Wednesday, November 15, 2017

"I'll have the Hodgepodge with a side of Tennessee"

Here it is Wednesday again and y'all know what that means...'s Hodgepodge day!
Last week at this time I was getting my teacup exchange reveal post put together
and missed out on linking up to the hodgepodge.
I'm doing good to get one post out a week but it did feel kind of like something was missing!
I was also getting everything packed up for a little trip to see our Tennessee bunch.
We got on the road at o-dark-thirty on Thursday morning and arrived at our destination
by about 1:00 PM, Tennessee time.
It's always nice to gain that hour on our way but not so much for on the way back.
But, eight hours is eight hours, no matter how you slice it, right?
There was still a lot of beautiful color hanging on those Tennessee trees.
I don't know how many times I have shared photos of their beautiful long driveway,

but here it is again...

and again...

...and once more, just for good measure.
If you turn right at the fence post and go down few hundred yards,
our future driveway will be on your left.
And seeing the well with my very own eyes made it all a bit more real.

Here are a just a few of our future neighbors.
One morning as I was walking down the drive which overlooks the petting zoo, 
I aimed my camera to get a shot and then someone yelled "COME AND GET IT!"
...and they did.
But I guess I should really be getting on with the matter at hand...

She asks us the questions and we answer them on our blogs.
Here are this week's questions...

1. What takes you out of your comfort zone?
Speaking in front of a group of people...and I think I've mentioned this before. Give me song and I'll sing it but please don't ask me to speak!
2. Your least favorite spice?
Sometimes it's not the spice itself, but the amount of it. I am not a fan of too much sage, especially in fact, I don't use it at all when I make it.. Another least favorite would be anise because it reminds me of licorice and even though I know it's actually an herb and not a spice, a little bit of cilantro goes a long, long way.

3. What's a small change you'd like to make?

Just one?? Being able to give up bread....or sugar...or both!

4. Do you enjoy visiting historic homes? If so, of the homes you've visited which one was your favorite? What historic home near you is open to visitors? Have you been? Southern Living rounded up eleven of the best in the southern part of the US and they're as follows-

Monticello (Jefferson's home in Virginia), Nathaniel Russel House (Charleston SC), Swan House (Atlanta), Ernest Hemingway's home (Key West), The Biltmore (Vanderbilt home in Asheville NC), Mount Vernon (Washington's home in Virgina), San Francisco Plantation (Garyville, Louisiana), Windsor Ruins (Port Gibson Mississippi), Longue Vue House and Gardens (New Orleans), Whitehall (Palm Beach FL), and Pebble Hill Plantation (Thomasville GA)

Have you been to any on the list? Of the homes listed which would you most like to visit?

I do enjoy visiting historic homes. The first one that I remember visiting was The House of the Seven Gables in Salem, Massachusetts years ago when Jim and I were first married. I was amazed by how low the ceilings were and the doorways were tiny. People must have been quite small back in the 1600's. From the ones listed above, I have been to Mount Vernon and you'd think a girl who has been in NC for 25 years would have surely been to the Biltmore, wouldn't you? Well, if I have the opportunity before I leave this state, I certainly hope to be able to make it there.

5. What's something you think will be obsolete in ten years? Does that make you sad or glad?

Technology has already pretty much taken over the world and it actually scares me a little to think about what it will be like in ten years. Now here I sit, typing on a computer with my iPhone at my side as I write these words. I like my technology just as much as the next person, to an extent. I realize this seems a bit like a contradiction but I am not ready for a world where technology takes the place of human beings...over our brains (or human thoughts) when they are no longer required for us to go about our everyday lives. It saddens me to say that I'm afraid many things that we take for granted in our current day and time will be obsolete...many of them already are...and nothing about this makes me glad. Anyone got a time machine they aren't using??

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

So much to do, so little time. How is it possible that Thanksgiving is only a little over a week away? I have no turkey, I have no bread for stuffing, I have nothing that I need to make a feast. It looks like it's going to be a busy weekend!

 If you can stand it, (and even if you can't) here are a few more photos from our trip.

That gorgeous view from the back deck...

Olivia and her friend, Shiloh...

Parker, whittlin' on the back porch...

fuzzy things...
and oh yeah...did I happen to mention that view?
So now, if you're still with me, have a fabulous remainder of the week!


  1. I love all the fall photo's, the leaves are about gone here in Central Georgia.
    That last photo is so pretty, love the sun shining through!

  2. Your pics are beautiful! Giving up bread and sugar? Is there such a thing? Have a wonderful week, Debby.

  3. Yeah, it's a fabulous view. How exciting!! Beautiful photos Debby. I think bread and sugar are the most difficult to give up. But very beneficial, I suspect. Enjoy your week. Can't believe November is half over!

  4. Oh, what lovely photos, my friend. And what a stunning place! I can imagine you're quite excited :)

    I know what you mean about speaking in front of people...I just can't do it! My heart starts to beat at a rapid pace and I get short of breath if my Pastor starts calling on people to give a testimony in church {{seriously}} haha

    Thanks for the delightful post, my friend. Love and hugs to you!

  5. Don't you just love TN in the fall. Hope you enjoyed your visit to my homeplace.

  6. Glorious, glorious fall photos, Debby! If we should ever move from NH, I think TN might be the perfect spot.

    I would not call giving up bread and sugar a small change. But undoubtedly a very helpful change. I almost put something similar, but decided it wasn't small.

    I've been to the House of the Seven Gables also ... forgot about that one. And yes, its ceilings are very low.

  7. Beautiful photos, particularly the last one. Are you building a home in Tennessee?

  8. Hello Debby! So you are building a home 8 hours away from where you live now if I'm connecting the dots correctly? Beautiful area. We are moving about 6 hours away from where we are now. 6 hours if we go the speed limit, lol! I enjoyed your answers to the hodgepodge and all the great photos from your time in Tennessee, too. Happy week to you!

  9. Here I am again. Just wanted to add that I am one of 8 siblings and I was the baby of the first 4 then my mom and dad had 4 more after I turned 7! I still have many of the baby of the family qualities, :).

  10. I ALWAYS enjoy your hodgepodge Debby, you are so introspective with your answers, and always share such fun details of your life. I have to tell you, those views are amazing! I can see why you are so excited to move there and be closer to your kids and grandkids! How exciting that you now have a well! I love the picture of your grandkids, so sweet! Have fun getting ready for Thanksgiving! Hard to believe it is upon us so quickly!

  11. Your thoughts and mine are a lot alike. I am a nervous wreck if I have to speak in front of a group of people and do almost anything to avoid it! :) I am trying to give up sugar and white bread because of being diabetic, but it's so hard. I have given up sugary drinks but the bread...well, let's just say that a hamburger isn't the same using wheat buns. Yuck. Your photos are just beautiful, Debby, I especially love the last one!

  12. That sure is a beautiful driveway. How nice to take a walk down that. How long is it?

  13. Amazing photos, We are in the mts of NC now enjoying the Fall weather....the leaves are past but its still pretty! hugs

  14. These photos are beautiful. How exciting to see where your new home will be. I am so happy for you! As for sage, I don't use it either. I prefer poultry seasoning instead.

  15. Your pictures and your view are beautiful!! How exciting to be looking forward to living in such a lovely spot! You're going to love it so much. xo Deborah

  16. Oh Debby,I love that long tree lined driveway. I think the last picture in this post is my favourite. The light is perfect.Looking at this scene,I can almost smell fall in the air.

  17. *Swoon* What an idyllic location. Your grands are growing up in such a delightful environment. Yes, you must get to The Biltmore before you strike off for beautiful Tennessee.

  18. Ooh Debbie, can you believe that you'll be living in all that beauty before too very long?? I would never, ever get tired of seeing all that. I'd even love the silhouettes of leafless trees.

  19. You are going to be so happy in when you move to TN! What a view! And being near your grandkids will be so special!

  20. Wow, beautiful pictures... Great photography. I wish I had the photographers thumb! Anyway, Nice to meet you. Leticia

  21. Your photos are so lovely! It is nice to get to know you better. I agree about the technology.

  22. Oh, those photos!!! You really should get some sort of credit or award or something! These are so magazine-worthy! My favorite is the last one. Oh, my, you will be living in a beautiful, wonderful place, my friend! I am so excited for you and to see what amazing things God has in store for you and your future! My Daddy was from Tennessee....there aren't too many places on earth that could ever surpass its beauty. Sending love and hugs and blessings to you!! P.S. - I hope you don't mind that I pinned that last photo! :)

  23. Wow . . . that last photo is a show stopper (although all of them are beautiful! It is nice to see these scenes through the eyes of "home"!

  24. Your photos are running and I love the last one. Wow!! I can't wait to see your new home. Such a fun new journey!!

    I hope you have a very Blessed Thanksgiving, Debby!

    Hugs, Amy

    1. This autocorrect thing on my phone is so annoying.
      That should of said your photos are stunning! ;)

  25. Hi Debby! I agree with Amy, that last photo is just gorgeous. What a beautiful part of the country you'll be living in! And of course, there's nothing like living close to family too.
    That 'come and get it' photo reminds me of calling the kids to Thanksgiving dinner! Lol!
    Have a wonderful week my friend, blessings flowing around and in your Thanksgiving table,

  26. These are beautiful fall pictures, I especially like the last one. Goegeous colors!
    Giving up bread? I could never do this, and I don't want to. That's the German in me, we thrive on bread (the dark, hearty and healthy one).

  27. Oh Debby what gorgeous photos of your rural countryside in fall! It is so beautiful there with the rolling hills and little country roads. My kind of country! You must be so excited about building your dream home on that sweet piece of land. Have a wonderful week! Pam

  28. Oh my Debby. The pictures are beautiful. I could look at your pictures all day girl. You do amazing photography. I know that your future dream home will be all that you expected and then some. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  29. What a lovely location for a home. Autumn is very pretty there and the neighbors look like fun.

  30. Gorgeous photos, Debby! And I enjoyed your hodgepodge....I too like my technology but wonder what it is going to lead to.


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