Monday, October 24, 2016

Glory in the Cornfield

I was out doing my Friday morning thing when I saw it...
you know, that thing I do, taking the back roads to the store on Friday mornings.

Last year in the early fall, I came across this field of morning glories.
It was quite literally "GLORY"-ous!
So this past spring as I was making one these routine trips,
I noticed to my disappointment that they had planted corn in the field.

This is a side by side of the same field.
  Now I do love a good cornfield, don't get me wrong...

...but I love me some morning glories even better.
So several weeks had gone by and I hadn't been down this particular road in a while.
 For some reason I had gotten an inclination to go back and check out the cornfield
since I had seen morning glories still blooming in other areas.
So I did and this what I saw.

The morning glories were still alive and well, using the corn as one gigantic trellis...

...acres and acres of bluish-purple trumpets were trailing up the wasted corn stalks...

...just about as far as my eye could see.

I tried to get them all into one panoramic photo but was not very successful.

Oh, it was a such a sight...and my photos just cannot do them justice.

As I stood there snapping photo after photo and taking it all in,
I couldn't help but compare what I was seeing to what God does for us.

That lovely old Gaither song "Something Beautiful" popped into my head.

Our lives can sometimes become like these dead, brittle and dried up corn stalks, can't they?

This beautifully stunning contrast spoke such peace to my heart,
and I was reminded once again that God's love covers a multitude of sins.

So, now you see why I look forward to these Friday morning detours?

It seems like there is always something new to discover...

...and something I already know to be reminded of :)

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, 
are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. 
For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.   
2 Corinthians 3:18
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Spiritual Sundays


  1. Debbie, your photos always take me right there! Why would anyone take the main roads when the back roads have all this to offer!

  2. Sorry. I know it's "Debby," but I'm making lots of typos today!

  3. Beautiful! Just beautiful post! Oh what precious thoughts!

  4. I love everything about this---glory in the corn field....the glory of the lord revealed. These photos are stunning....never seen that before!

  5. Beautiful pictures! The morning glories are just stunning against th dried corn stalks!

  6. It just goes to show that if we keep our eyes and hearts open life will continue to bring us joy. It's always good to have your camera to hand too! Beautiful mosaics, thanks for sharing your Friday drive with us at Mosaic Monday this week.

  7. That would be a wow moment for me. Of course, the morning glories were there all the time. (This must be the invasive sort that I used to be warned about when I planted morning glories.)

  8. Violet color flower looks beautiful:)

  9. Blogging is such a wonderful thing. It never ceases to amaze me Debby that I am able to share your Friday morning drive to the store and share this moment of beauty with you. Stunning mosaic.

  10. So glad you took that drive again....the blue trumpets are truly gorgeous. God bless your day.

  11. they are just beautiful...wonder if the corn farmer sees the GLORY in it all...:) xoxo

  12. How wonderful to see those glorious Morning Glories blooming in the corn field, Debby, and to enjoy on your morning drive! Love the verse you shared, too!

  13. Love your photo's, Debby! Before we moved last December, we had Morning Glories come up just about everywhere on our 2 acres, all colors.

  14. Just wish you could detour right on down to Alabama...:) Stunning photos my friend! Love and hugs!

  15. OH wow!! These are glorious photos Debby. Just stunning! I remember your photos from last year of them and they do re-seed so I guess they will keep blooming and growing in that field for a long time. I'm glad you took a different route to the store. It sure was worth it!!

  16. Beautiful Debby! Full of potential metaphors. I like to think that you can never really destroy beauty -- it will always crop up in unexpected places to remind us that He is always there.
    xo Deborah

  17. How delightfully beautiful. I've never seen anything like that before.
    A wonderful analogy.

  18. WOW! That must be something else to see.Thank you for sharing these pictures and your thoughts.I love how God brings just the right thoughts to our minds and uses everyday nature to remind us of His love.

  19. How beautiful! And what a lovely analogy to how God works with us! He is so good! Sending you love and hugs, sweet friend. ;)

  20. What a beautiful sight! Only the Lord could come up with that. As Cheryl said, great analogy. That ride through the country must really give your soul a boost!

  21. Goodness! I love everything about this post! I love that you go on beauty hunts! That you see God in everyday surroundings and His goodness speaks to you in that! Flowers growing on corn stalks! Awesome! I want to go hunting for pretty pictures in nature but first .... Coffee! Happy Wednesday!

  22. Simply lovely, my friend! Your photos remind us that we can see the beauty and glory of God in our surroundings.

    Thinking of you and wishing you a happy day. Hugs!

  23. Hi Debby! Ah, those detours...what a reward for yours! My favorite color is purple, so I just loved these little surprises in the middle and edge of a cornfield. The one photo with the inset was so gorgeous Debby. You have such a wonderful talent for capturing the beauty of creation. Thanks for sharing it with us so well!

  24. Good Morning Debby!
    Morning glories and truly glorious indeed! :) Its nice to be able to take those detours every once in awhile. You just never know what you'll find.
    God sure did bless all of us with all the amazing things He created for us to enjoy. Beautiful!
    Have a delightful week!
    Hugs to you, Amy

  25. Beautiful! The seeds were just waiting for the right time to sprout and grow into those amazing flowers. I'm glad you decided to go take that detour again! Have a great day!

  26. What a beautiful sight to see, and I am so glad you took that less-traveled road and shared your beautiful find with all of us.

    Warm hugs,

  27. What a surprise to see the morning glories! WOW...the colors are just so pretty. The contrast is striking. Your photos are just great. Glad I stopped by.

  28. Those morning glory picture reminds me something funny. in my backyard garden morning glory was covering everywhere. So, my husband pluck some of them and threw them inside the green waste trash can. The next day I went to throw all the vegetable waste in the trash and I saw morning glory were blooming inside the trash. :D..

    Please visit:

  29. Beautiful morning glories!!! I was wondering whether they would have come back since their seeds are quite hardy. I'm so glad that they did and indeed, they look "glory-ous" on the corn stalks.

  30. A most beautiful selection of photographs and the blooms are simply wonderful.
    Thank you for sharing.

    All the best Jan

  31. Wow what a great find. It's just stunning.

  32. Love your beautiful! Always nice visiting your blog!
    Have a lovely friday,

  33. Such a fun find! The morning glories were very resourceful using the stalks as a trellis.

  34. Debby, I am so glad not to have missed this post. It is absolutely beautiful! I love what you wrote about God's love. It brought tears to my eyes. I see the same thing in those beautiful morning glories covering those dead corn stalks. What God does for us. Thank you!

  35. Oh if only every detour could offer glories in the cornfields! What a delightful moment you must have had with the Lord just soaking up the divine beauty and wisdom shared in your post, and the beauty of such an uncommon thing. I think your photos did a beautiful justice to what your eyes were seeing, as well as your heart! Hugs to you today dear friend!

  36. Debby, they are just lovely... I adore morning glories like you they make my heart flutter... I lobe your photos all of them, thank you for sharing them.. Blessings with love Janice

  37. These pictures are absolute magic..thank you for the light you bring to us all :)

  38. Oh, my, I do love me some morning glories, too. But they drove me crazy as a kid in the garden and tobacco patches. (Yet we still had some growing up strings at the end of our porch.)

  39. Hi Debby, Oh I so loved this post. What an incredible Friday find and just incredible too. The over wise not so pretty dried up corn stalks covered in beauty by the morning glories. God's work exactly. I love how you weaved a great lesson in this find. Your photos are amazing.
    Thanks for sharing. Thank you also for stopping by today too and your sweet comment. Have a wonderful week. Blessings to you sweet friend. xo

  40. I do love your pictures, Debby. The corn fields look splendid with the morning glories showing their faces. And their color is beautiful.


  41. Beautiful! I love morning glories and I bet that corn field was spectacular. I would have stood there for hours... thanks for sharing them.

  42. Debby, I am in awe at those beautiful morning glories. WOW! Love how they clung to the corn stalks. Amazing. Hugs and blessings, Cindy


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