Tuesday, April 2, 2019

APRIL FOOLS'! (a day late)

I'm B-A-A-A-C-K...
...and it feels really good to get in to my routine of life again...
however mundane as that might be.

It took me a while to regain my strength but I am getting more of my zest back every day.
The steroids and I seem to be getting along pretty well...at least no crazy beard whiskers yet!
I just hope and pray they are doing what they are supposed to do.
I will find out later this month when I return for a CT and to see my doctor.

But in the mean time....

...it seems that April Fools' Day is hanging around for another day...

"The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
You know how it is with an April day.
When the sun is out and the wind is still,
You're one month on in the middle of May.
But if you so much as dare to speak,
a cloud come over the sunlit arch,
And wind comes off a frozen peak,
And you're two months back in the middle of March."

~Robert Frost, Two Tramps in Mud Time, 1926

BUT...it is definitely springtime on my dining room table!

Aren't they gorgeous?

And just yesterday, although quite chilly, I picked a handful of these lovelies
 that are growing in patches all over the yard. 

"When the time is ripe for certain things,
these things appear in different places in the manner
of violets coming to light in the early spring."
~Farkas Bolyai 

They are only about the size of a fingernail so I had to get in real close.

One of my favorites things in the spring is when these sweet little bluets begin to take over.

They are currently growing profusely in thick patches all over the yard.

Don't they make such a sweet little bouquet?

I have to threaten Jim with bodily harm ask Jim to mow around them until the blooms are finished.

He keeps telling me he might accidently forget to do that. 😣
Even though April has played a dirty trick on us, it sounds like it will be short-lived.
Tomorrow is to be sunny and 70 degrees and it only gets better from there...
...it's supposed to be close to 80 this weekend.

So what's spring doing in your little corner of the world??


  1. Today's snow storm was a fun surprise, knowing it wouldn't last. Sure was pretty and very wet. No wonder some of the kids managed to make snowmen, albeit small ones! It was interesting and unique to see the snow while pollen was running down the gutters from the mix. Glad you are doing so well! Beautiful flowers!

  2. So glad you are feeling better and getting back into your normal routine. What an ordeal you have been through. Love the little flowers and they definitely scream spring to me. Hoping you have a wonderful week!

  3. Pretty flowers! Im glad you are feeling better. Ive been down in my back for months. I'm finally able to sit at the computer for more than five minutes!

  4. A flower with the pretty name "Bluet" has to be beautiful, doesn't it. How fabulous these pretties must look taking over the lawn. Why, I think your Jim might just do anything for you at the moment; I don't believe he would chop off all those pretty flowers with a mower....would he?? Violets are the sweetest diminutive flower and their scent is heavenly. You have put a smile in my day by visiting your sweet-filled post brimming with pretty bouquets of blossoms. So happy you are feeling better with each day. Soak up all those warm Spring days, lovely Debby♥

  5. Oh those spring flowers sure do look pretty. Still waiting for spring around here. We still get dustings of snow through April, but have some nice warm days too.

  6. What beautiful flowers. No signs of spring here in the city. Soon....hopefully soon.

  7. well that was a dirty yrick, but I am glad that things’ll improve presently. I am still under snow, but I enjoyed the first ice cream of the season.

    1. yrick sounds like a nice new word for Trick.

  8. Spring here in central FL is lovely! Your flowers are absolutely gorgeous!! Nice to see you back and I'm so happy that you are feeling better and better!

  9. So glad you're feeling better! Spring is bouncing in and out here...18 degrees yesterday morning, and supposed to be close to 70 this weekend. I never know what to wear! Lovely photos, as always. :)

  10. So thankful to hear that you are feeling better Debbie! What a trick for April to play on April Fools' Day, lol! At least it didn't hang around long, and pretty while it lasted... speaking of pretty, I am in LOVE with your bluet flowers, they are gorgeous, and what a beautiful bouquet of flowers on your table and in your windowsill... the wildflowers are my favorite :) Enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather this weekend, sounds wonderful :) Blessings and prayers always for you!!!!!

  11. I am thrilled to read you are feeling so much better and recovering a little. The power of prayer. Stunning bouquets of flowers, so very pretty. Sadly, after a few days of nice weather, wind and rain have returned with a vengeance with a drop of temperature too. The ferry is not running today.

  12. Those flowers are beautiful! Girl...I love your Jim! I tried planting some wildflowers some years back and Marty would mow them every time!!! He can't stand it cause he feels the area I had them planted looked UNATTENDED too as he called it! I finally just stuck to pots! And if this dang Florida weather would get with the program I would get out and about and do me some potting and planting. Honestly, I am READY for flip flops and beach! So glad you are feeling better my friend. Just so you know...I am wearing my bracelet till you get a clearance. God has been CRAZY good at how He has held you up through it all. Love you lady. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  13. Debby... those beautiful flower pics make me so happy. It is a grey, rainy day here but I don't mind because April showers bring May flowers. Have a wonderful week. I continue to keep you in my prayers.

  14. I'm so glad that you are feeling like your old self, Debby!! Your dining room arrangement sure adds a breath of Spring! It's your mini bouquet that made my heart swoon. It's been chilly here, but I don't mind. Take care, sweet Debby, and prayers continue.

  15. I am glad you are feeling better! I am not on steroids and I have crazy beard hairs that I have to pluck everyday! UGH! Too much information?!?! HA! Annster's Domain

  16. SO thankful for all God has done for you, Debby! It is so wonderful to see a post from you again and to know you are recovering from your awful ordeal. God is SO faithful and so good to all of us. Your flowers are just beautiful! God bless you, sweet friend.

  17. I'm so thankful that you are regaining strength and am praying that the steroids do their job. Those darling little blue flowers! How could anyone date mow then down. My grandpa tried for years to mow off his California poppies that were so beautiful. Never could understand that. Glad you're getting wonderful temps. We're hitting 48 by 5 o'clock, so I'm going out for a walk. At least it's sunny. xo

  18. Oh look at that green grass that you have!!
    We are still banks away from any grass, in fact our snow banks are now 4 feet high and slowly melting.
    We have had some pretty days, but just too cool to melt.

    Those flowers you are surrounded with are just gorgeous and I sure hope your dear husband doesn't forget to mow around them.

    I was so happy to hear that you are feeling back to your beautiful self, YEA!
    I will pray that those steroids do their job and leave your pretty little face alone.

    Our Spring has been pretty on most days, but just to cool to do any real melting. Our snow banks are not 4 feet tall and hard! No wonder they will not melt!
    I'm enjoying walking most days with Donatella, though I still have my earmuffs on.

    God bless you ~

  19. Well...that was a crazy comment!
    I repeated myself! Guess it's time for a cup of tea :}

  20. I LOVE those sweet little violets/bluetts, whatever they are...we have little wildflowers here in the spring and I told my hubby to mow around them too. I love them. I'm glad your snow/sleet was short-lived. I know you are ready for spring. We finally got some rain, which was much needed, and things are looking greener and happier now. So glad you are starting to feel better, and I pray you will just keep getting better and better every day. God is good!!!

  21. Wow, it's still snowing there! Spring will arrive soon, Debby. In the meantime, having sweet flowers in your home is really nice. And I love that vase - it looks so vintage. The purple flowers are pretty, and I love their color. I'm glad you're getting your strength back, and wishing you beautiful April days.


    1. Thank you for keeping me and my son in your prayers. I appreciate that very much. He's doing better.....thank God. : )

  22. So happy to see this post my friend...I will keep on praying for you.

    I love those little flowers, too.

  23. What a pretty bouquet of bluets you created. They are lovely! I'm so glad you are being treated and I pray that the medication will do what it's supposed to do. Hopefully this little trick of April's will be her last and spring will pop soon. It's very springy here and I love it.

  24. It's wonderful to see your post and get a little update on you. LOVE your flowers and the beautiful Spring banner. Take care of yourself my friend. You are in my prayers! Hugs, Diane

  25. So glad you are feeling better, and so glad you're back. The little violets and bluets are so sweet and pretty. Both are in bloom here too and I have to tip-toe around to keep from stepping on one. Can't bear to step on them. :) Then Poppy comes walking through...he doesn't even see them. How did you ever put together such a teeny tiny vase of them. It's so pretty.

  26. So thankful you're feeling better, Debby, and I just loved your beautiful post :) Your photographs are just stunning!
    Around here? April showers, then sun, then showers, then sun = lots of rainbows.

  27. IT's still snowing here too... but your beautiful picture sure gave me a Springtime " thrill... I’m so Happy that you’re feeling better Debbie ... Sending healing prayers...Take care Dear lady...Big Hugs

  28. Happy to hear your body is cooperating with the steroids. Good news. Yikes, look at that sleet! Hope things are still sunny now. I'm late in getting around. All our snow has melted and of course revealed all the work we have to do. :) Happy first weekend in April to you!

  29. I am delighted to hear that you are feeling more like yourself!! Confession: With all the busy-ness at my house these days, I am not taking time to comment often. (For one thing, I talk too much and for another thing, I am slow.) BUT, I do peek in from time to time and read and when I read about your diagnosis . . . well, I got a HUGE smile on my face and I thanked the Lord for this answer!! Hallelujah!!

  30. I too am delighted to hear you are feeling better! I have been praying for you. Your little posies are just so sweet and they do make an adorable wee bouquet. I had to giggle at your comment about your hubby mowing over the flowers. Someone had given me a rhubarb plant a couple of times. And you guessed it, Hubby mowed over it both times so I don't have my own rhubarb. I have to buy it at the grocery store. Our April is still playing April Fools jokes on us too. Today is lovely but we are supposed to get some snow tomorrow night and on Tuesday. We never truly see spring here until almost May. But the good news is, the winter is behind us no matter how long April drags her feet. Take care and I am so happy to know you are feeling better. Hugs to you.

  31. Debby, it's all so beautiful! So good to hear that "Spring" in your step (speech). I continue to pray for you each morning. I am believing for good reports. Snow??? on April 1. What on earth! Crazy. It's been crazy warm this week and beautiful! Keep me posted. Love you, girl!

  32. Such beautiful flowers.

    All the best Jan


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