Monday, December 17, 2018

Stephanie's Ornament Swap Reveal

Hello friends!
Just one more week and Christmas will be here...can you believe it?
Do you have all of your preparations made?
Do you have all of your shopping done?
Neither do I...still a loose end or two to tie up but I am getting there!
So this was the first time that I have participated in an ornament exchange in eons...
in fact, I don't even remember when it was or with who.
But leave it to our dear friend, Stephanie, who is forever thinking of ways to bless others...
...I mean, how does this girl do all that she does anyway?
Well, I certainly enjoyed participating and meeting two new friends!
I sent an ornament to my new friend, Chris, who has a beautiful blog, Chris Lally Art.
What a lovely lady and superb artist she is!
Among many other things, Chris illustrates the women of the Bible in her beautiful works.
It is well worth your time to click on her link and be amazed!
I found a beautiful "artsy" 2018 Hallmark star ornament that seemed fitting for Chris.
She lives in Oregon so I thought some warm socks and hot chocolate may be in order as well!
And here's what I received in my beautiful package from Barbara in Texas...
Oh, what a darling Lenox china teddy bear ornament, some yummy hot chocolate...
(the French Vanilla was out of this world but I'm saving the mint to enjoy on Christmas Day),
and the most gorgeous, silky Christmas scarf ever!
Is he not the cutest little guy?
Now he has taken center stage on my Christmas tree!
And Barbara must have found out that I love poinsettias too...
...or maybe she is psychic...are you, Barbara??
Regardless, the scarf is stunning and was the perfect accessory to my red sweater and black skirt.
I got many compliments on it yesterday at church.
Thank you, Barbara, for these lovely gifts!
And thank you, dear Stephanie, for everything you do for all of us, your devoted followers.
You are such a blessing and a star shining brightly!
God bless you!

If I don't get a chance to do any more pre-Christmas blogging,
let me take this opportunity to wish you all a very
Merry Christmas!
Love and peace,


  1. Beautiful gifts, both received and given.
    I will take the time to go and visit your new blogging friend

    Oh your bear is darling in deed, and such a beautiful scarf!

    Merry Christmas and God bless you, dear lady ♡

  2. Hello, What a sweet ornament exchange, as you said leave it to that girl!! I missed this one, but maybe another time. Merry Christmas to you and yours, I read your last few posts, wow what a snow storm!
    May you have also a wonderful New Year...
    Hugs, Roxy

  3. I'm so glad everything arrived safety. The little bear is more adorable than I thought, now that he's out of the box. I may need to get me one. In fact, I should have simply bought double of everything! Lol
    Merry Christmas dear friend.

  4. It's Chris - the lucky recipient of your awesome ornament exchange package. Your thoughtfulness and generosity just blew me away, Debby! Your lovely gifts are much appreciated. They just made my day! Thank you!!
    And thank you for the nod to my blog and for the lovely comments :)
    Hope to see you on your blog before the 25th. If not, have a very Merry Christmas. God bless you.

  5. What fun! What lovely gifts... Have a blessed time preparing and I hope to see you again before Christmas.

  6. So much fun to read, Debby! I participated also and will share my "reveal" post tomorrow.

    That scarf is particularly gorgeous. I wonder if Barbara made it?

  7. Ooooh, I just love everything! Isn't Chris a sweetheart? And yes, she is an amazing artist. Her work touches my very heart and soul. And Barbara is another delightful lady. My, what a charming little bear she sent you and I love the pretty scarf.

    Thanks for joining the fun, my sweet friend. Hugs

  8. Such fun you all have had in this Christmas ornament swap. Your sweet little bear is indeed the star of your tree. I can see in my mind's eye you sitting in the church pew with that pretty scarf beautifying your outfit. Such pretty gifts you blessed Chris with. I have a feeling her beautiful socks will be well used and the sweet little tree ornament is very elegant.

  9. Well, will have to go over and check out Chris' blog and what a fun exchange. I almost participated but just decided I didn't need anything else on my list. Love your ornament and that scarf is just beautiful. Have a great last week before Cmas.

  10. Lovely swap! What a beautiful scarf! So fun!

  11. What fun!! A great ornament (and more) swap!! Thanks for sharing!

  12. This is a lovely gift, what a blessing.

  13. Yours is the second blog I'm reading which is talking about this ornament exchange.You have received beautiful gifts.Have a most wonderful Christmas my friend.

  14. So pretty! I so enjoyed the ornament exchange, too. Stephanie is a dear to do so much for all of us. Hope you have a blessed Christmas, Debby!

  15. Beautiful gifts on both ends Debby. This was so much fun! LOVING that scarf! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  16. What wonderful gifts you gave and received, Debby! The scarf is certainly stunning and I'm sure added a beautiful touch of Christmas cheer to your outfit. Stephanie is such a lovely organizer, isn't she? I didn't participate this time, but I'm so happy that you ladies were blessed.

  17. What a lovely idea to exchange ornaments. Great gifts from both sides.

  18. It sure was fun wasn't it? Lovely gifts given and received! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  19. Lovely gifts both given and received. Stephanie works hard at connecting bloggers, doesn't she?

    Have a wonderful merry Christmas, Debby.

  20. No, I Dont have all my decorations done but shopping done! I love that you did the ornament exchange! You have and got great gifts. By accident I found out how to comment on your blog! If I go search on goggle and cluck on the link I can comment! But it doesn’t work on my computer Merry Christmas

  21. HI Debby! Oh, what a nice gift!! Hope you're all Christmased up by now! I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.