Thursday, August 18, 2016

Heat Wave

"If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?" 
~Steven Wright

A steamy, sultry morning around these parts.
Autumn, I hope to see you soon!

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The Run-A-Round Ranch's



  1. such a beautiful scene! and steven wright is probably my favorite comic of all time. love that dry humor!!

  2. I just love that photo and the quote has me cracking up. I am waving from here because we are well over 90 today and should be for through the weekend as well. We are not used to those temps! I guess summer is going out with a big bang in the PNW. Have a great weekend : )

  3. What a lovely picture, Debby. I know what you mean about the heat wave. Here in California, we often get them during the summer months, but I'm starting to feel a breeze in the mornings now. :)


  4. beautiful photo...and i am so NOT ready to turn loose of summer yet...

  5. The quote really made me smile! Love the photo of the horses in the fog! We had a little fog this morning, but it quickly dissipated as the sun brought another wonderfully warm summer day. I think I would wave back. I dislike winter so much, that I have to try to appreciate everything summer brings! Hope you stay cool!

  6. Such a gorgeous photo! I am hoping for fall like weather to come soon!

  7. Is it ever HOT! I am looking forward to our first little glimpse of fall. It can;t come soon enough!
    Blessings from Still Woods Farmhouse

  8. I am so with you. I'm looking ahead...

  9. This is one of the most breathtaking pictures I have seen in a LONG time...

  10. Beautiful picture, but I am hoping for the summer to last for as long as possible. It was so late starting this year over here in England.

  11. I surely know what you mean...we've been walking almost 2 miles a day in this heat. I am ready for the temperatures to cool off! Have a blessed day!

  12. One of my fave pictures of yours. Sooo steamy. :)

  13. No, I would not. Not enough energy and I don't like heat waves. Gosh that sure does look hot! You stay cool now, y'hear!

  14. Love your header! I vote your fence photo the best! Come over and see what I linked you'll see why I like yours best. It was nice meeting you. I am following and signed up for your emails. Enjoy your weekend!

  15. You really capture the steamy/sultry!

  16. That is a beautiful picture! Hope you get to cool off soon.

  17. Your banner is lovely, and this is a gorgeous picture. :-)

  18. Your banner is lovely, and this is a gorgeous picture. :-)

  19. Lovely photo finding beauty in a most uncomfortable heat wave.

  20. That's a great photo--captures the heat well. I just can hardly stand it--seems like it's gone on forever, and 90s all this coming week. Yes, looking for fall!

  21. LOVE the photo. so beautiful and yes I would wave back at a heat wave. ha ha... we have been in a heat wave since April with no relief in sight. today heat index will be 105...

  22. Hello, pretty scene! I love the horses. We are finally enjoying some cooler weather today. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  23. Such a beautiful photo! Hope you will have some cooler days soon ♥

  24. Only if I could "wave it good-bye" - I too am ready for Autumn. Lovely scene with the horses and the fence though.

  25. Last night I noticed for the first time that distinct *crisp* in the air that comes as our season changes into autumn. It's been a hot summer up here, and I'll welcome the cooler temperatures.

    I saw a heat wave today, and I did wave back. Maybe this winter I'll see a cold snap, and snap right back at it!


    (Love the beautiful photo...)

  26. NOOOOOOO, I would not! Too funny, Debby! I don't feel at all friendly toward heat waves. Roll on, Autumn.

  27. No...I would not wave to a heat wave! Ha! We have been seeing a few days of Fall and those have been quite nice. And then it gets a bit hot and the evening comes and you can feel the coolness in the air. Its so wonderful!
    I noticed today, that some of our leaves are changing colors...I am so ready for Fall and for all the destructive grasshoppers to move on or die...whichever comes first.;)
    Its been a bad year for those pesky bugs!
    Enjoy your week,Debby!
    Hugs, Amu

  28. Such a beautiful photo Debby, very atmospheric.
    I hope it cools down for you soon

    All the best Jan

  29. A magnificent photo, my friend. Our heat wae seems to be I type this I am cuddled up in a fleece jacket and I actually put socks on my feet because there were cold {{smiles}} We have been getting a taste of autumn here and the days are cooling down.

    Hugs to you!

  30. We are still enjoying the warm days of summer here... perfect temps really, highs in the 80s, lows at night in the 40s! If I saw a heat wave, I might wave back, but only from the inside air conditioning looking out, lol!

    Enjoyed your picture, and hope that it cools off soon for you :) The leaves on the tamaracks here are already starting to turn, and there is no doubt fall is about to make its entrance! I have enjoyed this summer so much, I will be sad to bid it goodbye, it has been one of the best in years here. Take care dear Debby, so happy to have visited with you today :)

  31. Steve Wright is one of my favorite comedians.


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