Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A High Flying Medley

 Hello and Happy Wednesday!

I hope your week is going great so far.
It seems the summer is flying by (pun intended)...but you know me,
I'm always ready for fall to appear!
In the meantime, we have been enjoying an abundance of beautiful butterflies.
How about in your neck of the woods?

Also, this summer we've been feeding a few neighborhood feral kitties.
They are so tame and act as though they live here (I guess they kinda do)...
...still not getting close enough to pet...but almost!

Isn't he a handsome boy?

Here's Mama and two of her three babies.
The other one hangs out on my next door neighbor's back deck most of the time.

Isn't it odd that one looks Siamese?

And this little one keeps hanging on to Mama, sharp little teeth and all.
I really want to catch the mama to take her for spaying but haven't done so yet.
Not sure what to do about the babies's what you call a darling dilemma.
So much is going on here...more about that later.
But since it's Wednesday, it's also time for...

Terri asks the questions on her blog and we answer them on ours.
This week on August 23 is the day set aside to celebrate National Ride the Wind Day.
Hmmmm.....who knew?
National Ride the Wind Day August 23
1.  Tell us about the first airplane ride you took and do you like to fly?

I think I was about seven years old when I took my first ride in an airplane. My brother who lived in South Carolina and his buddy flew up to Ohio for the weekend in a small Piper Cub. I had stayed home from school that day because I hadn't felt well that morning but after I learned that my biggest brother had offered to take me on a plane ride, I got to feeling better really quick! It took some coaxing Mom a bit to let me go but she finally allowed it. I really felt like I was special because all my other siblings were at school and missed out. It was amazing and from then on, I was a fan of flying. After the weekend was over and my brother and his buddy were ready to fly home, they offered my sis, Barb, and I another ride before heading to school that Monday morning. He told Mom that we'd be flying right over our house and to be looking for us. I'll never forget that image...looking down and seeing Mom standing out in the yard waving to us with one hand and holding her comb in the other. She always wore her hair in a neat little bun, covered by her white prayer covering...never wore it down since it hung way down past her waist. She must have heard the sound of the plane and ran out of the house with her hair flowing, just in time to see us fly by!

2.  Have you ever gone hang gliding and was it on the beach with boat power, or from a mountain with only the wind and your body?
Never hang gliding but the closest I have gotten to it was when I actually flew a glider (pilot on board, of course.)

This is the "bird" I flew. You can tell how long ago this was by the quality of the photo.
Here I am, curly perm and all, getting situated in the cockpit.
Right from the get-go, he had me at the controls...even let me release the rope from the tow plane. I flew it the for most of the flight but let him take over when it was time to land on that one little skinny landing gear in the middle of the plane. It was as close to being a bird as I'll ever get...the only sound to be heard was of the wind rustling against the motor, no nothing.
Jim and tiny little Aaron watching from below. men's fashions have changed...thank the Lord!
There is a sad ending to this story, unfortunately. The pilot of the glider who had been flying for over 25 years, crashed only a few weeks later and was killed. I'm really not sure what the details were of the very sad.

3.  Have you ever gone kite flying and with whom?
My first memory of kite flying was with my brothers and sisters in the vacant lot beside our house. One year, my brother Doug made a HUGE kite, probably six feet tall, from plastic dry cleaning bags and a wooden frame with a long tail. He flew it from a heavy duty fishing pole and that thing went up so high it all but disappeared into the sky. One day the line broke and it took days to locate it after it fell to the earth...about a mile away in a farmer's field...LOL! Of course later on in life, what kind of parents would we have been if we hadn't gotten kites for our boys to fly at the beach??

4. Experimental aircraft is quite popular as a hobby where Terri lives. Have you or anyone you know ever constructed a flying machine and did you ride in it?
No and no. That's where I draw the line.

5. Another big hobby around Lakeland is Radio Controlled Airplanes. Have you ever seen them flying or tried your hand at it?

I have never flown them myself but my boys have played around with them a time or two. To my recollection, they never had one of their own. Our grandson Parker, however, has built a drone from a kit and the aerial photography from it's camera is pretty amazing.

Please tell us something about your week.
It has been a busy and very productive few days around the Ray house. Adam flew in (speaking of flying) and combined a business trip to Raleigh with a work weekend to help out with some of the projects around our house. Combine all the Ray men together, including the big, strong grandsons and together they knocked out a TON of work, inside and outside! Remember all of those painting projects I have been trying to get finished for the past year? They are DONE! Adam is a whiz with the paint brush! To top that off, we had a realtor come out to give some advice and listing information. We were pleasantly surprised when he gave us a ballpark figure as to what it should list for and also that he'd be surprised if it didn't sell within a couple of weeks after it is listed. It looks like it may possibly be on the market by sometime in September. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it is ALL in God's hands. Every. Single. Detail.

So that's all for now...
hoping y'all have a blessed week!


  1. I chuckled at the men's fashion statement! Good luck with selling the house! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. I laughed out loud at the fashion comment, too. Sooooo true!

    Well, in light of what I had to say about flying at my blog today, this post took on particular interest. You are very brave! I once watched my dad try to land a piper cub for an entire afternoon and it scared me so much that I would never fly in a small aircraft nor glide, but I do hope to fly like a bird some fine day.

    Oh to have all that work done! What a blessing! And such an encouraging word from the realtor. Yes, God has this, even this!

  3. Well girl, I am with ya on the change in fashion! But...when I see what some are wearing today....our old days of fashion looked good! LOL! The only time I ever flew was on a helicopter ride and it made me a nervous wreck. Did not like the little yellow helicopter! LOL! But my actual first plane ride was to Nicaragua on a mission trip and we had to take two planes going and coming back. I done much better than I thought I would. I was honestly amazed at the beauty I saw flying but I am really a stay on the ground kind of girl. Though I have friends and family that says that flying is the only way to travel. I honestly think the flying part isn't nearly as bad as getting through the airports! I know you are a busy gal right about now. Well, girl, you might have a sold home in no time! WOW! God surely has a plan doesn't He? Praying for you and as always....GOD'S GOT THIS! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  4. Thanks for the words--every single detail--I needed to remember that --as I am preparing to move from NY to Fl on Sept 3rd--by myself--I only pack boxes for the move and sell everything else--so there is alot to think of and plan and do--and sometimes I forget--I don't have to do it--someone else already has the answers!!!
    love the butterfly photo--and bless you and your future move-
    luv, di

  5. So sad about your friend who crashed. How cool that you got to do that. Never would I have had the nerve. Your pics are so beautiful … the butterfly and the cats. Really a darling dilemma. That is certainly good news about your house. All you people getting to move - trying hard not to envy here. You'll be in your new place soon and taking more gorgeous pics.

  6. Haha! I wholeheartedly agree with your "thank the Lord" concerning the change in men's fashion! I remember Ron wearing similar shorts. {shaking my head} {and laughing!!} What in the world?

    Loved hearing your story about your mama running outside with her hair down! I'll bet that's a fun memory for you. And whoa . . . what a brave one you are, (semi) flying that glider!! Sad story about the pilot though.

    Exciting changes for you! Yes, it is so good to know that the Lord is leading!

  7. The butterfly is so beautiful! We've been seeing a lot of them 'round here as well. This was a fun post to read and such lovely photos.

    The men's fashion statement -- yes indeed, so thankful that styles have changed and that my hubby mostly sticks with the classics -- although, he does often wear two t-shirts (not at the same time!) embellished with "grandkid art".

    And such fabulous news about your house! God is in every single detail for sure.

  8. That butterfly is beautiful and the cats so sweet.
    Lovely photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. Beautiful picture of the butterfly. Have lots of them around where I live.
    The kittens sure are cute!
    How cool that you actually flew that glider.

  10. WOW! You have had a busy week. I hope you can sell that house quickly and move on with your other plans.

  11. "Them were the days" of the curly perm! =) How fun to miss school and enjoy a plane ride when so young. It looks as if things in your neck of the woods are looking on the up and fabulous. It must be wonderful to have all those little 'to do' jobs ticked off in readiness for the sale. So excited for you all.

  12. What a blessing that we can lean our our God knowing He is in control!! Thanks for joining the Medley today! I am impressed that you flew the glider!! I also LOVE that tuxedo Tomcat! He is gorgeous! And I also love black cats. It's good that I don't live close to you!!

  13. Kittens are just one of life's sweetest things :)

  14. Interesting post about all your flying! (and the butterfly!) I'm glad you got a lot done on the weekend--helps to have those extra hands and energy of youth, doesn't it? Hope all goes smoothly as you move towards your big transition!

  15. This year IS flying by so quickly! Whew, it seems I can barely keep up! So nice to visit with you today, sweet friend. I trust you are feeling well and am still praying for you and trusting God for your healing. :) Much love and many hugs to you today!

  16. The seasons are passing so quickly - I'm not ready for summer to be over yet. How exciting, and a bit scary to think about selling up and moving in a few months.

  17. Waiting for October - I'm with you, Debby!
    Beautiful butterfly & kitties:) And you are right - every single detail is in His hands...

  18. Wow, you were brave to fly a glider! I had a curly perm too, haha! How nice to get all that work done around the house. Such a relief to get all those to-do's checked off! You are a sweetheart to take care of all those kitties. xo Deborah

  19. Oh wow...that flight in the glider...amazing! You are a brave girl! Now, about selling your house...I will be praying for you, as you know we've just gone through this, and will finally be moving into our house this weekend. It's been a long haul, but God has been with us all the way. Praying your house will sell as quickly as God wants it to...and then what are your plans? don't you still have to build a house or something? I'm sure everything will work out. I know it is scary when you think too much about it. Sometimes it is better to just put the wheels in motion and then let God do the driving...He will get you there on time and safely. That's what we've experienced, and it has been quite the journey. Praying for you. And those kitties...well, I've had some experience with some feral kittens, but it wasn't a happy ending so I won't tell you. But I enjoyed them while it lasted. One in particular actually let me hold it after a while. It was so sweet. Okay, gotta get to bed now. But have a wonderful weekend.

  20. It sounds like you should have been a pilot! That is sure sad about the glider pilot...I hope all goes well with selling your house.

  21. I can’t believe you ride in that glider!! You’re adventurous, Debby! I loved your perm...oh what we did back in the day to look beautiful. Wow, it sounds like you’re happy about the price you can get on your home. May all go well for you, sweet friend. Happy weekend!

  22. You really do have a lot to deal with! But I hope it all goes well and you can relax soon. Love your butterfly and all the fun memories you shared! Hugs!


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