Monday, August 17, 2015

A little sneak peek...

Good morning, friends...
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Isn't it unbelievable that it is already the middle of August?
I was hoping by now that things would be a little further along...
...the home renovation is going a bit slower than expected.

I understand this is a common occurrence when you deal with a contractor
who has many other irons in the fire.

BUT...progress is being made...

...and slowly but surely, a few big changes are taking place.

I'm really getting excited!

More updates later.

So in the mean time, you just might find me chillin' on my new front porch...

...if it isn't raining :)



  1. Oh my! I know you must be excited. Your house must be red. It looks the color of our cabin. I love it! Your place looks really pretty.

  2. Oh Debby, how exciting! I can't wait to see the finished product :) Happy Monday, my friend. Hugs!

  3. In my experience, home project process is almost always slow, whether using a contractor or DIY. S-l-o-w... Having a new front porch just might sweeten the waiting time! Enjoy!!

  4. Some progress is better than no progress! Looking good.

  5. How exciting to have renovations going on! I have been watching so much HGTV lately that I want to redo my whole house! Think how wonderful it will be on the other finished side of it!

  6. It's going to be great! I've always wanted a front porch. You are going to love it and it will be worth the wait.

  7. It's going to be so nice and how great to get it done this summer. Sweet hugs, Diane

  8. I am envious - a covered front porch? Lucky you and I can't wait to see it when finished Debby.

  9. Hi Debby! Oh, I'm excited for you! I know you want it done now! It's going to be wonderful. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. I love new house projects! Meaning new projects-not new houses.

  11. Exciting times for you, lets hope it will be finished soon. Looking forward to seeing it all finished.

  12. Oh, I can realize your anxious excitement. When it's done and'll soon forget the delays and enjoy it.

  13. Hi Debby, Home projects are always fun even when the progress might be slow going. Looks like you have a lot underway and it will be fantastic when complete. Can't believe August is half over. Today the kids go back to school here in our area of Texas. It feels like fall now that school is in session once again.
    Have a blessed week and fun with the project.
    Hugs, cm

  14. Sometimes home improvements can take longer than expected but so worth the wait when they are finished. I've lived through many!!

  15. My understanding is that contractors do exactly the right amount of work to reel you in and then they disappear. Its an art!

  16. Wow! A new porch too! Something must be in the air!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving me a comment. It's so nice to meet new blogging friends. I absolutely love your blog! I can't wait to see how your covered porch turns out and I love that you do the Red too!

    I hope you have a lovely day!

  17. Debby, Oh, you're having some construction work done at your house! I am one who totally understands this, as my husband has been in the construction industry our whole married life. It takes time and patience, but when it's all finished, you can sit back and enjoy. Hang in there, my friend.


  18. Oh it's so true about contractors working on more than one job at a time while they wait for another contractor to finish that other job. Not fun. Your new deck is progressing though and hopefully you'll have some great weather ahead to enjoy it.

  19. That's exciting! And yes, you need a ton of patience it seems these days with contractors. I guess they have to keep several projects going. Enjoy sitting where you can when you can!

  20. very exciting, dearest Debby...I am sure you must be itching to have everything complete but yes...these things do indeed take time...smiles...
    Enjoy your last few days of blissful summertime...hugs and so much love to you!

  21. Glad for you and I like your treatment of the photos! :)

  22. A front porch? How wonderful! I thought they'd disappeared in these days of backyard decks! A front porch is such a homey, comforting kind of thing. I know you'll enjoy it when it's done.

  23. Will you have a porch swing? That's always been a dream of mine!

  24. Hi Debby! (Sniff...smell that new lumber!!) Your porch is going to be such a peaceful place for you. I can see you looking out, coffee in hand. I want to be there too :)
    Blessings my friend,

  25. Sigh...That is remodeling for you! :) My husband is in the construction business, and well... I am chuckling while I write this as I know just what you are feeling. One good thing about your project is that it will eventually get finished. Now...for the wife of a builder, her things seem to never get finished, or even started for that matter. :) You know...The shoe makers children never have new shoes kinda story. *smiles*

    Your yard looks like a heavenly place from what I can see in the photo.

    I will look forward to the finished work.
    Blessings ~ Debbie


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.