Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Very Positive Hodgepodge

What a difference a week makes!
Last week at this time it was just beginning to snow... and man, did it snow!
It didn't stop all day Wednesday and by 7 pm we had nearly 10 inches.

I spent most of the day taking photos of the hungry birds...of all types.
But these guys always steal the show, especially when it's snowing.

So the snow is nothing more than a beautiful memory,
 unless you count those traces of ugly piles still hanging out in the shade.
It has been in the mid to high 60s the past several days and feels like spring...
...even had a thunder storm the other night! Crazy!
So we're here for the Hodgepodge...
 ...where Joyce asks the question and we answer them on our blogs.
Here we go.
1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you've given or received.

There's no doubt that I can give a compliment easier than I accept one. I am one of those who usually has a come-back with maybe "This old thing?" or "I'm having a really bad hair day." I wrote about this in one of my early posts, Gracie's Nativity. My MIL was one of the sweetest women you would ever want to meet and she handed out compliments like it was breathing...but she wasn't ever really able to accept one. I try to remember the words I wrote in that post when someone compliments me and I hesitate to accept fact, I just went back and read it again. The last compliment I think I gave was to a new lady at church on Sunday...telling her what a blessing her outward enthusiasm for the the Lord was to me.

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

2. Ten little things you are loving right now.

Even though it's all gone now, I am still loving the fact that we got 10" of snow last week and the beautiful birds that all came out of the trees to play in it, especially the cardinals. I can still love it even though it's gone, right?

We always have lots of cardinals but when the are placed on a backdrop of white, they almost take my breath away. The day after it snowed, I got out to make a trip to the grocery and it was the first time I had driven my Honda CR-V in very deep snow...all-wheel drive is a wonderful thing! And now that the snow is all gone, I was loving that rain that we had yesterday morning as it washed off all of that road salt. Let's from the hubby that looks as though spring has exploded on my dining room table...

...the new prime lens for my camera, comfort food, a vintage quilt top that I got on eBay and the perfect fabric for the backing (it's really a great Ralph Lauren sheet) that I found at Goodwill.
And as of this evening after opening the mail, I am more than loving the fact that a letter from my healthcare insurance stating that the appeal that I filed for overcharging me due to using out-of-network doctors in the ER without informing me...and this is the same hospital that I have worked for the past 25 years...has approved it! They charged me over $2300.00 for two five minute visits. I won, I won! Yeah, I am loving that...thank you, Jesus!!

3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way? I read here  a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-

Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons.

Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook?

I'd like to think that others see me as a positive person and for the most part, I see myself that way too. I will say, however, that although I would like to be able to say yes to all of the above, the fact remains that I am a flawed human being and don't always succeed. I am pretty much an up-beat person from the time I get up...and I don't even need my coffee first. I'm sure Jim sometimes wishes I wasn't because it takes him a while to get his social groove on when he first gets up. Mondays are just another day to me because I really like my job and I usually have something that I look forward to everyday. It doesn't take a whole lot to make me's the little things, you know. Kindness is very important to me and I try very hard to practice it's very important to what I do for a living since I deal with patients that are already in pain. Making them feel welcome and comfortable makes their physical therapy experience easier and sometimes even fun. Am I always kind? I'd like to say yes and I try very hard...but I can get riled up with the best of them. Depending on what the situation is, you may not want to cross me.😇Where I'm lacking the most would be comparing myself to others and self-forgiveness...I'm pretty good at beating myself up...sometimes with a smile on my face.

If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?

Smile...I smile a lot, whether I feel like it not. I can be carrying an almost unbearable burden and still smile. Many times folks around me have no clue what's going on inside. I guess that can be a good thing.

4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?

It's probably homemade chicken noodle...with chili coming in as a close second. I made some last week during our snowfall (this is not it) and as I was getting ready to put the noodles in, I realized that I only had a handful of the spiral kind. I had some lasagna noodles though (the no boil kind) and broke them up into small pieces and threw them it. It worked great.

5. The best part of my day is....

6.  Insert your own random thought here.


  1. Debby,

    The photographs of the snow and cardinals are gorgeous. I'm with you, seeing a cardinal against a white backdrop takes my breath away, too. Isn't it amazing? It's incredible to see most folks on the Hodgepodge consider themselves to be positive but then I considering our host I totally get this. We usually like gravitating toward those like us, right? Homemade chicken soup sounds good. I haven't made any in years. I normally like making beef stew or chili in the winter since these seem more satisfying for us. Have a good day and happy Wednesday to you!

    Curious as a Cathy

  2. Those cardinals!!! Amazing pics!! We got close to 20" and it won't be going away any time soon. Five below zero this morning. But your 60s temps made me smile. That's my favorite. I have one of those perpetual smiles too, btw, and yes I think that smile hides the pain occasionally going on under the surface. I am thrilled about that letter from your health care insurance. What a relief that must be! May God bless you this day, Debby. xo

  3. Cardinals are always such a lovely splash of color on a winter day. Very pretty photos!


  4. That prime lens is really paying off - your photos a fabulous! Have a wonderful week!!

  5. Your photos! Wow! I am saving the cardinal in snow for my wallpaper. It's stunning. Your answers are all good, and I especially like your win with the insurance company. Thank the Lord! Smiling is so,thing that works every time. I rarely meet anyone who won't smile back and I smile at everybody. It serves a double purpose - keep the wrinkles from being so obvious.

  6. Lovely post today, you do sound like such a positive person. Love the cardinal in the snow.

  7. I've never met you, but I can tell that you are indeed a very positive and encouraging person. And those pictures, how beautiful they are. I must learn more about your prime lens. So enjoyed my visit with you today.

  8. Love your pictures and those beautiful red birds sure look pretty up against the backdrop of the snow. We are at warmer temps again right now but you never know about Florida! Now to join you today.
    1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you've given or received.
    Oh I just like you. I can give compliments but find it so hard to receive one and just like you, I always have a come back! Makes Marty so mad too. He will say, "Why do you find it necessary to tell the lady how much you paid for the dress that just complimented you! LOL! I do struggle with taking compliments. The last compliment I have was just this morning. My 86 year old friend that has more energy in her little toe than I do my whole body came by my office to see me. Of course she lite up like a light bulb when I complimented her hair, her outfit and her spunk.

    2. Ten little things you are loving right now.
    Awe, love the things you mentioned and yes, praise the Lord for the WIN!
    My ten little things right now are; new coffee pot at work, (makes it quick like), new ink pen, Beth Moore devotional book, eyeliner by avon, black cashmere sweater that I paid $4 for at Goodwill and still had the price tag of $59.95 on it. A new coffee cup, a REAL TREE tee that I love to wear with jeans, hearing my youngest grandgirl say, Nana, nana, nana....(music to my ears), new wool coat that I got for Christmas since we have had some cold days, Mandisa CD, and leftover homemade venison veggie soup.

    3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way? I read here a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-

    Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons.

    Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook?

    I enjoyed reading your answer and your realness. I too think of myself as being a positive person. I get down at times too but I truly try to stay upbeat and positive. I consider myself as a positive/optimistic person that does deal with the reality of life and sometimes with the reality of life.....GIRL I gotta stay positive.

    If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?
    Well, you aren't believe this but my answer is ditto! I smile a lot too! A smile is the same in any language.

    4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?
    OOh, love me any kind of soup and right now I have some leftover veggie deer soup. YUM!

    5. The best part of my day is....
    totally honest here....My REALITY answer is merely waking up! But, I love the lunch time hour on the days that I work. I go to a little park in my community and that is where I do Bible Study, journal, pray for others, and etc. Have been doing that for many, many years. On the days I am off, my best part of the day is sitting in my recliner beside my man and having a cup of coffee at days end.

    6. Insert your own random thought here
    Lord help me today to watch my mouth.

    Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  9. What a joy to visit and see those beautiful cardinals with a backdrop of the snow, stunning.

  10. I loved those cardinals in the snowy trees when you posted them on Instagram, and love seeing them again in this post. Just glorious! The compliment thing ... you know, I can accept them easily enough for something I have made, or something I've done, making sure to give glory to God. But reading your post made me think .. when someone compliments me on how my hair looks, I do have a tough time with that. (And if my hubby were to read this he would be quick to agree.) My hair is naturally curly and has a complete mind of its own. It can look great when I leave the hairdresser but I can never duplicate that look. More often than not, it looks incredibly ugly to me. I do keep it in perspective by remaining very thankful that I *have* hair. I haven't lost it to chemo or a physical problem. My usual response when someone compliments me is to murmur something about my hair having a mind of its own and my lack of control as to how it looks or doesn't look.

    Love those glorious, gorgeous flowers from your hubby! Just a riot of color!

  11. Oh-oh! We may be the same person. At least, I was in agreement with your responses, especially about compliments. By the way, I do like reading what you write!

  12. Hi Debby, seeing Cardinals in the snow is a winter favorite of mine. One of the few...haha! I'm not a winter person. I agreed with so many of your answers, especially No. 1. And I'm so happy that you got that letter from your health insurance. Yay for good news! Also love the beautiful flowers, they are a sight for winter-weary eyes! xx Cheryl

  13. Can I admit that I'm just a little jealous of all that snow and those beautiful Cardinals? We have had so little snow this year and of course,It's been years since I've seen a Cardinal and that wasn't on my yard.Those snowy scenes are just gorgeous.

  14. Cardinals are certainly striking against the snow.

  15. The snow pics with the cardinal is beautiful.
    Give me Jesus, I use to sing this song on the way to school, but now that I am retired, I find myself singing this song many mornings.
    Glad you won your case!

  16. Debby,

    Love this post! In the morning,when I rise, give me Jesus. Yes! What sweet words.

    I love the red cardinals too.

    Sandi from Dandelion Tea

  17. The red cardinal with that wintry backdrop is stunning.Loving your vintage quilt and that backing sheet/fabric is stunning. Both are amazing finds! Isn't early in the morning the best. I can't think of anything better than rising with Jesus every morning.

  18. Those cardinals even look better in the snow! Enjoyed reading your hodgepodge, Debby. Yeah, so glad you won your appeal! Hallelujah!!

  19. Love the looks of that soup, oh, my goodness. And, good idea to improvise. Hats off to wining your appeal! Enjoy your smiling and positive self so much!

  20. As a person who went through eight months of physical therapy last year (and may be facing more shortly because of my continuing recovery from a broken ankle), I really, really appreciate what you wrote about making your patients feel comfortable. Pain management is so stressful that little things like that make a huge difference.

  21. I love cardinals and your photos are wonderful. I think you and I are very similar.

  22. I agree that it is much easier to give compliments than to receive them. Eek!

    Oh, a kind person in the medical field is worth her weight in gold! Blessings to you as you share God's love through kindness!

    1. P.S. I clicked "publish" before I admired your cardinal photos. You know by now that I am a huge fan of your photography, and these cardinal shots did not disappoint!

  23. What a lovely post, I enjoyed your photos!
    Interesting to read your answers and well done on a successful outcome with the insurance company.

    All the best Jan

  24. The red cardinals on your post today made my heart sing, Debby. What a glorious bird of nature. And they look quite handsome against the white snowy branches. I love soups during the cold winter months too, and today I had a bowl of tortilla soup for lunch. What a beautiful picture this is...the best part of your day. And Yes, Jesus in the morning, afternoon, and evening!


  25. Pretty winter pictures. The red cardinal sure pops out.

  26. Oh, my sweet friend, yes you are one of the most positive bloggers I know and since we can hide behind a screen and say what we want, I just imagine that is the true character of who you! I know you are an encourager. I am glad to have you in my life.

  27. So nice to visit with you, sweet friend! I can't get over that snow! Wish you could send us some!! LOL! The soup looked wonderful, and I LOVE the quilt top and sheet you are going to use for the backing. God bless you. :)

  28. I'm late reading this but enjoy it none the less--even though our snow is now a memory. I wonder if we'll get more. I'm with you on the chicken soup--looks yummy. There's nothing quite like it. Hope you have a good week ahead!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.