Monday, December 21, 2015

A Christmas Blessing

It came in the mail today.
I recognized his left-handed scrawl on the envelope right away.

Tears of joy flowed when I read the words he scribbled...

Here's the translation if you're having trouble making it out:

Thank you guys so much for never giving up on me and believing in me 
that one day I would find Christ in me. I'm so grateful to have such great parents. 
I love you Mom & Dad very much...Merry Christmas!
Love, Aaron
Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.

God is good.

God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he'll have compassion on you;
he'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered.
Deuteronomy 30:3 (The Message)

Wishing you all a JOY-filled Christmas!

Much love,


  1. What a wonderful Christmas present....these precious words Aaron has written. Praise the Lord! xo

  2. Oh wow!.What a huge blessing a simple card can bring. I praise God together with you for this.I know you are rejoicing at each small victory.

  3. I can imagine how you feel. I pray every day that my two children will one day say that to me!
    I too will be in tears.
    What a wonderful blessing. : )

  4. I just love the the card! You and your husband must be some great parents!

    1. Let me just say that we should never give up on our kids. We certainly have made mistakes through the years raising our's not what we have done, but what God is doing :)

  5. A beautiful miracle for this Christmas season!

  6. I am thrilled for you, wishing you all a Wonderful Christmas.

  7. How wonderful, a lovely message to receive at any time but especially at this time of the year.
    Merry Christmas.


  8. This brought tears to my eyes. I can sense your mother's heart overflowing. What a wonderful gift your boy gave you and your husband!

    1. It really is Dotsie. Hubby hasn't seen the card yet as he's been working away from home this week. Can't ask for anything better :)

  9. Words from the heart are better than any present that could ever be wrapped and put under the tree. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  10. Lovely card and message Debby! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I wish you all the best in the New Year.

  11. Your post has brought tears of joy, Debby!
    The Lord is faithful, and He is in the business of restoration. His grace, His love and His mercy is abundant and above all that we could even ask.
    Your heart must be overflowing with the joy of the Lord right now, bless your dear heart, my friend.
    May your heart continue to rejoice in the goodness of our God on this glorious day.

    Much love to you, Debbie

  12. Oh Debby what a beautiful card and wonderful words! Merry Christmas....

  13. Tears prick my eyes as I read this post. What an amazing gift to receive! Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family.

  14. This brought tears to my eyes, too...there's nothing in the world that compares to knowing our children love and believe in God.

  15. Aw. That's one marvelous gift to receive. You guys rock for introducing Christ in you child. Some people had to search Him elsewhere.


    Happy Christmas! :)

    1. Thank you for your encouragement! Merry Christmas to you!

  16. I knew it! God is at work in Aaron's heart. What a blessed Christmas for you. :)

    1. Yes, God is working...thank you for your prayers! Merry Christmas, Nancy :)

  17. That is a beautiful card with an even more beautiful message. Many blessings!

  18. So wonderful that your son's heart is turning homeward!!
    Merry, merry Christmas to you and yours!!

  19. That is so wonderful, Debbie! I don't know your son, but I've been praying for him every day. His words must have blessed your hearts beyond belief. It brought tears to my eyes as I thought of the joy his message was giving to his mom and day, and how that was also filling his heart with love and strength to continue his journey of healing.

    Merry Christmas and Happy "2016" to you and your family,

  20. I'm a little misty-eyed now. No better gift than that, and your scripture encouraged me in my personal situation. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Debby. Miracles still happen.

  21. How precious is that! God is so good! I am so thrilled for Adam and for both you and your hubby. Yes...Best Present ever...
    Merry Christmas Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  22. How precious is that! God is so good! I am so thrilled for Adam and for both you and your hubby. Yes...Best Present ever...
    Merry Christmas Debby!
    Hugs, Amy

  23. Oh, Debby...that card is the best gift ever! I am so happy for you! I know this will be a special Christmas for you and your family. Merry Christmas to all of you!!

  24. What a special note from your child. This is a treasure to keep always.



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