Monday, June 12, 2017

Prayers for Kelly-Anne

Hello friends.
The Lord has put it on my heart to share this most urgent need for prayer.
Many of you may have already heard this news but for those of you who haven't
 and follow Kelly-Anne's blog, The Diary of a Country Girl,
(and for those who currently do not)
it is with great sadness but yet with great hope that I share this request.
Last Wednesday, Kelly-Anne and her family's home and farm was consumed by a terrible fire
that was raging out of control where she resides in South Africa.
There has also been loss of life, including some, very close to her family.
Thousands have been left homeless.
You can read her accounts of this horrific ordeal here and here.
You can read a local news report about the devastation here.
What she has shared is utterly heartbreaking but her faith is unshaken!
For those of you who aren't familiar with Kelly-Anne,
she is a lovely 18 year old young woman who has been blogging since she was 12 years of age.
Her family consists of six younger sisters and a darling baby brother who just turned one.
According to her newest update, which you can read here,
she and her family are currently in a borrowed home until July 10 or so.
Can you just imagine?
After reading this most current update, it was really a blessing to hear such hope in her post!
For he himself has said, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you."
(Hebrews 13:5c)
Ever since I read about this tragedy, my heart has been so heavy.
Why is this?
Kelly-Anne lives thousands of miles away and we have never met and most likely never will.
You know, in blog land, miles may separate us but once we become long-distance friends,
some how, some way, we are connected... least that's the way I feel about it.
I, as well as my family have been on the receiving end of your prayers and I have felt them!
So please, if you think about it,
please lift up sweet Kelly-Anne and her family in prayer.
The way I see it, sending our prayers and encouragement is better than sending money or clothing...
...actually it is the best kind of help anyone can receive! 
Hugs and blessings to all,


  1. Debby, Yes, I knew this about Kelly-Anne. She is such a special woman and one of the dearest blog friends. She loves and cares for her siblings so much. I've been saying prayers for her and her family. I will go over to see if she has any updated news about her home that was burnt in the fire. Such a tragedy that was in South Africa.


  2. I have heard about it, but do not read Kelly's blog. She sounds like a remarkable young woman. I am sure that funds may be put to there anything like that? Prayers for her family and others affected by that awful fire.

  3. I am so glad you are getting this urgent prayer request out! My Amy just told me about it yesterday. I am praying and as many more will during this trial and struggle. She is a precious and darling young lady... Keep us updated if you can!
    Love you dear Friend!
    Always, Roxy

  4. Thank you for sharing. I will certainly be praying. I cannot imagine!

  5. I don't know of her and her blog but I will pray for her and her family.

  6. I have been reading through Kelly-Anne's posts and have been praying often for her, her family and her community. This is just so awful. Thanks for getting a prayer chain going. I know she will appreciate them dearly.

    Many hugs,

  7. I will say a prayer for her and her friends and family. How awful that would be.

  8. You are right about prayer being the best thing. What an awful thing to have happen. I have heard of her blog but never read it. i will pray.

  9. There are no words. I cannot imagine the shock, the grief, the loss, the sadness, the exhaustion that Kelly, her family and her surrounding community are experiencing. Praying............

  10. Will absolutely be praying for all involved... how awful! Thank you for sharing, prayer is powerful and the more we get for her the better.


  11. I do not know Kelly-Anne, but I will certainly pray for her and for her family! What a devastating thing to experience . . . and to hear that her faith is intact is quite a testimony!

  12. I have not come across her blog before but will call in and will certainly be praying for them all.

  13. Oh, Debby, so many of our blog friends, it seems, lately, have challenging times to confront. What a terrible thing to have gone through! I will keep Kelly-Anne in my prayers and hope that she and her family find some solace, soon.


  14. Thanks Debby, for sharing this. I do follow Kelly-Anne and feel like I know her. She is a young girl that loves the Lord and shares her testimony on her blog. I am so sorry to hear this. I have to catch up on her blog since I don't get on here too often. Praying for her and her family.

  15. Praying much and very often for our dear, precious friend and her dear family so far away. Our hearts were so heavy over such devastating news, and how we have rejoiced and praised God that He spared all of their lives and continues to protect and keep them all safe!

  16. Prayers are with our sweet blogging friend, Kelly-Anne, and her family. I know she and her family have such a deep faith, which will they will need in the days to come. Love and God bless them.

  17. Debby, I prayed for her as well and even shared a story with her on her page. Yes, blogging friends may be miles apart but oh the power of prayer reaches everywhere! Hugs and blessings Cindy

  18. Thank you for sharing Debby. I don't know Kelly-Anne, but I will check out her blog and pray for her.
    I've just been scrolling back and reading some of your recent posts. Beautiful, gorgeous pictures of the butterflies and geese and flowers! Lovely. Oh, and I do envy your "no worry" attitude. Maybe it's those long walks in nature with the camera. :) xo Deborah

  19. Thank you for sharing this story. It brought tears to my eyes, and I haven't even gone to her blog yet....but I will. Without even reading the story from her perspective, she and her family and friends are in my prayers. You just never know when some kind of tragedy might turn your life upside down.

    Warm (or cool) hugs,


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.