Monday, May 6, 2019

"Frying" with Air

So last week I shared a photo of my dinner on Facebook,
and a few of you requested the recipe and how I cooked it in my air fryer.

This "recipe" is actually not really a recipe... was one raw chicken breast and some fresh California mix (carrots, broccoli, snow peas).
I was making just enough for me since Jim was working so it was the perfect time to experiment!
I just sprayed the basket with cooking spray, added the cut up chicken and veggies,
then I added some pepper and a drizzle or two of teriyaki.
As you can see I served it up over some rice.

I hope you are jealous that high class charger plate I served it to myself on. πŸ˜‰
Seriously though, it was pretty darn good...even if I do say so!
So this is my little Dash Compact Air Fryer that I received from Aaron and Michelle for Christmas.
 Isn't she cute?

Something this adorable really needs a name, don't you think?
Hmmm...I'll have to ponder that a bit....
...and she's a petite little thing too...all we need here for just the two of us.
And I recently saw where she was rated among the top 10 air fryers on Amazon.

And this is the model we got for Adam's family of four, which is nearly twice the size.
They absolutely love it and use it all the time for many, many things.
I noticed that it's now selling for $10 less than the $99 I spent at Christmastime. πŸ˜–
What a fabulous little invention this is!
Most people think all you can cook in them is frozen french fries or chicken wings.
Au contraire!
I am certainly no expert yet but here is a list of basic things I have already tried:

*frozen french fries (of course)
*frozen sweet tater tots
*frozen chicken wings and other appetizers
*breakfast sausage patties and links, cooked and uncooked
*frozen waffles and pancakes
*hot dogs
*uncooked chicken breast w/fresh veggies
*warmed up many things

There are tons of websites and YouTube videos all about air frying... and here are just a couple of them to check out if you like.

So the next night I wanted more of this good stuff...

...and this dish is pretty similar but not quite the same.
This time I added onion, yellow squash, broccoli and carrots to the uncooked chicken,
changed up the spices a bit and threw it all in a plastic bag with a drizzle or two of olive oil.
Just let me say that Weber Honey Garlic Rub is amazing!

And into the basket it went...

...for about 10 minutes... 360 degrees.

A word about the settings...
Mine has this as it's default and most of the time I don't change it.
The instruction manual tells all about settings for certain foods but it's just easier to use the default.
Pausing the machine about half way through cooking and shaking and/or turning the food
 is always advised...and adding more time or temperature if needed.
 Too bad you can't subtract the time though...take this broccoli for instance...

...I found out that you need to add it later to the mix...unless, that is, if you want it crispy.πŸ˜•

So here it is, all cooked up and yummy...

Seriously, delicious and simple!

But maybe you're just in the mood for a simple hotdog...and recently I have been!
They cooked up absolutely perfect...except with no grill marks...oh well...
So tonight's supper was really good too...oh my gosh...
fresh asparagus and dainty baby sweet potatoes...I was "vegging" it tonight.
Do you ever have those times when all you want is veggies and no meat?
Well, tonight was one of those nights for me.
(don't worry, I'll get some protein in later πŸ˜‰)

A little olive oil spray, salt and pepper is all the asparagus needed
and I gave the sweet potatoes a couple little sprays as well after I tossed it all in together.
It took ten minutes at 360 degrees, stopping it half-way and giving it a good shake.

I sprinkled a bit of cinnamon and sugar over the sweet potatoes for a touch of sweetness. πŸ˜‹

And clean up couldn't be easier.

So, have I made a believer out of you?
The possibilities are endless and I'm already getting excited just anticipating what I'll try next!

So how about you fry with air??
If so, what are you cooking in up in yours?
I'd love to hear from you!

Have an awesome week, sweet friends!


  1. Wow. Thanks for this post. Now I'm thinking a little more positively.

  2. Looks great. I've never tried any of those new gadgets...but it does sound and look good, especially if you can put it all in the sink and wash it easily. Your vegies look great. I love asparagus and sweet potatoes...that sounds really good right now... but it's already too late for tonight, and I don't have any asparagus to cook. I'll have think about this...

  3. Looks fabulous and so healthful! I might have to impress my family with something this tasty one day. I do love my air fryer, but it is much larger than yours and takes up lots of space. Still, it is worth it since I use it nearly daily, Makes a fabulous baked potato, too. I haven’t tried baking a cake or muffin or anything in it. Have you?

  4. I don't have one of these, but you have me interested now.

  5. What a great gift! More and more, healthy & delicious is a winning combination.

    Why am I so hungry?

  6. I've never seen what an air fryer can do, actually, I have barely heard of them. Your dishes look delicious!

  7. I've heard so many good things about these but not sure how I would use it. I guess I would have to learn what would work. We grill almost every evening and that works well for us. We grill everything! lol Hope you are feeling good my friend. I keep you in my prayers! Hugs!

  8. Wow, I'm impressed, Debby! You are cooking up so many wonderful meals in your air fryer. I'll have to look for that Weber rub!

  9. I've wondered about air fryers! Now you've got me wanting one!

  10. I am usually the last to purchase a new kitchen gizmo, but this one looks like one to get! The food you're making looks delicious!!

  11. Your food looks so yummy! And I am loving the color of yours! I would like a small one for Marty and I. But since I cook BIG on Sundays for my family I might need a big one huh? LOL! I am so glad you shared. Hugs and blessings my friend. Cindy

  12. Why, lovely Debby, I have seen the light, been converted and stepped over to the other side; the side where air fryers are waiting for everybody to experience the joy of cooking with these fabulous contraptions. =) You have been cooking up a delicious looking storm with your pretty....and yes, she is very pretty. Something this pretty and ingenious really does deserve a name, you know.

  13. Yum! You make it look easy.

  14. I wondered if I would use one enough to get one but it looks like it is really kind of fun to play with...and we all need that with meals. I like that it is such easy clean up! I didn't realize they made the smaller size ones. Do you have a HotPot, too? I don't have one of those either. lol xo Diana

  15. Yes, oh yes!!! I want one! I may could eat healthy if I had one of these!

  16. Well you make it look real good and easy for sure.

  17. Looks good. I don't know much about the air fryers, but it would be nice if you could have a crock, instapot and air fryer all in one!

  18. Many thanks for sharing pictures of your delicious looking food.
    Although I've read about these air fryers I've not tried one yet!

    I love asparagus, so seeing it on your plate is making me want some!
    Perhaps with dinner tomorrow!!!

    All the best Jan


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.