Monday, March 30, 2015

Some Easter Imagery

Hello friends!
Well, just a few more days 'til just doesn't seem possible.
Over the weekend I went shopping for goodies for the Easter bags I was putting together.
No matter how old my kids/grand kids get, I will probably always get them Easter goodies.
I get the cheap $1 store gift bags and fill them full of the things I know they like.
Of course, I had to get something for myself too...
...and peanut M&M's are my favorite.

Now of course you and I both know that no matter what seasonal color they come in,
they all taste the same, right?

Then why is it that I could swear that the pastel ones taste better?

Aren't they just such beautiful colors?
And so springy?

There's just something about the lovely pastel colors that so pleases my eye.

So how crazy does one have to be to have a photo shoot with a jar of M&M's?

 I've either got to be a little nuts (pun intended) or desperate for blogging material.

Sometimes all it takes is a bag of candy to inspire me :)

Sharing at:


  1. Oh Debby, Peanut ones are my favorite too! Now I have to go to the Dollar Tree and get some!
    Your photo's are just beautiful and so real, I could reach in a grab a few!

  2. One of my favorite treats, too. :-) Now, I'm needing some. :-)

  3. I would have likely done the same.Have a photo shoot,that is if I hadn't eaten them all too quickly. Now I want to go out and buy a bag of those candies. :)

  4. They are such beautiful colours. Great photos.

  5. Cute post! I love the peanut M&M's too! Happy Easter!

  6. ooh, peanut m&ms are one of my all-time faves, too! :)

  7. They sure are pretty but of course the browns ones taste more chocolatey! hahaha! Love your pretty banner my friend. Hugs, Diane

  8. Hi Debby! Well this is a beautiful photo shoot with the M & Ms! Oh, I agree - the pastel ones do taste better. I love your set up and now I'm craving some chocolate! :) Thanks always for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Debby, you will NOT believe this, but I have a bag of M & Ms right next to me, as I type!! Liberty brought them at Christmas, all the way from Canada, for her father, who loves peanuts, but hasn't touched them. So, I thought I'd better get the ball rolling...they're delicious - but not as pretty as your pastel-y, Easter batch! Sweet and dreamy pics; enjoy!


  10. Your photos are so pretty and I love peanut M&M's - any color!!! God bless you and yours this Easter.

  11. What a great inspiration Debby. Your photos are beautiful and I love the pastel colours. I wish you a blessed Easter. Hugs. Pam

  12. I did a photo shoot with colored eggs once…really went wild. You're not crazy (or we both are). Your photos are just stunning and the colors are so beautiful. I agree with you about the pastels tasting better! Hope you have a blessed Easter!

    1. Well, it seems I'm in good company then :) Have a wonderful holy week and Easter Sunday!

  13. If you're crazy so am I because I think they make a wonderful photo shoot!

  14. Well, Debby, you are such a great photographer, you can take springtime M&M's to a new level. Very pretty!! (And now I want some for myself. Peanut M&M's are my favorite too!)

  15. Love your photos and love peanut m&m's too! We used some with the girls to add to the bunny cake. When I was craving some a little later, I whispered to my husband if he knew where the extra were. I was so sad when he said he and our grandson are them!

  16. I think the pastels taste better too! The colors of Easter are such happy colors. I enjoyed this I just wish I had some M&M 's! LOL

  17. If you are crazy to make a post all about M & M's, then I am crazy for trying to eat them off the screen!! LOL!

    Beautiful colors, and I think you're right - the pastel ones taste better. Although, I'm also a fan of the red and green ones at Christmas...and every other every other time of year.


  18. Pretty! Now I want M&Ms too! Hope you have a great Easter. Blessings!

  19. Who knew M & M's could look so pretty! I guess I pop them into my mouth too fast to enjoy their loveliness :)

    Your post is full of Spring beauty....I love it! Hugs to you, sweet friend.

  20. I love the pretty pastels of the season, but never knew the extended to M&Ms. Now I want one.

  21. Oh Debby, this was a most enjoyable, pretty and fun post!
    Your photos are beautiful!! I really need to get smart with the camera :-) I have never been one for taking pictures, but with the blog I need to step up, get out of my comfort zone and just do it!
    Peanut M&M's are my favorite, but I do not like the brown ones, they taste different. ;-)
    I agree with you, pastels are the bestest!

    Congratulations on your win over at Stephanie's! I think that beautiful gift is going right where God wants it to go.
    I'm so happy for you!

    By the way, your comments are still not making it to my in box, so when you do not get a reply please do not think that I do not want to reply to you. I've tried to visit in return but oh my time these days seems so short. I'm still trying to catch up.

    Love and joy to you!

  22. Such pretty colours, dear Debbie! I love how you did a shoot with these lovely Easter treats!
    Much love and hugs to you...hope your day is beautifully blessed!
    Oh, and congratulations to you on your win at The Enchanting Rose - wasn't Stephanie a dear to host such a delightful giveaway?? Her creations are always so gorgeous - enjoy!!

  23. Love these!
    You must have had fun shooting these.

  24. Oooh I want some of those. They look so good.

  25. Ah, I love the pretty photos! And those M&Ms are making me hungry! :-)

  26. These pastel goodies looks so yummy. I swear I'm gonna look for em in the supermarket here. :)

  27. I love peanut M&Ms! The pastel colors are my favorites. They could leave them this color forever and I wouldn't mind! Happy Easter to you!

  28. Beautiful pictures! I am a peanut M & M fan too. I don't care for chocolate, so the saltiness of the peanut makes the chocolate a little more tolerable. Yes, there is something wrong with me!! I am following you now and am looking forward to reading more!
    Happy Easter and Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  29. Debbie, your pictures make me smile and oh, so happy!
    Happy Easter ~

  30. Hi Debby! I'm just dropping by to wish you a Happy Easter. May God bless you and yours abundantly in this holy season.
    Happy Spring too!

  31. So glad you shared this lovely, happy, and colorful post with Roses of Inspiration :) Big hugs to you!

  32. I love your pastel Easter images (and who doesn't like the sweet candy?). Wonderful time for all.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.