Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Did Someone Say...Spring??

Have y'all seen a meme like this floating around out there the past few weeks?
I don't know who makes these things up but really, when you think about it,
it actually does seem like winter is doing just that!
It's Tuesday as I write this and tonight we are in for yet another batch of wintery mix.
I went back and looked at some of my old posts from previous Marches
and most of the photos look a whole lot more springy than it currently does around here.
The photo below was taken from a post on March 29th of last year...

...and the ones below from March 18, 2016.

So in the mean time, I'll share a few fun shots of my new little toy.

Well, would you look at that!
There's spring!

Alive and well, living inside of my little crystal ball!

But as you can see, it still doesn't look much like spring in my neck of the woods.
Even upside down. 😉
So while we're waiting for spring to appear,
how about let's getting on to the matter at hand...the Hodgepodge...

...where Joyce asks the questions and we answer them on our blogs.

1. On this first official day of spring tell us something (besides the weather) you're looking forward to in this season of the year.

This is weather-related but everything about spring seems to revolve around the weather, doesn't it? I am SO looking forward to seeing some color! February played a mean trick on us by getting so warm that many of the flowering trees bloomed and then just like that, the cold came back and zapped them. Also we will be heading for the hills of TN in a few weeks and that is never a disappointment, any time of year but springtime is especially lovely. Even though the selling of our house has been postponed for a bit, I am really looking forward to getting many of these projects completed so we can move forward when we get the green light.

2. When it comes to spring cleaning would you rather wash windows or wash baseboards? Windows...way easier on the knees :) Clean out closets or clean out the garage? I'd rather do the closets...less spiders...BUT the garage needs it most and it is at the top of our to-do list! Dust ceiling fans or dust bookcases? Ceiling fans because they are more obvious and I want to really be able see the fruits of my labor. Wipe down the patio furniture outside or wipe down the light fixtures inside? Patio furniture...who wipes down their light fixtures anyway? I can wipe down those inside light fixtures any old time. Any of these tasks recently completed? I would say that my closets are the least of my worries since I have done pretty well keeping them cleaned out since we got the floors last year. We have two new ceiling fans to replace two old ones so that is two less to clean the dust off of. It makes my heart sing to know that I will be throwing out the old dust with the old ceiling fans!

3. Your favorite thing to make/eat that calls for cream cheese? Cheese cake, any kind. Sour cream? I rarely make mashed potatoes but when I do, it's these... adding a dollop or two of Daisy to these, everyone will think you slaved over a hot stove boiling those spuds! Whipped cream? Pumpkin pie, hands down!
4. I read here a list of commonly mispronounced words. What is a word that gives you trouble when it comes to pronunciation?

Okay, I admit it...I just may have been pronouncing a few of these wrong all of my life. So, sue me. February is probably the one I mispronounce most often...but it usually only happens in February since I don't usually discuss February when it's not February. I actually know the correct pronunciation but I choose not to add that first "r" when I say it. It just doesn't seem right some how.

5. What's a song you love with the word 'rain' in the title or lyrics?

"Rainy Days and Mondays" by the Carpenters. But here's another one of my faves...

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

This just's the updated weather forecast:

Oh, Spring....where are you??


  1. I hope you get to capture more lovely Spring photos very soon, Debby even if you have to head for dem der hills in Tennessee. It's nice to see you have all that Spring cleaning down pat. I hope Spring comes out of hiding sooner rather later.

  2. Very cold up here (13º) and it looks as if we may get some snow late tonight, but only an inch or so. We had had a fourth nor'easter predicted, so an inch of snow instead sounds pretty good! Loved reading your hodgepodge today!

  3. That's life we never know from day to day about the weather but we are to live it one day at a time anyway. Hope your day is filled with blessings (of prettier weather)

  4. visiting from hodgepodge -- I forgot about that Mercy Me song - I love it!

  5. I like your random thought. Pretty much how weather forecasting goes! Good luck with the garage clean out. We are storing some furniture in one of ours and it's making hubs a little crazy. He likes things neat and tidy, but my daughter isn't quite ready to take what we've got and it's an antique bedroom set I don't want to part with. Stay warm and dry today! Spring will eventually spring!

  6. How did I not think of cheesecake??! It's definitely my favorite. Your spring photos are wonderful. That Ccrysta ball! That redbud!! Hope the weather cheers up.

  7. I love your weather memes, Debby! Your gorgeous photos of Spring are much appreciated on this dark, dreary morning. Enjoy your week. I love The Carpenters, btw.

  8. Hahaha! I haven't seen that meme but BOY is it ever true!! It DOES seem like winter just won't let go! My crocuses are blooming but it appears they will be covered in snow by the end of the week!

  9. Since I live in Florida, weather is wonky anyway. But last week was COLD then it rained and got warm and gross but then today is sunny and 50. So who the heck knows with spring?!

  10. We use those potatoes. Thanks for the tip about adding sour cream.

  11. Hopeing Spring arrives in your neck of the woods soon, my friend.

    Thank you for such a fun always put a smile on my face :) Happy hugs to you!

  12. What in the world is that lovely crystal ball?? I can see you will be having lots of photographic fun with it! :)

  13. There are two legitimate pronunciations of February so don’t fret! In fact, many words have correct and different pronunciations.

    I did not know that winter sneaked back in as far south as you are. Boo hiss on him. 🤨

    Soo enough, things will be better! Hopefully, tomorrow!

  14. The crystal ball is beautiful and so are the flowers behind it! It seems that with every passing year it only takes longer for Winter to leave, hopefully we'll all see vibrant green grass and the leaves on the trees rustle in a warm breeze before far too long.
    I hope you have a blessed rest of the week!

  15. Great saying!! : )
    Love the third picture with the reflection.
    It is snowing again today by me.

  16. Ooh Debby, your crystal ball is amazing!! I did love your opening statement, and I'm sure you're very tired of Winter. I haven't tried those Idaho reds in the pouch, but thanks for your recommendation. My Mom got me hooked on those mashed potatoes in the plastic container, and it sure beats peeling potatoes. I'll have to try the ones that you like.
    Hope Spring comes soon, Debby!

  17. Love the springy photos. Snow here in central Kentucky and no school. What a way to start spring!

  18. I love the crystal ball pictures. My son has one of them and he indicated I could use it sometimes.I'll have to give it a try. I am so ready for spring and the warmer weather it brings.

  19. Cute, cute post! Love your gazing ball! And, so hope spring is heading your way very soon. We're having some spring like days but still a little cool. Happy rest of the week Debbie!

  20. Kati read that first meme to me a couple of nights ago and we both laughed because it is just like that this year! I hope winter doesn't think of "one more thing" again!

    Hey, you mean you can actually throw your dust away?! Why didn't I think of that? Hmmmm . . .

    Oh, I know you're going to enjoy your trip to Tennessee after all of these delays! It will be worth it!

  21. Love your crystal ball! I might just need me one of those! Weather a little cra-cra here. We had a hail storm on Tuesday. I missed it as I was home but oh boy was bad within 10 miles from me. Hoping you see some beautiful weather and I know you are excited about going to Tenn.
    1. On this first official day of spring tell us something (besides the weather) you're looking forward to in this season of the year.
    New grandbaby. She isn't due till end of May but looking forward to seeing that precious new life that God has chosen us to be her family.

    2. When it comes to spring cleaning would you rather wash windows or wash baseboards? Windows! Clean out closets or clean out the garage? Closets for sure. My She-Shed bout killed me! Dust ceiling fans or dust bookcases? Dust bookcases. I can't reach ceiling fan without a ladder and Marty hates it when I want to get on a ladder and home alone. Guess he is afraid this old gal will fall. Wipe down the patio furniture outside or wipe down the light fixtures inside? Patio furniture... Any of these tasks recently completed? LOL! Maybe they've been given a lick and a promise as granny would have said!

    3. Your favorite thing to make/eat that calls for cream cheese?I love cream cheese and could scoop it off my finger and eat it! But cream cheese cake is my favorite.

    4. I read here a list of commonly mispronounced words. What is a word that gives you trouble when it comes to pronunciation?
    SPECIFIC! I cannot ever say it right so quit trying!

    5. What's a song you love with the word 'rain' in the title or lyrics?
    First song that came to mind is "I want to know have you ever seen it rain" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. YEP, love it!

    6: I am thinking that I might need something with a little cream cheese today!

    Hugs to you dear friend.

  22. Where do I start! Love the gazing ball; will forever say "Feb-u-rary"; after seeing the movie, that song by Mercy Me takes on meaning; we experienced that weather prediction this past weekend except with rain. For a week we were told to expect a complete wash out and heavy thunderstorms with hail,etc on Sunday. As the day wore on, it became less and less and nare a drop did we get. Enjoy your weekend and surely spring is coming your way.

  23. Great little post! Winter? What's that?! We didn't get much of winter here this year. Which is very sad, because as of now as I type this we are in a dirt storm! Blowing dirt! High, high winds, drought...So not enjoying this! Okay, enough about that. Your crystal ball is beautiful and so screams Spring!

    I hope you have a great weekend despite the weather. ;)

    Hugs, Amy

  24. Yes, that meme seems spot on this year doesn't it.
    I love the crystal ball pictures.

    Roll on Spring!

    My good wishes for the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

  25. A crystal ball...oh my! That is fabulous! And it does seem like Spring here right along with the pollen! But I won't complain! Hugs!

  26. You made me smile , because everyone is pulling out their pictures from last years .. dreaming and wishing for Spring... I really like the gazing ball ...I think I will make a wish on it ...Thanks for sharing ...Have a Happy Easter!!!


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