Wednesday, September 7, 2016

This and That

Do you ever open up your blog to write a post and nothing comes out?
This has kind of been one of those weeks for's weird.
Oh, it's not that nothing has been going fact, I've been quite busy.
Maybe that alone is the problem.
I've been working on a couple of redo projects for the past couple of weekends
and they both about kicked my butt!
So that's pretty much why I've been neglecting away from blogging this week.
I didn't really want to take the time to blog during the make-overs
so I will just show you a couple of photos...well, maybe more than a couple :)
First up, I painted my already white-washed fireplace bricks to solid white.
I've never been happy with the wall color against the previous paint job.

The original dark brown bricks looked gray after I white-washed them a few years ago
 and I didn't think the two tones went together well.

I like this much better...

...and painting the fireplace was way easier than having to paint the whole room!
By this weekend, I hope to have it all decorated with pumpkins and leaves!
Bring on the fall decor!!
Next on my to-do list was to give a face lift to the hall bathroom.
Now, just so you know, I am still a fan of wallpaper, yes, that's right...
...and this bathroom has had about four different patterns on it in the past 24 years.
So on Labor Day, I was laboring hard, getting this done.

 I heard that wallpaper is making a come-back, although it never really went out of style for me.
GOOD.....that means I'll be on the cutting edge...again!
(hehe....cutting edge....get it???)
I love the look, the feel and even the smell of it.
So off with the old and on with the new!

Actually, I have had this "new" wallpaper in my closet for several years.
I think I paid $2.00 a was in a clearance bin at Lowe's...there were four rolls,
which happened to be just the amount needed to paper this room.
The bathroom is not big but the paper had a 24" pattern repeat...
...that means lots of wasted paper.
Why do they do that??

So here's the finished room...old school and traditional?
Yes, that's me!
And if the Lord is in agreement with our retirement plans,
this will be the last time I ever paper this room as long as I live...
...there is one tiny corner between the sink and the wall that is a bear to get to!

Now I am just trying to decide which lampshade.
This one...

...or this one...both Goodwill finds.
I'm leaning towards the red one...maybe :)
So now that I got these two projects out of the way,
and believe me, there are many more where those came from,
I am counting the hours for next Tuesday to get here.
My sister (next to me in the birth order) from Ohio is flying down...
...her first flight, I might add,
and just the two of us girls will be heading to the beach for a long weekend!
She's coming to help me celebrate my birthday next Thursday.
We've been planning this for nearly a year and just I'm so excited!
That will be another post for another day :)
The weather here has been totally glorious the past several days... in the mornings and evenings and gentle breezes during the day.
As I walked out onto the front porch yesterday morning,
the sun peeking through the woods filtered the light on the ferns in the most beautiful way.

I grabbed my camera and snapped a few shots.
The vivid greens will soon be replaced by oranges, reds and golds
It won't be long now.

Let's see...I think that's about it for this week.
Oh more thing...
...I had the joy of getting my long overdue colonoscopy last Friday.

These were waiting on me when I got home :)

What better reason is there to deserve flowers?
Well, I guess that's pretty much it for now.
For someone who didn't have much of anything to say,
I sure said a bunch! :D


  1. I love wallpaper. Very elegant one you have up.I would love to paint my fireplace brick, hubby says NO, for now!

  2. Your projects look great. I wish I had the enthusiasm to do these things.My house needs some updating.Love the fern shots and of course the flowers.Great post.

  3. I don't think wallpaper ever went out of style, not completely. I'm so far behind in the decor world so if I sound like I know what I'm talking about, believe me I don't. I'm still looking at wallpaper from 27 years ago, although I did update the hall bathroom and the dining room. I have so much more I want to do but where oh where did my energy go?

  4. Your bathroom is beautiful.

    Your flowers (after your hell-on-earth dealio) are gorgeous.

  5. Hello, your fireplace looks beautiful and I like your bathroom remodel. The flowers are lovely. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  6. When we bought our cottage the previous owners had left wall paper that peeled off in the bathroom, so only the backing paper was still on the walls. Good thing we were young and energetic! That was hard work. I've always said I'd never do wallpaper, after that.

    Your bathroom looks wonderful. I like the red lampshade, by the way!

    Have a wonderful time with your sister at the beach and enjoy those beautiful flowers!

  7. Your photo's are beautiful. Thanks for the bathroom inspiration! This was a great post!

  8. Great bathroom! Those fern shots are so beautiful! Have a great rest of your week.

  9. I really love how both of your home improvement projects turned out! Well done! Those flowers...simply breathtaking!

  10. I like the white brick better too. Very Nice!
    The flowers are beautiful.

  11. You are still one of the *craftiest* women I know!! Such beauty you have created in your home. So warm and inviting - even the bathroom!!

    And yes, to answer your question, I have often come to my computer and looked at the screen and thought to myself, "I've got nothing." God usually comes through - He has a a way of doing that!!


  12. I love both your improvement projects, Debby. The fireplace looks great all painted white. You have inspired me to perhaps give mine a lick of white paint. Your bathroom looks lovely with the new wallpaper. I didn't know wallpaper wasn't in vogue. =) Fingers crossed this is the last wallpapering of the bathroom before your move to your little country home! I too, love the red lampshade. Those fern photos are stunning; Autumn will soon be sprinkling gorgeous hues on them. Colonoscopies are never pleasant but those beautiful flowers were well worth it.

  13. I would say a colonoscopy is a great reason to get such a lovely bouquet of flowers. Your fireplace looks great and I LOVE your new wallpaper (and vote for the red shade). Your new bathroom looks lovely. Did you paint the countertops like others you've done? It looks just like the granite our son gave us and installed. Good job! Sit back and enjoy and have a great time with your sister at the beach.

  14. Love the white fireplace paint and your wallpapered bath is beautiful. I like the red shade :)

    Beautiful fern photos! Enjoy your sisters visit as you celebrate your birthday !

  15. lovely fireplace! beautiful blooms. so jealous on the sister time...

  16. The fireplace looks great. The wallpaper is terrific. I still like wallpaper, too...very much. It looks cleaner longer than paint. What fun you and your sister will have. I think that you very much deserved the beautiful flowers. ☺ Oh, yes, stunning photos of the light through the ferns.

  17. Your fireplace looks so fresh and clean! I like wallpaper, but I don't know if could talk my husband into it again. Maybe I should just put it up and ask for forgiveness later! Beautiful light filtering through the ferns. Have tons of fun with your sister while you celebrate another year!

  18. The white bricks looks very nice. It will be beautiful with Fall decorations...oh and holiday decor too! And what fun you'll have with your sister on a birthday get away! HAVE FUN! Hugs, Diane

  19. I do like the white painted bricks. Wallpaper can be fun. Your pattern is so elegant. I'd go with the Red lamp. - Very pretty shots of the leaves and flowers (even though you had to do something yucky to get them). I understand there is a new thing now where you just send in a (doody) sample and they can determine from that if you have any problems. Much less envasive I would think.

  20. Love the colors you've chosen for your bathroom, the deep reds and green. I'm ready to move in!

  21. Oh my gosh! What you have done in the house is beautiful!! I would LOVE to change a few things, but my husband things everything is just perfect the way it is. This man hates change. Guess I'll have to redo my little sewing room again.

  22. I think your white fireplace looks great and seems a perfect contrast with the wall color, Debby. Nope, not a fan of wallpaper, maybe because we did a lot of it in the 70's! Your bathroom looks great, btw! Congrats on getting the colonoscopy out of the way....we are due in Feb.(hubby) and April (me). I'm just so thrilled and cannot!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend, Debby!

  23. I like the fireplace - I have a fondness for white. Good job getting your colonoscopy. I hear the prep isn't too fun. You definitely deserved those flowers : )

  24. Hi Debby! I agree with Mindy, your fireplace looks so perked up and beautiful with the new paint job. And nothing is better than a beach weekend with a sister! I hope you had a marvelous time. And oh yes my friend, you are worth flying to!

  25. Oh, wow! What a beautiful bathroom! And, your fireplace is just gorgeous! Such talent God has blessed you with, my friend! Oh, by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  26. You certainly made a great job with both projects, the bathroom looks amazing. Hope you had a wonderful birthday, they were stunning flowers.

  27. Your flowers really are pretty and I love what you did with the fireplace. It really makes that mantle pop.

  28. This and That posts are my favorite, Debby. The roses are beautiful. I really like this wallpaper in your bathroom. Your bathroom looks elegant with rich colors. I think the white brick fireplace looks the best. I hope you are enjoying these September days.



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