Monday, June 1, 2015

June, Grilled Burgers and Corn on the Cob

Up until a little while ago, I hadn't planned on posting anything today.
I had been contemplating what my next post would be...
...probably something June-y since today is the first day of June.

So I went back into my archives to see what I had posted a year ago.
Here is a link to that post but you don't have to go back...
...the only thing I really want you to see is this.

It was what I had for dinner the night before that post from last year.

Okay, fast forward one year later...

I'm sitting here looking back at this old post as I'm eating my dinner...
...and what do you suppose was on the menu tonight?
You guessed it :)

Half eaten but just had to snap this photo before I ate it all!
CRAZY, I know.

It's deja vu, all over again!
Have a good first night of June, my friends :)


  1. Ha ha, Debby, you're a true creature of habit. I find myself doing a lot of that myself these days.
    Have a great week!

  2. Doesn't that menu just shout, 'SUMMERTIME.' :-)) Wonderful!!

  3. Haha! We have to enjoy sweet corn when we can.

  4. Very interesting. You can't really go wrong with a meal like that. Yummy!

  5. We had hamburgers and hot dogs cooked on the grill on Sunday. So good. Nothing says summertime like a grilled burger! :)

  6. Haha! :-) some things just never change!
    Corn on the cob ooh ooh aww... When our corn is in season, towards the end of summer here, my husband could and would eat it every night with grilled hot dogs. Because the season is so short he thinks we have to make the best of it. :-)

    Happy Day to you, my friend!
    Joy! Debbie

  7. Guess that means that you are a creature of habit! =D

    1. Say, have you ever tried Cheryl's cheeseburger salad or wahtever she calls it? It's on her salads list. Yummo!

  8. Hi Debby! This is definitely a 'June-y' post! I just wish the weather would cooperate around here!
    I love corn on the cob and a good burger. Yum! Add a little red wine, and I am in heaven...
    Kick up those feet and enjoy the gift of God's love and provision for you :)

  9. Yummm! I'm hungry now and I love summery sweet corn!
    Have a great day!

  10. Hi Debby, Oh this looks so good and I am now hungry and it's close to lunch time. Had to come back over and say hello again and thank you for stopping by and your kind comment and new following. Your comment came through to the dashboard instead of my inbox which is the blog glitch that continues to go on for so long. But I know to look at the dashboard and not miss friends visits.
    Have a beautiful day and I'm off to make lunch now!!
    Happy June~ CM

    1. The same thing happens with me too on some blogs...your doesn't come to my in box either. Thanks for coming back to visit! The corn came from the grocery store and was some of the best I have eaten. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday!

  11. We grilled salmon and corn over the weekend. Always so happy when fresh corn is in season. Nothing wrong with a repeat of a good meal! Happy June.

  12. Hello, What a creature of habit the same foods on the 1st of each month HA HA
    Looks so yummy
    Love, Roxy

  13. How funny! It looks so good, especially the corn!

  14. I think I know what is on my menu for tomorrow...this is the second post in the last half hour or so that has had pictures of delicious hamburgers. One of my favorite meals.

  15. Totally starving now! On my list this week!

    Thank you for visiting me, Debbie. Our kitchen remodel has taken so long! When you are a one-man-show and work a full time job it only leaves a few hours each week and Saturdays to ever everything. Glad it's almost over.

    Big hugs...Rebecca

  16. There is nothing better than burgers and corn on the cob in the summertime! My hubby would agree...he loves his hamburgers!

  17. The most delicious summer meal. I admire you for stopping half-way to take a photo for us :-)

  18. Oh my goodness! How funny, Debby!
    Corn on the cob is always so little sisters love it so much, but we have to remind them that they're ladies - haha! :)
    Blessings and much love!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Oh my favorite summer meal! Looks delicious! When are you having that again, give me a heads up and will be there! LOL

  21. Definitely a delicious dinner worth repeating, many, may times this summer! Enjoy the bounties of beautiful June, Debby!

    Happy weekend!


  22. Gosh, this makes me want to go out and find a corn on cob! :P
    Yum, yum, yum!


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