Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Walk in the Park

Hello, my friends!
I'm sharing today at Tex's Run*A*Round Ranch.
Come on over and check out the Good Fences others are sharing too!
So after a rainy weekend, the weather has been cool and sunny here this week...
...30's to 40's (brrrr) at night, warming to the mid 60's to around 70 during the day.
Absolutely gorgeous, bright blue skies and everything is so greeeeen!

These are photos from my nature hike from last Friday...
...a day exactly like I described above.
This small, local community park is only a few miles from my home.
I used to take my grandsons here when they were little to play on the playground,
but didn't realize that there was such a cool hiking trail!
I found out that where the gravel trail ended,
a dirt trail continued which wound around back into the woods.
A tall chain link fence encircled the whole park, right next to the trail.

Now a chain link is usually not my fence of choice...
...and this one is probably over six feet tall...
...but it didn't bother me much since there were so many wonderful things to look at,
such as this awesome tree.

 I have no idea what kind it is.
I googled "tree with branches that twist and turn" and got many different results.

I thought it looked like a huge grapevine with little fuzzy worms hanging on it.

I was quite mesmerized by it.
A little farther down the trail I got a tiny glimpse of red popping out among the green.
The bloom cluster was about the size of a small apple I'd say...

...and I had never seen them growing around here before.

Google tells me it is coral honeysuckle...quite stunning, wouldn't you agree?
Definitely not like the kind I see in my yard.
Continuing on down the trail...

...some squaw weed..

Google, you're so smart :)

...and a little something or other sprouting out with a lovely pinkish hue.

(I didn't google this one for some reason)

I wish I would have taken a closer look at the vines covering this part of the fence.
It appears to be common honeysuckle which is not yet in bloom.

I will return in a couple of weeks to see if I was right and to take in some of it's loveliness.
If my assumption is correct, the aroma will be absolutely heavenly.

I was mostly impressed by how it did a complete make-over of this chain link fence!
Finally the trail looped back around and I was heading back to the main part of the park.

These little sweeties were growing all over everywhere I looked.
I don't know their name...
...the google search came up with way too many "tiny white bell-shaped wildflower" examples.
Not one of them looked just like these.

So back to the gazebo near the entrance and ready for a little rest...

...water bottle and Jesus Calling devotional book all tucked down in my camera bag.

It had been quite a nice little walk and I was the only one on the trail...
...and it was absolutely it was wonderful!

Did I mention that sky was bright blue and everything was so greeeen?

It truly was a glorious day!


  1. I love a beautiful hike. Looks like a wonderful place to get exercise and renew one's spirit!

  2. Beautiful, beautiful! I almost feel like I am there, walking along with you! (And what in the world did we ever do without google?!) :)

  3. really is a lovely trail! i love that unknown twisty tree and the little white bell blossoms, too. hope someone can i.d. them for you. the coral honeysuckle is beautiful! thanks for sharing!

  4. I think I took a photo of the same deep blue sky the other day. The weather has been perfect. A beautiful walk--and that's pretty nice what they did to obscure the fence a bit.

  5. New to your blog (from Good Fences.) BEAUTIFUL work. Really!

  6. Hello Debby, what a wonderful walk. So many pretty flowers and trees.. The coral honeysuckle is lovely.. Great fence photos, enjoy your day!

  7. Thank you for taking us along. It sure looks great!

  8. Thank you for taking me along on this delightful walk!

  9. Loved the wholepost. Now I think your plant with the twists is Corylus avellana 'Contorta'
    corkscrew hazel or also known as Harry Lauder's walkingstick.Check thislinkout andsee what you think.

  10. Hi Debby! I noticed the deep pink blooms of my crab apple looked STUNNING against the blue, blue sky. I tried to photograph it with my digital camera, and it just didn't do it justice. This is why we need photographers like you to bring us the beautiful colors of nature.
    How fun that you googled the names of the plants! I should do that. I have a plant that was given to me in my yard. It's enormous and I have no idea what it is...
    Thursday blessings!

  11. It looks so beautiful there Debby. I love the springtime when everything is budding. It's my favourite time of the year. We're still in dullsville here but the warm weather is coming and we'll start seeing growth soon. Thanks for taking us along on your walk in the park. The gazebo is beautiful.

  12. love the path you walked on...and even the fuzzy critters on the tree:)

  13. Stunning images. I love those shots looking straight up.That always gives such a cool effect.

  14. I thought the leaves and the hanging things (can't think of what else to call them) reminded me of a Hazelnut tree. - Anyway that is a great walking area and it was neat to see the different trees and such on the fence line.

  15. That is a lovely trail to walk,Debby, and the flowers are so pretty.

  16. Gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous! What a lovely walk! Thanks for taking us along...:) Have a blessed and beautiful Friday and weekend.

  17. What a delightful place for a walk! Love the trees, flowers and the gazebo is so pretty and a perfect spot to sit awhile. Great post!

  18. Such a perfect day for hiking and enjoying such a variety of sweet plants/trees.

  19. Debby that was a lovely walk with pretty flowers.


  20. Loved your walk in the park, Debby, isn't it amazing the wonders of God's creation we find when we take the time to stop, breath and search! I can only imagine how refreshed you were when you returned home, thanks for sharing.
    Blessings, Sue

  21. Gorgeous pics, Debby. Nothing like nature to lift your spirits.

  22. Debby, what a glorious trail, such a serene and beautiful place to walk! Sad to hear your dear mom passed yesterday some years back like my daddy. Sending you a hug.

    Have a good weekend!


  23. Gorgeous Debby! Wow those green trees with those blue skies are pretty pretty pretty.
    How wonderful it would be to live near you and take that beautiful walk together having sweet fellowship one with another. That was a gorgeous path even with the chain link fence. :)
    Thank you for sharing your walk with us.

    Have a beautiful week end.

  24. I would so have enjoyed that walk...I love those twisty, curly branches on that tree.

  25. What a gorgeous walk - thanks for capturing it and taking us along! Enjoy your weekend : )

  26. Hi Debby! Oh, what a gorgeous trail walk and thank you for taking me along with you! Isn't it amazing at the beautiful 'wild' plants out in nature? You are really getting your exercise too. Aw, I know how you feel being without a mother. When something happens around here, still the first thing I think of is calling my mother! She'll be in heaven two years this October.
    Take care and you're always a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  27. Oh Debby! What a beautiful walk in the park. You are truly an artist who captures the magnificent beauty of God's masterpiece. You are awesome! So have you heard from the contest for Jesus Calling?

  28. I enjoyed taking this sunny walk with you, Debby!

  29. Hello, You really gave us all a nature walk in the lovely park! And you are so right; the sky was blue and everything was so green! Happy Mothers Day to you my dear friend!
    God Bless and I am sending a HUG

  30. Good morning, dearest Debby! Thank you so much for taking us along on your beautiful walk. You're right, the sky is so blue and the plants and trees are so green! Don't you just love this time of the year? :)

    Your posts are always so refreshing, my friend. Have a lovely day! Hugs!

  31. Gorgeous images. Looks like a perfect day out and about. The fences are so interesting.

  32. I am too tired to read tonight, but I thoroughly enjoyed your photographs! I love spring greens. My favorite pictures are the ones looking up into the tall trees! So uplifting. :-)

    I don't know for sure what that twisty tree is, but it makes me think of Harry Lauder's Walking Stick.

  33. I am too tired to read tonight, but I thoroughly enjoyed your photographs! I love spring greens. My favorite pictures are the ones looking up into the tall trees! So uplifting. :-)

    I don't know for sure what that twisty tree is, but it makes me think of Harry Lauder's Walking Stick.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.