Thursday, December 27, 2018

Christmas Catch-Up

Hello, my friends!
I hope this finds each of you well after all of your Christmas-ing!
Ours began on Friday after the Tennessee Bunch got into town late Thursday night.
There was really no special agenda on Friday...mostly just hangin' out and chillin'.
Oh yeah...and there was yet another bird rescue.
It seems like every other day a bird flies into one of our window panes.
It didn't look too promising for this little tufted titmouse...we thought he was a goner for a while.
After about fifteen minutes and some TLC from Adam, off he flew into the bushes!
It amazes me how they can look like death one minute and just like that,
they are able to fly away!
Later, we ordered pizza and played a little game of "Who gets to open a present?"
Aaron wanted his dad to open his gift early since he had gotten him a propane smoker.
He wanted to help him "break it in" by cooking a Boston butt for our official get-together Saturday.
So after we all enjoyed the pizza, we had a little drawing to see who would "win."
Needless to say, the game was rigged. 😁
You're sure to pick the right winner when those little pieces of paper in the basket
had Pawpaw's name on ALL of them!
Jim had assumed that Aaron would be smoking the meat at his place and bringing it over...
...he had no clue he was actually getting his own smoker and helping to cook it!
Saturday was windy and quite cold but Aaron, Adam and Jim all took turns watching the meat...
...for hours...and hours...and hours. (I can't believe I didn't get one photo of them) 
Speaking of photos, we did get these shots of the two oldest grands in a "then and now" photo shoot.
I had made this stocking for Dacey when he was born and he was so tiny that he fit inside.
I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact the he turned 20 in November.
...and Dylan had his 18th birthday just a few weeks ago!
Unfortunately, there is no stocking picture of Dylan because I am a bad Mawmaw!
Yes, I made him a stocking...but it was just wee bit too small for him to fit in.
I'm not quite sure why I made Dacey's so big...
...I think it may be called "first grandchild syndrome". 😏
So finally after filling our tummies, the presents were unwrapped and just like that,
Christmas had come and gone...well...not really, but it kinda seemed that way.
 I forgot to mention the fact that Parker had started to feel a little scratchy throat coming on...
...and then a little later came the fever.
The plan all along had been for them to leave by noon on Sunday,
so the kids could be at their home for Christmas Eve and Christmas.
Well, it became necessary for them to make an extra trip to urgent care before they left.
What we thought was probably strep throat was actually diagnosed as Flu-A!
Not a fun way to spend Christmas vacation!
Olivia wasn't sick but she liked wearing the mask (probably a good idea)...looks pretty pitiful, huh?) 
The good news is that by Christmas Day, Parker had no fever and is now on the road to recovery...
...and so far, no one else seems to have come down with it, praise the Lord!
So Christmastime at the Ray house had pretty much come and gone.
Jim had to return to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so it was low-key from then on out.
After working 'til noon on Monday, I spent most of the next two days watching Christmas movies,
listening to beautiful carols and relaxing...along with these two lazy wieners.
And speaking of wieners, have I don't think I've shared these with you.
A few weeks before Christmas, I received a package in the mail from my long-time friend, Susie.
Some of you may remember my post from a couple of years back when she had gifted me
with a box of some of her cherished vintage treasures that she had been collecting for years.
Well, her kindness and generosity didn't stop there.
She told me she had seen this pattern for these pillows and right away thought of me.
She chose a brown suede-like fabric for the bodies and the red plaid for their sweaters was perfect!
And those adorable are they?!
After piecing and stitching the doggies together (some of those pieces were teeny!),
Susie's sister helped her quilt them on her quilting machine.
Aren't they just the cutest??
I was beyond thrilled and totally blown away by this sweet gift she had given me!
Have you ever received a gift from someone, just out of the blue,
and wasn't even sure how to properly thank them?
Believe me, I'm still thinking...
Well, that was my Christmas and I am feeling blessed beyond measure.
God has been there for our family in so many ways, this year in particular.
So tomorrow I shall begin the process of taking down makes me a bit sad.
 I may leave the tree up until New Years Day...we'll see.

Until next time, dear friends....


  1. What a wonderful Christmas! I love the pillows so much because I totally love Dachshunds. We grew up with them, however I haven't had one since we've been married. Maybe someday!

  2. I am glad that the illness you had in the family was not worse.Love those cute pillows.I guess the next time we meet on the blog may well be 2019,so Happy New Year.

  3. Those grandsons are cute! And the pillows are adorable. Poor Parker...glad to know that he is on the mend already and that no one else succumbed. Sounds as if your Christmas was celebrated early and that the actual day was quiet and restful. Excellent. I am so glad that my tree is staying up because it was such an effort to get it up that I am not wasting my hard work. If the real tree is doing well, consider keeping it up a little while longer. 🎄☺️🎄 You know you want to. Ha!

  4. Those pillows are ADORABLE! What a wonderful gift!! I love reading about your Christmas celebrations and am so happy the flu was short-lived and no one else got it. Praise God!

  5. What a generous gifting from your friend, the pillows are soo adorable! And I loved seeing the pictures of your grandkids as babies in the stockings and then all grown up, how does that happen? Sounds like your husband had a very fun and exciting CHristmas with his very own smoker, what a fun "rigged" game to play! And that flu bug has made a nasty appearance in a lot of homes this year! So thankful it didn't last long! Wishing you a blessed New Year :)

  6. What a sweet and thoughtful gift, those darling pillows!! So glad you were able to celebrate His coming with your dear ones. It sounds like it was a great celebration . . . aside from the flu, of course!

    A blessed New Year to you and yours!!

  7. Belated Merry Christmas blessings to you, Debby! I enjoyed seeing your pics and reading your post. How exciting for your hubby to receive the smoker as an early gift!! I hope you didn't get the flu, and I sure hope the young ones are feeling much better by now. I took most of my decorations down yesterday, but still have the tree up. Happy 2019 to you and your family.

  8. It looks like you had a nice Christmas, Debby. Ok, I love those Dachshund pillows, too cute. So sorry your grandchild had a virus. And it's good that it wasn't strep throat. Strep through is awful, and I've had it myself a couple times when I was younger. My niece also says "Mawmaw." I guess that is a name for Grandma in the South? Dacey's stocking is so cute. I can't believe you made that!

    Wishing you joy and peace in the new year, Debby. I look forward to seeing more of your WONDERFUL photos in 2019.


  9. It seems you had a wonderful time with the family, even if it was just before Christmas :)
    All the best for 2019

  10. I LOVE all the pictures. The pictures with the Santa hats just melts my heart! What wonderful keepsakes. So sorry about Parker getting sick and I don't blame the others one bit about wearing masks! Mercy! Those pillows are beautiful and what a precious friend to gift those to you. That's a lot of hard work and time as I am sure you know. Pizza actually sounds good! Well, I have not begun to take down Christmas. I need too! But oh I am still enjoying it. I am going to miss those precious mornings of sitting in my recliner with coffee in hand and the Christmas lights on and the quietness! Me and the Lord has surely had some sweet and precious talks on those wonderful mornings. I hope that you have a wonderful New year my friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  11. This is such a good Christmas post! Love the pictures of your grandsons. Don't they grow up fast! Those doggie pillows are amazing. Blogging friends are the best. Happy New Year Debby!!

  12. Oh, and I meant to say I'm happy the little bird survived. It breaks my heart to see them fly into a window. We had a pretty Cardinal hit a window a couple weeks ago and it did not survive.

  13. I agree with many who have commented that you have cute grandsons. Grandchildren grow too fast in my humble opinion. Glad you had a good and tasty time together. We smoked the prime rib this year and it was a hit. It sure frees up the oven for other goodies. Sorry for the sickness. Hope they are all better by now.

  14. I loved the rigging of the Christmas present draw. So much fun! Sorry that Parker got ill, and I'm glad she's feeling better. Christmas comes and goes in a whirl, doesn't it? Merry Christmas, and a very Happy New Year, Debby.

  15. Sounds like a wonderful family Christmas Debby! Those grandson pictures are adorable! My new one would definitely fit into a stocking. My Christmas tree and all the decor is still up, and I have no plans as yet . . . have a scratchy throat and just being lazy today. Happy New Year to you, and praying you can sell/move in 2019! xo Deborah

  16. Belated Merry Christmas wishes to you.
    I enjoyed seeing your photographs and reading your post.

    Sending my good wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2019.

    All the best Jan

  17. Your family get together does sound like a lot of fun and happy celebrations. Those doggy pillows are adorable. How very kind of Susie to gift them to you. She has fashioned them beautifully. A wonderful new year to you, lovely Debbie. I have a feeling it is going to be an exciting for you.


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