Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Start of Something Big

You have to be as old as me or older to remember that song from the late 50's,
"This Could Be the Start of Something Big".
In fact, when I titled this post I couldn't actually place the song, itself,
but remembered it as a jingle on an old TV commercial
....something else I can't remember!
When I saw these sunflowers coming up in my planter box,
that crazy song came rushing into my brain for some odd reason...
...can't even tell you long it had been since I'd thought of it, let alone heard it!
(Click on the video for a blast from the past)
In an earlier post I shared how the sunflowers had evidently been planted by the backyard critters...
...birds or squirrels...I'm thinking squirrels.
Those ornery squirrels had dug up and devoured every single seed I had planted in my pots.
I'd say they must have been putting a few away for a rainy (or snowy) day.
You see, I was conducting an experiment...
...trying to grow sunflowers in pots since there was not enough sun in the yard.
So when I saw these popping up among my other flowers,
I dug them up and transplanted them in the pots the squirrels had gotten into.
These are the few that survived the attack of the squirrels.
And they grew...and they grew...
...and they grew some more...although they were mighty spindly!

And when I started seeing these appear,
surely you must know how excited that made me!
They are just so beautiful...

...and hairy :)

The buds are nearly as gorgeous as the opened flowers.

Well, maybe not.
I loved how this one decided to open up.
 It stayed in this winking pose for a whole day.
The tallest one is well over six feet, although the blooms are only about 4-6" in diameter.
The seed packet said these were the Mammoth variety although I doubt it. 
And I realize that growing them in pots surely will stunt their growth...
...and no doubt the Dollar Store seeds were not the best quality...
...hmmm...I wonder... could also be the same reason one of the packets was completely empty!
Note to self:
 They are still beautiful, regardless how big they get or where the seeds came from. 
If they grow any larger the pots will tip over anyway, right?

I could just look at them all day.
So I have come to the conclusion that my experiment was a just so-so success.
As you see, growing sunflowers in pots can be done, if you like skinny, spindly ones. 
Will I do it again next year?
That remains to be seen :)
"If I were a flower... I would be a sunflower.
To always follow the sun, turn my back to darkness,
Stand proud, tall and straight even with my head full of seeds."
~ Pam Stewart
I hope the rest of your week and weekend is awesome...
...I'm off to Nashville!

Sharing with:
Roses of Inspiration 


  1. they really are beautiful. :) glad they bloomed and really like the winker. :)

  2. Beautiful, a real delight. I too am a fan of the one winking....

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love the sunflowers. I am so glad you had some plants survive those darn squirrels. Awesome shots, enjoy your day!

  5. They are absolutely beautiful and your photography is stunning! Thanks for sharing this lovely, sunny post! Have fun in Nashville...:)

  6. God's creation never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for the stunning photos. Nashville is one of my all-time favorite places to be. Enjoy!

  7. Beautifully photographed Debby. Enjoy Nashville!

  8. Wow - your photos are spectacular! I think any sunflower I ever grew was swiped to the ground and eaten by a squirrel!

  9. They are gorgeous...your photos are amazing!

  10. Happy Sunflowers :) and I love the lighting in your photos. Thank you so much for visiting my blog while I was away. Have a great week.

  11. Mildred said it....your photos are spectacular! You are right, the buds are just as pretty as the flower. In fact the bud has a lot of personality, don't you think? :)

    The video was such a joy to watch....ahhh, the god ol'days :) Thanks for taking the time to share your sweetness with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs to you, Debby!

  12. There's a lot of design in a sunflower. I'd say that your experiment was mostly successful. (I'm having the same problem with shade.) Have a good time in Nashville!

  13. I sure think they were a success! And I never tire of looking at them either!

  14. Oh my. I see some images there that should be framed!! Beautiful!!
    Enjoy your trip, friend! :)

  15. You did get beautiful pictures and no one would guess that the flowers are smaller or the plants spindly.

  16. I always loved sun flowers-in the ground or in a pot!

  17. OMG! This is my favorite flower ever! Look at how crisp the color is! And yes, I don't know that song but it sure sounds like a delight.

  18. Hi Debby! I remember growing sunflowers one year on our backyard. They were HUGE! I wish I had kept more of the seeds. One fun thing about them is that the heads of the flower track the sun all day. They move from side to side each day, reaching out to the warmth and light. Much like we do with Our Lord!
    I'm going to look into getting some seeds myself. I'll skip the Dollar Store. LOL!

  19. I love sunflowers and the only ones I have this year are volunteer. They aren't very big, but I can't wait to see them blooming. Have fun in Nashville!

  20. I love sunflowers and planted a few seeds in the veggie garden and only 4 have come up. I hope they grow big and strong! Thanks for sharing that video as it sure brought back lots of memories. We didn't get that TV show but we did get Dinah Shore, whom my father adored. :) I did remember that song though. Have fun in Nashville!

  21. I think their beautiful! Great job!

  22. Great photos : ) I grew sunflowers the last 2 years and have planted them again though some coming up here and there are from the birdseed variety, I am sure. I enjoy the way they have nice captures. The finches and other little birds will go crazy over them's a big treat to watch that as well :)

  23. Great photos : ) I grew sunflowers the last 2 years and have planted them again though some coming up here and there are from the birdseed variety, I am sure. I enjoy the way they have nice captures. The finches and other little birds will go crazy over them's a big treat to watch that as well :)

  24. Oh I love sunflowers too have planted some this year. Mine aren't blooming yet but I am looking forward to them. Thanks for sharing yours. : )

  25. Oh, I bet you are having a wonderful time in Nashville! I have never been but it sounds like such a fun place to visit. Your flowers are beautiful dollar store seeds and all : ) Mine are about 3 inches tall from non-dollar store seeds haha. But usually sunflowers around here are a late summer, early fall flower so I think I am on track.

  26. Sunflowers and daisies, my favorite. Is it, "Something tells me I'm into something good?"

  27. I just love sunflowers! And even the spindly ones are beautiful! Your pictures captured so many *poses* - reflecting their sunny glory! Beautiful!

    Also love Nashville. Have a great time, and can't wait to hear about all your adventures!



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