Wednesday, October 12, 2016

A Very Moving Hodgepodge

Hello on this fine October day!
Today I'm joining Joyce's Hodgepodge...
...where she asks the questions on her blog and we answer them on ours.

I am wanting to post fall-like photos but we are still quite green around these parts...
 so the photos in this post are mostly from previous years.

The weather is absolutely gorgeous here after Hurricane Matthew made his appearance.
The air is crisp and clean, bright blue skies abound and fall has definitely arrived.
 I wish the same was true for areas east of where I live and on towards the coast,
where they are experiencing major flooding due to rivers overflowing their banks.
Hundreds and hundreds have lost their homes and thousands are still without power.
The latest report I heard is that at least 18 have died and some are still missing.
As we speak, rescue operations are in very sad.
There hasn't been such devastation in North Carolina since Hurricane Floyd in 1999.
I try to imagine what it would be like to lose my home and everything I have but really cannot.


I have seen so many grateful faces on the news reports though...
...even though they have lost all of their earthly possessions,
they still have their lives and are praising God in the midst of this tragedy.
I pray for the Lord to continue to give strength and encouragement to these folks,
as it will take months and months for many of them to get settled again.
So as I mention this devastation and these displaced families,
how ironic that Joyce's questions this week are related to moving?
Anyway, let's get on with the questions, shall we?
1. What would you say is the best and worst thing about moving house?

Well, I'd say for me that the anticipation of having new surroundings is kind of exciting. I have always been one to adapt pretty well to change. As a young person, I lived in the same house since I was born in and lived there until I married Jim. As someone who loves to decorate, having a new space is like being a kid in a candy store. Fortunately, our move from Ohio to Kentucky and then from Kentucky to North Carolina were taken care of by the company Jim worked packing, no moving, just basically sitting back and watching it all take place. Two years ago when we sold our cabin in VA (which was loaded to the brim) the thought of packing up everything we had accumulated over the course of 12 years seemed like a monumental task and just thinking about it was overwhelming. So's the packing part that I don't like...but looking back on it now, it all came together well. It's just like anything else, the anticipation is worse than the actual moment for me.
Lake Michael, here in my hometown on a misty morning in 2014.
2. What's moved you recently?

This is pretty easy for me to answer, actually. I am moved every morning when I read the devotional that my son, Aaron puts on his facebook page as he begins each day. He sits out on the swing in his backyard and during his time with the Lord, he takes a picture of the day's reading. It keeps him accountable and it is helping him continue to live close to Jesus. I am moved every Sunday when I sit next to him in church and the way he is beginning to find ways to serve the Lord. I am moved everyday by the change in his demeanor and by the conversations that we are able to have. I could go on but I think you get it :)

3. Do you feel your life is moving forward, backward, or is on hold? How so?

I recently shared a post titled "Where Am I Going?" that speaks to this question. Click on the link if you'd like to know the answer :)

4. On the move, move mountains, get a move on, it's your move, or bust a move...which phrase best applies to some aspect of your life right now? Explain.

Although I can say that these all have been applied to my life at one point or another, recently I've really had a determination to start getting a move on, or in other words, start a daily walking routine. There's nothing to explain but you can be assured that You will hear about it if when I get my act together. I have no excuses now that cooler weather is here.

Acorns, anyone? We have TONS of them.
5. What song makes you want to get up and move?

That would probably be a toss-up between "Green River" by Creedence Clearwater Revival and "Rock This Town" by the Stray Cats. Yes, I used to bust a move quite often back in the day :)

6. Your favorite snack to grab when you're 'on the move'?

Hmm...probably a string cheese stick or a piece of deli meat...but I rarely eat on the run because when I do that, I forget I ate it! :)

...the day the wind blew a perfectly shaped circle of leaves onto my deck...{{smile}}
7. What one accessory makes your house feel like home?

Probably the fireplace. Before we moved here in 1992, I never had a fireplace in my home. There is just something about it, even when there is no fire burning, that creates a warm and cozy feeling, a feeling of home. It is also the central place to display the décor of the seasons.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

Since this hodgepodge is about moving, I will say that now that we feel God is directing us to relocate to Tennessee after retirement, the idea of moving is always in the back of my mind. We are still in the midst of some home improvements that not only just need to be done, but that will allow our home to show and sell favorably. I have many Pinterest boards devoted to and overflowing with farmhouse decorating ideas. It is exciting to think of living life in the country...something that I've always dreamed of. More than that, being able to spend more time with the younger grandchildren and watch them grow up...and Lord willing, we will!

So here's one last photo as I tie this up...

...pretty much what it looks like around here since Matthew blew through.
I see a weekend of yard work in the near future :)


  1. Nice to "meet" you today at the Hodgepodge :) My friend in NC lost power and water but only for a day or so. I didn't realize the extent of the damage done in NC. Beautiful fall photos! Living in the country sounds like a great way to spend retirement. Have a great rest of the week.

  2. The entire post was wonderful my friend but the Aaron part made my heart soar! Praise God and I am so happy for all of you!!!! Love you!

  3. Good morning, dear Debby! It's always a blessing to stop in for a little visit as I find your posts beautiful and refreshing to my heart.

    Your autumn images from years gone by are simply stunning! Thank you for sharing, dear one.

    I couldn't help but smile when I read about your son and the devotion he shares every morning on Facebook. Oh, what a joy!

    Much love to you!

  4. I so enjoyed reading more about your life through this post, Debby. Your images are beautiful, and I know that you're thrilled with your son's daily devotional on FB. Love and God bless, Kitty

  5. What an interesting post. Your Aaron must be such a joy to your heart. And I agree about the people suffering the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. It's devastating, and yet our lives up here are untouched. This is a good reminder that there are many who need help and prayer.

  6. What an interesting post. Your Aaron must be such a joy to your heart. And I agree about the people suffering the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. It's devastating, and yet our lives up here are untouched. This is a good reminder that there are many who need help and prayer.

  7. How I smiled when I read about your son, I can remember praying for him not so long ago along with a lot of others. The power of prayer is not to be underestimated. My heart goes out to all those affected by the hurricane. Take care.

  8. This post was most interesting to read.Not that your other posts are not interesting.I love to hear how your son is growing in the Lord and staying true.

  9. You are at such an interesting place in your life, Debby!

    Blessings on your future and what joy in your present! (Aaron)

  10. Oh that is so terrible about the hurricane destruction to NC! I can't imagine having to deal with that situation, especially since it seemed Florida was the one that was doing all the preparing. I'm so thrilled to hear how awesome the Lord is in your son's life, praising God with you! And if you get to move back to where your grandkids are in TN, that will be so awesome too... enjoyed your post today, as always! Hugs to you today! :)

  11. yes, the flooding is terrible... first louisiana again. now the carolinas.

    love the lake michael shot. perfect.

  12. Hello Debby, Nice to meet you here on Hodgepodge, You have a great eye for photography, the photos are lovely. I enjoyed learning about your son and his devotional. Stray Cats! I love them! Have a great week.
    Lori in Blue Ridge, GA

  13. Difficult to know that so many people are still suffering with the aftermath of Matthew.

  14. A very nice post, Debby. I am so thankful for you sharing about your son. Praise the Lord! How exciting to be planning a move in the future. With our recent move, we feel like we are finally where we were meant to be. We are so happy. That is what I wish for you. I love your fall pictures. Like you, this is my favorite season. Love your fireplace. We've had two homes w/o a fireplace and there is NOTHING to decorate! lol

  15. Hi Debby, we continue to pray for those in NC and so many facing loss with the floods and aftermath of the storm. I understand moving too well. We moved many times across the country with my hubby's job transfers. It was not so easy but always an adventure. I hope for you all goes well in your future move and God blesses your direction. Thrilled your son is doing well. Surely a blessing from above. Always love your beautiful photography. You have such a great eye and so talented with your camera. Wishing you a wonderful week and blessings to you always. xoxo

  16. Hi Debby, we continue to pray for those in NC and so many facing loss with the floods and aftermath of the storm. I understand moving too well. We moved many times across the country with my hubby's job transfers. It was not so easy but always an adventure. I hope for you all goes well in your future move and God blesses your direction. Thrilled your son is doing well. Surely a blessing from above. Always love your beautiful photography. You have such a great eye and so talented with your camera. Wishing you a wonderful week and blessings to you always. xoxo

  17. What devastation for those hit by flooding. It is hard to see, which moves me to prayer.

    Moving is not for the faint of heart, but moving to be nearer to your family seems like a great plan!

    Enjoyed your beautiful autumn photos!!

  18. We all must count are blessings and realize that so many are in a fight for survival! I do hope your dream to move closer to family comes true!
    Moving is something we do in many different ways, some better then others. sometimes we are forced to move and other times it is a pleasure.
    I enjoyed this very much! xo Roxy

  19. A wonderful 'Hodgepodge' post you've shared today Debby ...

    All the best Jan

  20. I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on Hodgepodge and your photos are always beautiful...especially loved the lake shot!

  21. I liked this think im going to write down the questions and pass it along i think its good to think about and reflect on... I feel good and I feel Im moving forward in life finally. Whats uplifting me at the moment the new church im attending. The song that I dont know the name of up inspired me to move and feel. Taking ahold of your life and taking that call that Jesus is putting through is most important answering that call... Thank you for your seet visit with me and the mimi meatloves were great Im off to tell her.. Have a great day Debbie, with love Janice

  22. What a lovely post! I so enjoyed reading about your moving adventures, but the part I loved most is the part about what God is doing in your son's life. Oh, I know it must bless your dear, mother's heart to see how God is working in and through him! I believe he will be a great preacher one day and be able to share all he has lived through with his congregation. God definitely has His hand on him, that's for sure. I hope you get to make your move to dear Daddy was from there, and to me, it will always be a very special place. Sending you love and hugs, sweet friend. :)

  23. Very nice post.. love to read it..

    Please visit:

  24. A wonderful hodge-podge, Debby. I loved, loved reading about your son Aaron and his spiritual walk. I can just imagine your heart overflowing with gratitude. As you contemplate moving some time in the future, remember to enjoy where you are at today!

  25. I love answering questions online like these. :)
    And I love Fall. Such a pretty time for Earth.

  26. These are stunning photos of fall - they're exquisite.
    I loved reading your thoughts to the questions. When I read the first moving question I remembered our move from Germany to the US. While I was excited, the months leading up to the actual move were extremely stressful, especially when you have a not quite three year old at your feet. Compared to that, all other moving experiences were a piece of cake. However, my last move was 4 years ago and I'm good for a long time, I think...

  27. Hi Debby! I think it's wonderful to know where you are going to be headed in retirement. Tennessee is beautiful, and maybe you have family there? I know that moving is not easy, and you've had the experience of moving out of your beloved mountain home, so you know how it is.
    We just gathered to clear out my Dad's condo, and that was very hard. Your 'moving' post today fit right in with that theme. Yes, we're moving his effects, and it's time to somehow move on... All in time.

  28. Sorry I'm late to the party :) Yes, I can't imagine losing everything in a flood. So devastating for those poor people.
    I love these hodge podges. Really get to know people better. Such a great testimony about your son. May the Lord continue to bless and uphold him. What a courageous and strong son you have.
    Tennessee, farmhouse living sounds lovely. xo Deborah


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.