Sunday, February 25, 2018

Rocking Chair

There is a peacefulness, an air of reflection, about a rocking chair 
that attaches to no other moving object. 
~Wallis Simpson

Rocking Chair Prayer
 ~author unknown

Back and forth…back and forth…
back and forth I go…

While staying in place, I am moving still…
 I am letting go.

In my rocking chair I am at one 
with the basic rhythms of life:
back and forth…up and down…
in and out…around and around.

I feel the thumping of my heart…
I sense my breathing in and out…

And effortlessly I find myself praying:
O God of All Time, calm me…calm me…

Reassure me of your presence…
your arms enfolding around me…

Give me a deep sense of your care for me…
and remind me of your promises:

“Everything’s going to be okay.”
Amid the rush of daily living,
when I feel splintered into little pieces,
call me back to my rocking chair…

Where, back and forth…back and forth…
I rest in your timeless love.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 
Matthew 11:28


  1. Hope you found the calm and peace and rest you needed.

  2. Beautiful post by reading through I found an inner peace along with you.

  3. Love it Debby! I find I migrate to my front porch rocking chair, there's just something about rocking that my comforts my soul. Have a day of blessings.

  4. Nothing like a rocking chair to soothe the soul. xo Diana

  5. To me, a rocking chair takes me back to the hours of rocking my babies, singing to them, praying for them, loving them . . .

    Beautiful images!

  6. I'm a rocking chair person and have a few of them around the house.
    Sometimes I get to rocking and I 'walk' the rocker.

  7. Debby, that is a wonderful piece of prose... I felt calmed by it. Beautiful imagery, too.

    (My tummy usually sloshes when I am in a rocking chair. Perhaps I rock too fast.)

  8. Wonderful Poe, thank you for sharing it

  9. This was such a beautiful post, Debby....just what this day needed!
    Hugs, Carol

  10. What a beautiful post, Debby. The pictures, the prayer, the rocking chair....I loved everything about it. It's my favorite post of yours yet. I used to have a rocking chair, and I loved it so, but the leg was broken and gave it away. You have reminded me to get a new one, so that I can rock my grandchildren. : )


  11. Yes, and I love everything about this post too. I have always loved rocking, just so calming. We have rocker recliners, swivel rockers and a couple of other rockers. We both enjoy rocking. Sweet post!

  12. Just reading these words and seeing the pictures is relaxing and comforting.God knows just what we need and I needed to read this post.

  13. Oh Debby, that rocking chair prayer and your images is just beautiful! I needed reminded of this. For Lent I have given up being sad over things that I can't change, and given it all to God. I floundered sometimes, but I'm reminding myself to choose Joy and Happiness. I will picture myself in that rocking chair when I need it. Thank you!

  14. I feel this way about my swing, but it is not good candidate for such charming photos. This was a lovely post.
    Have a wonderful week,

  15. Loved this prayer. I've always loved rocking chairs but can't do much of it anymore because of the inner ear problem/dizziness. I still have my grandfather's old rocking chair that he sat in and rocked when he lived at my parents house a short time before he had to go to a nursing home. That was long ago, but I can still picture him rocking and singing hymns to himself. Beautiful post, Debby!

  16. Ones' trouble can melt away in a rocking chair. What lovely pictures you have and the poem is lovely that I never heard before. Thanks for sharing it.

  17. Absolutely beautiful Debby! Wonderful images, so beautifully designed (and I love your new header). You really could make this into a little booklet with the words and photos!

  18. Just beautiful ...growing up in Chicago, we spent many hours rocking on the porch in a wicker rocker....

  19. Such a precious post...and the photos are breathtaking. Thank you for sharing, sweet friend. You are a blessing to me!

  20. I love these amazing photos, Debby! I can't wait until our weather is warm enough to sit in a rocker out on the porch! Have a wonderful rest of your week. xo

  21. Absolutely stunning pictures Debby. This bout made me cry girl and I cry ugly! REAL UGLY! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  22. So beautiful. Just love this post, Debby. Reflective and peaceful.

  23. Beautiful post Debby!!
    Peaceful, calming, restful...just what I needed to read.

    Have a delightful weekend!

    Thinking of you,

  24. Loved this post and the poem just filled me with peace. I am a rocker...
    Your words were so spot on, rocking my babies always brought such comfort and peace!
    Hugs, Roxy

  25. LOVE this beautiful and gentle post, Debby. I love to rock in my old wooden rocking chair watching the world (cows) go by. There is just something about rocking back and forth isn't there. Many a stressful baby was soothed with the gentle rocking motion. Your photographs are sublime, lovely lady and the poem.......lyrical!

  26. There is nothing quite as soothing and restful as a rocking chair! This old wooden one is such a treasure...with hours of use, and a welcoming look!

  27. Hi Deb - oh I just love this post - I can feel my blood pressure lowering itself just looking at those serene pictures.

    Very clever and artistic - and the words are spot on.

    Hugs and love. ♥

  28. Oh my goodness, Debbi! Gorgeous photos!! And I love rocking chairs. Even as a baby Mom said I would rock on my hands and knees in the crib. Beautiful post!

  29. Oh my, that is beautiful, Debby. I love it! Yes, I love a good rocking chair. I miss having one on my porch. Now we just have open decks, and I don't have a rocker that I can leave outside, so I really do miss it. Your poetry/story to go with it is perfect. And the photography is perfect. Thank you for sharing this one again. I wasn't "one of your friends" when you posted it the first time! Glad I am now! God bless you dear friend. Still praying for you.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.