Friday, September 23, 2016

Sisters at the Beach

Well, I've returned from my little birthday excursion to the sea shore and it seems to be taking me a while to get back in the swing of things. I have been trying to get this post ready for days and I've barely looked at a blog since early last week. I've missed ya'll! Being away from my regular routine for several days can certainly make life a little crazy. I must also tell you to be prepared for photo and narrative overload! Consider yourself warned :)
The Lord was blessing our little get-away right from the start and at 64 years young, Sister Barb experienced flying for the very first time! Oh, but I'm pretty sure it won't be her last...she thoroughly enjoyed it and she had a wonderful experience. Any fears that she had were quickly put to rest as she sat next to a pilot who flew for Amazon! His calm assurance made her feel quite secure and she was really able to enjoy her time in the air. She had no doubt in her mind that her pilot friend was Hand-selected to be her traveling companion...put there just for her.

We had been planning this trip for a year or more and we had an absolutely fantastic time together. Barb is one of the most selfless people I know and she is always putting others before herself. Since she retired a little over a year ago, she has found herself possibly even busier than she was before, taking on many "grandma" duties, helping out her two working daughters. If there was ever anyone who needed a little time away, it would be her.
There's something kind of wonderful about celebrating getting another year older but behaving as if you've actually gotten younger! There were moments when we laughed so hard we could barely stop. There were other times when we reminisced about the old days and spoke of serious matters.

I beat the pants off of her in a game of 500 Rummy and we decided to go to 1000 and she turned the tables on me! We took more selfies than we ever have and I even invested in a selfie stick! I said I'd never get one of! How can you pass up a $6.00 selfie stick, especially when it's 50% off and especially when you have short arms?? Never say never! It was just great sister time.

Tropical Storm Julia was looming overhead, stirring things up a bit and she created the most dramatic sky show. What started out looking like a wet four-day weekend, became a beautiful mix of clouds with brilliant blue skies with stunning cloud formations.

We sat on the deck watching a passing rain storm,..

...intensifying it's appearance with a little help from my "UV filter":D

Cooking together played a big part in the fun as well. We had been scanning Pinterest and Facebook for yummy things to cook for months and as it turned out, we only ate out one time during our stay. Our first morning started out with a breakfast pizza.... had a hash brown crust topped with bacon, sausage, cheese and eggs. It was so good and we had the leftovers for breakfast the next day. That was Thursday, my birthday, and we spent the afternoon just sitting on the shore watching the show. There were very few crazy ladies others on the beach and at times it seemed to be just us and the seagulls. 

It was very windy and we knew the beach umbrella didn't stand a chance. There wasn't any sun to keep off of us anyway and then it started to rain. There we sat through about three different showers, getting pelted and soaked. We both agreed that it was reminiscent of times when we played out in the rain as kids. Then it finally stopped raining and this happened....

...oh it was just a glorious sight and we both agreed that only heaven could be more beautiful.

Afterwards, it was blue skies for the rest of the day. Between the wind and a short stint in the pool, we got a On our way out for my birthday dinner, this majestic sunset stopped us in our tracks.

Barb treated me to a fabulous dinner...peppercorn seared tuna with caramelized onions and balsamic glaze, the "house" mashed potatoes along with a great salad and home baked bread. The tuna was cooked to perfection and oh so delicious.

We had baked a pumpkin/pecan dump cake earlier and it was waiting for us back in our room. 
Who needs birthday cake, anyway??

The weather was much improved and the next day we headed out to ride the ferry to Southport. The island is loaded with cool little shops so we browsed a few of them and had some ice cream. Riding the ferry was so relaxing and the skies were brilliant blue.

Before we headed out out, we put our dinner in  my little vintage crock pot that I brought from home. We decided to make a simple chicken and broccoli dish...chicken breasts in the bottom, fresh broccoli added, seasonings and cream of mushroom soup poured over the top. We ate it over a multi-grain rice mix and it was delicious! The lovely aroma of eau de broccoli about knocked us down when we got back, as it permeated every nook and cranny our room. How is it that broccoli tastes so good but smell SO bad???

That was also the night of the Harvest Moon
 and it was a beautiful thing to see as it rose over the ocean.

A few miles down from Carolina Beach is Kure Beach and Fort Fisher, one of my favorite places to visit. I've shared photos of this area before in another post and I always look forward to coming here to this lovely part of the sea shore. It is also quite rich in history as it is the site of a major battle in the Civil War. There is a museum that tells all about it. We have brought the grandsons here many times over the years and they could probably tell you every detail :)

Yes, another selfie :)

So Sunday morning we had a little worship time on the deck before going out to get our feet wet once more before our departure. It had started out cloudy and rainy but soon the sky was blue with white billowy clouds. I recorded this video of us singing a chorus of "How Great Thou Art", a song which always comes to mind when I witness the vastness of the ocean.

We only waded in ankle-deep because the sea was quite rough, but we definitely got what we came for...and a free pedicure to boot! Sand does wonders on those rough heels :)

You know what they say about all good things. It was time to pack up the Jeep and head for home. We had a little more time to visit since her plane didn't fly out until Monday. It was one of the best birthdays I can remember having and I'm so thankful that God blessed our time together.

I'll close by adding these panoramic shots taken from my iphone.
Now that she's got that first flight under her belt, we may just have to make a habit out of this.
Same time next year, Barb???

So now I better get busy and see what everyone's been up to...
...OH...and Happy Fall, Y'all!
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  1. Oh how truly wonderful. I couldn't be happier for you.

    Happy belated birthday - and many more to come - especially when like this, with your sweet sister! ♥♥

  2. WOW! Looks like a fabulous and fun time for you sisters.The scenery is gorgeous.

  3. Awwww so happy to hear that you had a great birthday! We went to surf city for a week the end of August and it was wonderful! There's just something about the ocean that speaks to my soul! You and your sister are so cute! Sounds like the perfect birthday! Love the photos too!

  4. Hello Debby, looks like a fun time at the beach. Wonderful collection of photos! Happy weekend to you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a delightful birthday visit you two enjoyed. The photos are magnificent; I especially love the moon shots. And the video of you singing harmony is beautiful. How fun to have tried out new recipes during the trip, also.

    John and I love cabbage cooked in the crockpot but like broccoli, it makes the house, I placed the crockpot on a table on the patio!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  7. Oh, Debby! This was just a beautiful post! So touching to witness the close bond between you and your dear sister! And, your singing that made me cry. So beautiful. That song breaks forth from these lips so many times, too, when I am in the presence of a mountain or ocean or just at random times that inspire worship from deep within. So thankful you had a wonderful birthday, and trust God will bless you and your sister with many more happy reunions like this.

  8. What a fabulous vacation! And one I would love to take with my sister. I should just plan a week at the beach and see what happens. Love that you spent lots of time on the beach! And you cooked? How fun is that! Selfies are adorable. Looks like you have some of those cute beach hair dos! hahaha! I wear a cap a lot and always look like bozo the clown. But you both look very casual and cute! More pics please! Hugs!

  9. you precious, precious girls... my heart filled for you and ached for my own sisters. your $6 selfie stick was put to good use. :)

  10. Oh I knew that it would be good! My sister is in another season of caregiving so being able to visit like this is out of the picture for now. That you two were able to have such a wonderful time blesses me and the photos? Out of this world beautiful! Glad that you honored the time with photos of the two of you enjoying it, too. (No need to visit me...I'm out of the loop for now. No! I did not say "loopy.")

    1. A beautiful rendition of the sisters have beautiful harmony! I recently heard the story behind the song. Somewhat similar to what you and your sister experienced on the beach that day.

  11. Debby, what a fun post. First, how neat to spend time with a sweet sister. Second, what beautiful scenery you experiences. Nest, your singing is amazing. Finally, Happy Birthday to you!

  12. That looks such a wonderful and fun visit. How lovely to spend such a great time with a sister you clearly love. It made me almost envious (my sister is 17 years older and we never had real "sister time" together) - it's like spending time with your best friend. I love your photo - this was a lovely trip this morning for me. Thank you!

  13. Mildred introduced me to your beautiful blog. What a special treat to hear the duet of How Great Thou Art!! Your photos are wonderful. God bless you. Have a nice weekend.

  14. That looks like a wonderful vacation, filed with all of the right ingredients. What a joy to share such special time with your sister!

    Thanks for sharing your rendition of that beautiful hymn! Which of you is singing the harmony and which of you is singing the melody? (Both voices are lovely!)

  15. Indeed, only Heaven could be more beautiful than your gorgeous photos, Debby. The hymn How Great Thou Art is the perfect accompaniment to the majestic 'artwork' of God, isn't it. You both have lovely voices. So happy you were able to share so many lovely and fun experiences and memories with your sister, it looks as if you had the best birthday present....ever!

  16. My dear darling Debby, what a beautiful and special time you had with your sister. And oh, what a blessing to have one another. This post warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face. Such precious moments the two of you created.

    And may I say Happy belated Birthday, sweet friend. Much love to you!

  17. I love that photo of the two of you with the two birds. Nothing nicer than time spent with a sister.

  18. What a wonderful birthday celebration! How lovely to spend it with your sister in such a gorgeous setting. Your sea and sky photos are stunning!

  19. Your photos tell of the beauty and joy of your time together at the beach. It seems you both have great senses of humor and are fun loving. Who could you feel more at home with than a sister? The food looks good too. So glad you had such a great experience.

  20. Happy belated birthday!! These photos are gorgeous!!! Looks like you had a really wonderful time. :-)


  21. What a wonderful trip you had - sister bonding at its finest! Your pictures are so pretty. I surely would frame a few of those beauties. But it was your story of the two of you having such a wonderful time that truly blessed my heart. Have a great week!

  22. Hi Debby! What fun! There just isn't anything better than bonding with a sister. Good for you for investing in a selfie stick, makes taking those photos so much easier :)
    I'm glad the threatening weather didn't affect you, I was thinking about you and hoping you were okay. I LOVE Civil War stuff, and would have enjoyed your trip to the museum.
    The photo of the moon is just exquisite. Sigh... So glad you had a super time.

  23. Hello friend ... Good to see you here. I've been absent, as well. I enjoyed seeing your updates on Facebook and going along for the ride with your sweet sister. There's nothing more special than time spent with sisters and I'm so grateful to have two of the best in the world.

    I'm a beach lover and a food lover and a lover of laughing, so your trip sounds tailor-made for sure. What a great birthday gift.

  24. Debby, what can I say?! What a wonderful time you two had together! And your photos captured so much of the beautiful sights, the delicious food, the good times. What a blessed trip the two of you shared together! You guys are just kinda adorable...

    It's good to see you back in Blog Land! I've missed you!


    (And a belated Happy Birthday! 28 again, right?!)

  25. How wonderful to celebrate with your sister, looks like a wonderful trip. Lets hope that this is the start of many more to come. A beautiful post.

  26. I was deeply touched by the special event of the two of you getting together on your birthday - your sister making the leap of faith, and getting on an airplane, and being blessed enough to sit by a pilot to calm her fears... oh indeed, HOW GREAT THOU ART! I know the Lord truly blessed every special moment you spent together, and I have to say that your rendition of How Great Thou Art may be one of the most beautiful I've heard! You harmonize beautifully, and it was such a heartfelt spontaneous singing, such as I love to do... only I cannot sing like you two! Just beautiful, simply wonderful, and I am so thrilled that you had such a blessed time with your sister... I think you do need to make it a yearly thing :) And your pictures... beyond amazing! All of it is amazing! Hugs to you today dear friend!

  27. Debby, A birthday spent with a sister is precious. I'm so glad you had a great time. The photos are wonderful and selfies are great. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  28. Well, didn't you two have the best of times together! I love all your photographs of the shore they reminded me so much of wonderful vacations spent on Hilton Head, I'll have to go back one day for sure.
    hanks for taking us away with you if even only for a few minutes, so glad you joined the MM crowd again this week.

  29. Fabulous shots. Looks like you both had a lot of fun.

  30. Hi Debby, what a fun post sharing the great time you enjoyed with your sister. Your photos are special and I loved the singing. Gave me goosebumps as I love that hymn too. I know you made some special memories together. Wishing you a wonderful fall week. Blessings xo

  31. Hi Debby, what a fun post sharing the great time you enjoyed with your sister. Your photos are special and I loved the singing. Gave me goosebumps as I love that hymn too. I know you made some special memories together. Wishing you a wonderful fall week. Blessings xo

  32. I was so blessed by this post... Sisters having fun and spending time together! Your photos were perfect and your selfies were perfect.
    xo Roxy

  33. Sound a like you and your sister had an amazing time! Our family was at Kure Beach week before last...had a ball!!!

  34. well happy birthday! what a great trip and wonderful photos!

  35. A belated happy birthday to you, dear Debby! What a wonderful celebration you've had with your sister! I love all of your fun snaps and can tell the love you two have for each other. Looks like the perfect place to be too. Your scenery shots are just gorgeous. Oh, how I enjoyed your duet. You gals can sing!! God bless you and thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  36. I don't mind a photo overload at all ... and this post needed it, because it was such a marvelous trip which has given you both so many more good memories to cherish.

    Belated Happy Birthday Wishes

    All the best Jan

  37. O, Debby...what a post this full of love and fun and eating and being together...the photos are great...loved it all. So glad you had such a good time...and how blessed the both of you are to be sisters. xoxo

  38. Debby, what a perfect vacation!! When I got to the end of your post I felt sad like my vacation was over. Wow! You and your sister sing beautifully! You must have been at the beach the same time we were there, at the Outer banks. Glad you had such a wonderful time. Hope you two can do this every summer, for many years to come. Reminds me of the fun my sister Shelby and I have together, except neither of us can sing. :) Your pictures are really good.

  39. Oh how beautiful! The post. The photos, the girls and the song! I'm sitting here almost in tears thinking, how often He thinks of us. If we were to count them, they would out number of grains of sand on the seashore. My heart is now full of worship!

  40. Curious? You are the soprano, right? Great harmonies!

  41. First off, you two sound beautiful together! I loved hearing you both, and what a wonderful setting to praise our Lord in. The skies and ocean and clouds -- such beautiful pictures. I'm so happy you had such a good time together. Happy belated birthday. Hoping you two can share many more together.
    Blessings, Deborah

  42. You took some wonderful photos and it sure looks like the 2 of you eat very well! Glad you had a wonderful birthday - pumpkin pecan dump cake -- I'm drooling in my keyboard again.

  43. I think it is just wonderful that the two of you had such a great time, playing, talking, and the singing was truly extra special!

    Warm hugs,

  44. Just now reading this, Debby. Thanks for including the link in your hodgepodge post. What a wonderful time you had!


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