do all of these things, even if it wasn't a brand new year.
I can't explain the lack of enthusiasm that I'm feeling as this new year is unfolding.
And if 2015 flies by as quickly as 2014 did, it will be gone before I get a handle on things.
This morning as I was sorting through one of the drawers in my office,
I came across this poem that I hadn't seen in probably fifteen years.
I don't even remember how I came across it in the first place all those years ago.
What I do remember is that it really spoke to my heart back then...
...the same way it spoke to my heart this morning.
 And I am completely in awe of the way my God works.

~by Woodrow Kroll

When you’ve trusted God and walked his way
When you’ve felt his hand lead you day by day
But your steps now take you another way …
Start over.
When you’ve made your plans and they’ve gone awry
When you’ve tried your best and there’s no more try
When you’ve failed yourself and you don’t know why …
Start over.
When you’ve told your friends what you plan to do
When you’ve trusted them and they didn’t come through
And you’re all alone and it’s up to you …
Start over.
When you’ve failed your kids and they’re grown and gone
When you’ve done your best but it’s turned out wrong
And now your grandchildren come along …
Start over.
When you’ve prayed to God so you’ll know his will
When you’ve prayed and prayed and you don’t know still …
When you want to stop cause you’ve had your fill …
Start over.
When you think you’re finished and want to quit
When you’ve bottomed out in life’s deepest pit
When you’ve tried and tried to get out of it …
Start over.
When the year has been long and successes few
When December comes and you’re feeling blue
God gives a January just for you …
Start over.
Starting over means “Victories Won”
Starting over means “A Race Well Run”
Starting over means “God’s Will Done”
Don’t just sit there …………
No, my year hadn't been as bad as all of that.
There had been many blessings laced among the heartaches of 2014, of that I'm sure.
And I really don't understand the whys and wherefores of my indifference to the new year.

But God does.

And He's about to show me something new.


Sharing with:

 Stephanie's Roses of Inspiration
Grace at Home
Spiritual Sundays


  1. each day is a new chance at getting things right, but yes, i can admit to fighting some blues over the past month or two. :)

  2. every day is a new day...a new beginning! lovely, lovely post. mari

  3. Great post, great poem, great photos! I'd say you've "started over" very well. :)

  4. Yes, every day is a new day - a new and beautiful beginning.

    I love how the Lord allowed you to come across this poem at the exact moment that He knew you needed it and would be encouraged by it - don't you just love how perfect God's timing is! :) And then you shared it with your readers and guess what? It touched my heart as well. Thank you, dear Debby Ray!

    I appreciate you sharing this at Roses of Inspiration. Have a glorious day!

  5. I love that poem. I have met the author,Dr.Woodrow Kroll. He was the Bible teacher for Back to the Bible,for many years. Have a super day.

  6. Hi Debby, this poem is wonderful. I can see why to kept it and maybe why you just happened to find it when you were feeling blue :) I haven't visited for a while so I spend sometime going through some of your posts. Love, love, love your Christmas mantel. I love clocks too and your mantel display was beautiful. Come on over and help me celebrate my three year blogging birthday with a Give-A-Way.
    Connie :)

  7. I love this post, Debby! His mercies are new EVERY morning!!!

  8. Have you been watching cSpan? I'm ready to toss myself off the bridge. Perhaps I should just start over. That is a wonderful piece. Hope that you are feeling brighter soon...there is always that "let-down" after the holidays. That said, Merry 12th Day of Christmas!

  9. Wonderful post, Debby!
    Wishing you all the best for the new year!

  10. Debby....oh my goodness...do I have what I like to call "Holy Spirit" Goosebumps! Your post was written for me...do you live in my family? It is like you know what kind of year 2014 was for us...and how God has hit the "restart" button for our lives....new career, new job, new move, new state, new identity....yikes! Thank you for your spirit led walk and sharing.xoxoaimee

  11. May 2015 be filled with wonder-filled surprises and a peaceful heart.

  12. Oh, Debbie, this is a wonderful post! What a poem! My husband is home a little early today because he is serving jury duty and I just read it to him We both relate. Would you mind if I shared this on my blog with a link back to your blog?

  13. I think you can tell from the comments that you are not alone. It is just amazing you found that poem just when you needed it (how like God) … and what would life be like without new starts, I think many of us feel that way in January. I love your attitude though. There's a lot of hope in this post!

  14. Hi Debby, It's always nice to have the feeling of renewal and starting over. I love the poem! My youngest daughter asked me if I had set any New Years resolutions. I said, oh you know, the same old, eat healthier, exercise more, and read my scriptures better. Same ones I set every year. I start out good, but dwindle. This year I haven't even started out good. Ate two scones today. lol! She replied, maybe you need to think of new ones. Something to think about, right?

  15. I always get a bit blue over the holidays. Don't know why. But, being back in a routine is very helpful for me.

  16. The poem is just perfect! Pinning to my Favorite Blog Posts board so I can remember it! BTW, I am with you.....kinda blue and bah humbug!

  17. Popping in for a visit from Stephanie's link up. I am so glad I did! this poem is just beautiful. Such wisdom the author penned. I am copying this and will post it in my craft room to read periodically. Balm for the soul...yes, God is good!

    Blessings, Vicky

  18. 2014 was such a blessed year for us...family near and healthy...Mr. Sweet and I enjoying good health...a beautiful home...we are looking forward to what a new year will bring our way.
    Love to you...

  19. That is a great poem Debby. Thanks for sharing it and I hope this year is wonderful for you. It's nice to have a fresh start.

  20. Dear Dabby, this post and thought you wrote are of the same feelings of being a bit blue myself. I just wrote out that scripture to myself a few days ago. I know I have a great trust in what He is saying in all these feelings. I may need to break some of these feeling down to a simplier way of thinking once again! The magic in my ordinary days...
    Loved the poem, thanks for sharing it with us!
    Blessings, Roxy

  21. Absolutely beautiful Debby Ray! I love that we can start over anytime ... not just January.
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

  22. What a comfort it is to know that every day, we can start over. Thanks for reminding us with this wonderful poem. I pray blessing for you this coming year.

  23. I think that is why the verses from Lamentations are some of my favorites. There is hope in "new mercies"...every morning!

  24. Beautiful Debby! God is so good, always ready to make all things NEW!
    Many blessings in 2015,

  25. Great poem. Glad you shared it.
    I tend to purge each new year rather than make resolutions. I get rid of the clutter...at least some of it, be it in my mind or in my closet.

  26. Such a great poem and I am sure God lead you to that again just at this time, May you find joy in Him in the year ahead!

  27. Excellent message! Thanks for sharing!

  28. I understand the *blah* - feeling it myself, too. Something really *tweaky* happened in my mind when I turned 60 last year. Not so eager to have another calendar page to flip...

    That being said, how greatly I was encouraged by that poem. Oh, it's beautiful, and it just filled my heart.

    Thank you for sharing. And yes, let's expect God to do something *new* and wonder-full this year!


  29. How beautiful. I've had a bit of a rough start that has taken the wind out of my sails so I'll go back up and read this again. Thanks my friend! Happy NEW year!

  30. Debby, that poem really spoke to me. I've been feeling that way and need to start over. New notebook (always a new notebook!), new devotional plan, new prayer plan, new organization to my week, etc. BTW, you photos were gorgeous!! Many blessings in the new year.

  31. Well...my dear Debby...I have tried to get to your post here since I saw it in my feeder but never got her until now, late at night when God can speak softly to my heart that is some what going through what you are going through.
    I have questioned myself trying to figure it all out, but to no avail.
    This year has brought many changes in my life, many that came quickly and needed attention.
    Some things are still up in the air as if there is no direction.
    I know God has His hands in it all, and I trust Him totally. But...
    This was a great encouragement to me, and I received it at the time God wanted me to, so thank you!

    Love and hugs, Debbie

  32. Loved your post..So lovely.. Came from the Enchanted Rose and so glad I did.. I am now a new follower.. God bless.. xo

  33. Oh Debby, I feel for you . . . I pray our Lord blesses you and encourages you and comforts you. Feeling blue and not being sure why or what to do can be difficult. I've been there. Praying for brighter days ahead.

  34. Hi Debby! Yeah he does! And yes he will! Sometimes the new year just brings a lot of pressure and the feeling that somehow everything is going to be better and newer and sparklier, just because I have a new calendar. Humph. Not always my friend.

    You can trust that God will lead you right to him. You are his precious, talented, beloved daughter. Who can deny a favorite daughter? I am so sorry that you feel so distanced from joy, but it's there. Where God is, there is joy too. You just need the grace and peace to discover it. I know you'll get there. I'm looking forward to reading about your rebirth :)

  35. Debby, this so could have been written for me...it is so strange after yesterday to come here and see this. I had actually opened your blog the other night but didn't get it read. So much more appropriate today. Thank you for sharing it all...

  36. Love this and I love you!! Great post as usual.....I have seen a trend with all of us about not making resolutions....it seems we are all on the same page.....don't know what the page is but we are all on it together...:) I hope you don't mind if I share part of the poem on facebook......my silly readers won't read it if it's too long...lol....isn't that terrible?! Love and hugs!!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.