Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Teacup Full of Blessings

I have wanted to join Stephanie's Teacup & Mug Exchange for a while now.
It seems like one thing or another just kept getting in the way!
Well, as soon as I found out about this one,
I decided then and there that I was going to do it this time...
...and I'm so glad I did!
What fun it was to secretly find out a little about the sweet lady that I was matched up with!
I was to send my teacup and other lovelies to Judy who blogs over at 20 North Ora.
I had seen several of Judy's posts but hadn't yet started following her lovely blog.
 A few things I discovered was that she was a super crafter, collector and decorator...
...with a perfectly wonderful whimsical style!
I came across a darling yellow bumble bee teacup that I thought she would enjoy.
By reading her posts, I could tell she was quite a busy lady... busy as a bee buzzing all around possibly!
It was so much fun shopping for her!
And what a surprise to find a package on my doorstep,
even before the deadline for mailing them out!
My package arrived all the way from Oregon from Linda.
Her beautiful blog, Lady Linda is just overflowing with all things lovely!
Even the bright pink tissue paper excited me!

Here's what I found inside...

Isn't she a beauty?
It seems Ms. Linda had been doing a little poking around and discovered my red kitchen :)

I think the solid, darker tone with the gold edging is simply stunning!
And in addition to this gorgeous teacup, I received...

...a tasty assortment of my favorite fruity how did she know that??
I've never mentioned the kind of tea I like on my blog that I can remember.
Linda must have psychic abilities too! :)

There was also a really cool silicone tea infuser...

...some perfect rooster goodies including these recipe cards...

...the cutest pot holder...

...a darling little pottery dish for my tea bag that was filled with chocolate {smile}...

...and this cute little "rooster under glass" refrigerator magnet.
(not to be confused with Pheasant Under Glass...whatever that is)

I just loved everything!
But I have saved the best for last.

Years ago my MIL passed down her beautiful Red Rose vintage Sadler tea set to me.

And just look at how beautifully my new teacup matches it!

I sat up a little faux tea party out on my deck to see how they looked together...

...and as you can see, "we" had us a little photo shoot.

I was having a really hard time deciding which photos were my favorites... I decided to just throw way too many into this post.

Okay...just one more for good measure :)
This was so much fun!
Thank you so much Linda, for these lovely, lovely gifts...
...they have truly blessed my heart.
How wonderful it was to finally be a part of this lovely exchange!
And Stephanie...what can I say?
 I can only imagine the amount of time and effort that you put into every single one!
I so appreciate your heart for the Lord and everything you do.
Sweet {{hugs}} to you, my friend!
“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…
It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.”
~ C. S. Lewis


  1. Debby, what a beautiful package you receiver! The teacup and saucer is perfect with your Red Rose tea set. A beautiful post!

  2. The red cup is so pretty and compliments your tea set perfectly. I'm in love with the idea of drinking hot tea, but I have never been able to develop a taste for it. I guess that comes from growing up only drinking iced tea. Oh well...

  3. You were certainly blessed with such a beautiful package. How wonderful that it matched your Sadler set so well. A very generous and thoughtful gift. Take care.

  4. Wow what a lovely tea cup and goodies you received from Stephanie's exchange. Enjoy!

  5. How beautiful! Reading these posts about the tea cup or mug exchanges has been so much fun...almost as much as if I had participated myself.

  6. What a lovely post and display of your gift! It truly was a blessing to participate! Have a wonderful week, Lynn

  7. Oh have received such lovely goodies! Your pretty new tea cup is the most gorgeous of colours and yes it is perfect sitting alongside your Red Rose Sadler teapot. I love all your glorious photos.....'tis a wonderful photo shoot!

  8. Dear Debby, your beautiful blog post made me get tears in my eyes. I am so pleased that you loved your teacup. Yes, it does go perfectly with your teapot. It was a joy to send you your goodie box. These exchanges are sooo fun. Have a great week and enjoy a cup of tea along the way.

  9. My dear friend, I gasped when I saw the tea cup with your tea set...and I got chills {{smiles}} It looks absolutely perfect with the beautiful tea set! Linda is a very special friend - she is kindness and love all wrapped up in the form of a beautiful woman. I am so glad the two of you were able to meet through the exchange and it was truly a blessing to see all that she gave you.

    I know you have tried to join the exchanges in the past and I was so happy to have along on this adventure - perfect timing, right :) Much love to you, Debby!

  10. The tea cup is perfect for your tea set, it is absolutely beautiful, Debby, as are your other lovelies, wasn't this a great fun event, this was my first time,and I am looking forward to the next one. Thank you for sharing,have a blessed week,

  11. Debby, the weirdest thing just happened when I read your post. I got strong goosebumps and tears in my eyes. I had a very strong reaction to your teacup and how it matches your Sadler set from a loved one. WOW. Well your treasures from Lady Linda are wonderful, and the match is exquisite and your pics are amazing and totally pin worthy beautiful! : - )

  12. Serendipity Debby that you should receive a teacup that is a perfect match for your Red Rose tea set. I'm so happy for you and know you will enjoy trying your teas and using the fun rooster things.
    Such a wonderful exchange with new tea friends to meet.

  13. Debby~As I sit here after reading your delightful post with Kleenex in hand I marvel at the way our great God works in our lives. That tea cup was ment just for you, and not only for you, but from dear Lady Linda. Absolutely stunning!
    You are going to fall in love with Linda and her beauty, she is precious.
    She seems to know what the right gift is when she gives, as I was one of her recipients in these lovely exchanges and she graced me with the prettiest pink tea cup, I LOVE pink!
    Enjoy all your treasures~ Debbie

  14. I am not a collector teapots and cups but your beautiful pictures make me want to get some. I love the red rose color, so warm and inviting. Maybe someday when we retire I might just get me a tea pot and cups to enjoy.

  15. I am not a collector teapots and cups but your beautiful pictures make me want to get some. I love the red rose color, so warm and inviting. Maybe someday when we retire I might just get me a tea pot and cups to enjoy.

  16. Oh Debbie that red tea cup and saucer was meant for you! It is perfect for your tea service and I love how you set it together outside!
    Have a wonderful day!

  17. What a beautiful teacup and goes so perfectly well with your lovely tea set!!! Lady Linda did a wonderful job in getting to know about you! Her teacup and gifts to you were so well thought out!!! Have a wonderful day!

  18. Lovely post. Excellent match with your MIL's set :) I especially love the tiny rooster dish. :)

  19. Hi Debby, Oh your received a beautiful teacup. How gorgeous it looks with your MIL's tea set. It was meant to be and what a blessing you received. Love the tea diffuser and all the darling rooster decor. So glad you got to join in this time and had so much fun. Stephanie always makes this event very special and she is a blessing to all. Thank you for stopping by Debby. Enjoy and have a wonderful evening. xo

  20. OH my goodness Debby, what perfection your gifted teacup is with your MIL's set that was passed down to you! It is just stunning together and looks so pretty in your outdoor vignette. You also received some wonderful goodies, along with your teacup. We are all blessed by our dear, sweet, kind hostess, who takes the time to coordinate this lovely swap of giving and receiving and making friends.

  21. What lovely gifts you received! That teacup is one of my favorite shades of red. What fun to get a package in the mail full of goodies and a new friend!

  22. What a beautiful gift, and it matches your teapot set perfectly. I'm sure you'll have a lot of pleasure from this gift.


  23. Debby, that was just fantastic! Everything was just lovely. I'm so glad you had a fun exchange. :-)

  24. Debby how completely stunning is that teacup with your teaset! What a happy match! Your teacup is simply beautiful, and so different from the floral ones most of us favoured. I adore it. Love, Mimi xxx

  25. Everything is beautiful.
    I made your soup again today but I used cauliflower and some broccoli. I'm thinking potatoes would be good too. We love the soup!!

  26. Hi Debby! I have taken part in the Tea Cup Exchange before, and it is a lot of fun. Not sure what was more satisfying...picking out a teacup for a blogger, or getting one!
    You certainly got a wonderful package! How cool that the cup matches your tea set. Loved the photos! Hope you can have a tea party soon :)

  27. Wow, what a lovely teacup...and for it to match your grandmother's set so perfectly is truly a blessing. So glad you had fun with the swap.

  28. Beautiful tea set...and the cup and other goodies look awesome! Almost makes me want to join the tea cup exchange next time (maybe I will)!

  29. I'm so glad you got to join in the fun this time Debby! What a great package you received, and yes, I think the teacup looks perfect with the Sadler teapot. Everyone has been so thoughtful and generous.

  30. Your lovely teacup has me seeing red! It looks fabulous with your Sadler tea set. So glad that you enjoyed your first exchange!

  31. What a beautiful teacup and goodies you were gifted with, Debby! It goes with your tea set perfectly. I enjoyed seeing all of your lovely photos!

  32. This was fun....I've seen a few of these teacup posts around at various blogs and I feel as if I am watching you all enjoy the same sort of excitement / surprise that we did as children on Christmas morning. It's wonderful how that cup goes with your beautiful set ! Just lovely :)

  33. Oh Debby, how absolutely lovely! A perfect teacup! My favorite style! Love the victorian look that you have captured in your photos. You are so good. I realize what a terrible friend I have been. I can not believe I have missed so many posts. What is wrong with me. I'm so sorry! Please forgive me. I'm glad I dropped by.

  34. What a beautiful addition to your tea set! This is the second teacup post I've read tonight, and the whole exchange sounds like a wonderful thing! Looks like you got a very special gift, and you have taken the most beautiful photos.

    I'd write more, but I'm packing right now to come to your house and share a cuppa!!


  35. Dear Debby
    What a beautiful tea exchange post!
    Isn't that the nicest thing that the sweet tea cup you received matched your mother-in-laws set! So special and I can tell how happy you are!
    Everyone puts so much thought into their gifts - it's just lovely!
    I'm looking forward to the next one too!

  36. Oh...dear Debby! This is simply the sweetest post! Full of tea cup and friendship happiness! Lady Linda is such a darling, and I feel so blessed to ''know'' her in the blog world! She certainly graced you with the loveliest of red tea dainty and how wonderfully it matches your stunning tea set! I do so look forward to the next exchange...once again, it has been exciting joining in the fun and I am SO glad you could take part too!
    Hugs and ever so much love to you!

  37. What a beautiful addition to your already lovely Red Rose set, a sweet gift from your mother-in-law, Debby! I'm so glad you decided to include all of these photos; each one is special for its light, styling an subject matter! Enjoy your delicious treats and rooster goodies. Linda definitely put a lot of thought into her gift for you, my friend.


  38. Hello Debby, what a cute teapot and teacup. A lovely gift. I love anything with roosters, they are cute items. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  39. How sweet is this! I love the silicone tea infuser.. I didn't know they had those. Pretty pictures too!

  40. How sweet is this! I love the silicone tea infuser.. I didn't know they had those. Pretty pictures too!

  41. A hot cup of tea is just a wonderful treat...I love it in the morning and evening too!


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