Monday, September 2, 2019


Hello my friends...

Let me first start out with an apology.
I'm sorry for not replying back to comments on my last post and commenting on yours.
My procedure went as planned but left me feeling nauseous for days,
in fact, I'm still experiencing some of it as we speak.

See that thorn?

But...and this is a BIG BUT...
...that is really not quite all that's been happening around here.
You may remember at the end of my last post that I mentioned something about
 sharing some news that might be coming soon?

So amazingly, we put our house on the market just last Friday.

That is in three. days. ago. last Friday.

That would be Friday, August 30th last Friday.

There was an offer on the table by the end of the day after six showings.
The offer was for $2000 over asking price...yes, that's what I said.
Our realtor suggested to let it ride a bit to see what the next day's showings would bring.

So we spent most of the weekend away from home with fur babies in tow,
and on Saturday there were more showings scheduled throughout the day, 
still thinking there was not going to be a better offer out there...
I mean, how could it get any better, right? one more day to go and we were going to cancel anymore showings...
...and WOW...did that ever pay off.
Yesterday afternoon, yet another offer came in at $10,000 over the listed price!
Are you kidding me...I didn't know people did such crazy things!
It seems many people out there want to move to our fair city,
the booming little place it has become in the 27 years we have been here.
Our trusted realtor thought everything looked good and by 6PM last evening,
we were signing (and quite a bit of initialing) on the dotted line.
Our closing date is October 10 but will heading for the hills the weekend before.

Is God good or what?

As I am sitting here typing these words, the whole thing is just so surreal.
All I gotta say is, reality better kick in real soon 'cause we got LOTS to do in the next few weeks!
Tomorrow I will write up my resignation letter (after 26 years),
and will work through mid-September, taking vacation my last two weeks to pack.
Bittersweet, to be sure....but more sweet as I anticipate this dream starting to become a reality.

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21

So as Hurricane Dorian swirls around in the Atlantic,
we are already experiencing our own kind of whirlwind here.
Oh...another good thing...we won't have to worry about hurricanes in Tennessee...
...only tornadoes. 😟

And speaking of hurricanes...
...I am praying for the safety of everyone, known and unknown,
who is in the path of this monster storm.
~May the Lord keep you safe under His wings.~


  1. WOW! WOW! WOW! God is so good and He has shown His goodness to you in the last few days for sure.I am excited for you.Still praying that you will have complete health and now the energy to make that move.Happy Hugs my friend.

  2. Wow, Debby! What incredible news! So very, very happy to hear how God has answered prayer far above anything we could have asked or thought! Now, the prayers go on for your health to return completely. Thanks so much for making time to share this news with your prayer warriors.

  3. Yes! God is Good all the time, congratulations Debby, I am so happy for you! I will be praying for continued smooth sailing.

  4. Ahhh, Debby, if there had ever been any doubt about what God’s plans were... Amazing! I am sorry that you had any ill effects after the procedure. I have some handy dandy nausea meds so I hope that you do, too. May all discomfort be gone asap. Because. 🤓 Much love!

  5. Sorry about you feeling so nauseous. But congrats on selling your home at such a wonderful price! That is so amazing. I'll be watching you closely as you follow your dream. We'll be doing the same in a couple of years.

  6. ?????????????????????????? Is this CRAZY or what? God surely is showing out ain't He? Girl, praying all the more. Praying first that this nausea gets under control quick cause apparently, you ain't got time to be sick! LOL! Oh how I do pray that everything goes smoothly and the transition to pack up, box up, and move is smooth as silk my friend. That is awesome about the sell of your home. Only God...only God! Love you friend. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  7. I hope you’re feeling less nauseous by now, my friend. How wonderful that God’s plans have rewarded you so wonderfully. You will be busy packing and preparing for your transition. Prayers are with you.....❤️

  8. God is SOOOOOO good! You have entered a new season, Debby!
    Continued blessings as your health improves, my friend:)

  9. What a blessing! Prayers for a full recovery.

  10. Wow that is great!! So happy for you!! Sure glad you didn't have our experience of a little over a year. Not a lot of people waning to move up there by us. : )

    Oh that nauseous feeling is awful. Hope it doesn't last much longer.

  11. Oh how fabulously wonderful to hear of your exciting news! All your dreams are beginning to be put in place. I am so elated for you both. How marvellous is our God!

  12. Wow, Debby!! Praising the Lord with you as He directs your path!!

  13. I am so excited for you Debby! God is awesome! Can't wait to follow your move then building on your son's property!

    Prayers for a quick recovery from the nausea!

  14. WOW!! Congratulations!!!! I know how exciting this can be and also how exhausting! I am thankful your procedure went well and hope your nausea has subsided by now. May God give you strength to press forward into your new life in Tennessee!

  15. Oh such wonderful news. I just came here after seeing comments on Facebook, and now I see the whole story! That is fantastic! And to get even more than you asked is amazing! God is so good. Now you are where I was a couple of months ago...on a whirlwind to pack everything of our 50 years of life together up and be ready to move out in 3 weeks with no home ready to move into, except that our church parsonage was made available to us to camp out in while we waited for the closing on our current home. Now we are unpacking here, and trying to settle in with a hurricane blowing around us, but thankfully it is only blowing a little compared to what it was supposed to be. We are SO thankful. Praying now for you as you tie up all of your loose ends and pack up your treasures and prepare for the adventure of your lives...God is with you and He will guide you each step of the way. Looks like He is already on top of this event!! So happy for you. Just pace yourself and don't overdo it. I've ended up with a UTI because I just didn't take care of myself in all of the packing, moving, etc., and I'm paying for it now. So rest, drink plenty of fluids, and let others do the lifting....God bless you dear friend. We are sharing dreams this year!!

  16. I've never heard of such a fast and fantastic real estate sale!! You home must be loaded with charm - the photos I've seen tell me that it is. So happy for you as you move into your dream-come-true! And do hope you feel better soon. Happy packing and moving!!

  17. Oh, I am sooooo excited for you and so thrilled that you live in an area where selling a house quickly is possible. Our old house was for sale for almost 2 years before it sold. We live in a low value real estate area and it's awful. I'm so happy for you!

  18. Oh wow, a whirlwind indeed! That's a lot of big changes all at once! So happy for you, that is an amazing and quick offer, congratulations!!! Please keep us posted! Enjoy the rest of your week.


  19. WOW! God is certainly leading you definitively. Lots of changes happening for you. Sorry about the nausea and I hope it eases soon. You are going to be one busy, busy gal!

  20. Congratulations on selling your house so fast and for over asking price! That happened with us on the first home we sold and it kind of made my head spin. But it took a while on our next one, and so it turned out that faster was better.
    Have a great rest of your week,

  21. How exciting for you Now begins a new adventure. Congratulations :)

  22. Good gracious! Two huge events going on all at once, and then a hurricane thrown in the mix... oh my! Praying that you are feeling better by now, nausea is just the most miserable thing! And praise the Lord for such an incredible response to selling your home! Praying the transition and all it involves will go just as smoothly!!!! It is almost too much to think about I'm sure, but just do the next thing that needs to be done. Certainly will be keeping you in our prayers!!!! Much love to you sweet friend!

  23. Wow Debby congratulations! How wonderful to have your house sell quickly and at a higher price. God is good! So thankful you don't have a long drawn out deal showing the house and wondering when your move will take place. So odd that I feel a little sad you are moving--but I'm sure you will continue to blog--maybe it's just that you are leaving our state! I am excited that you are beginning the process of realizing your long-held dream!!!

  24. Always the last one visiting! :( That is wonderful new about selling the house! Sure hope by now you are feeling better. Nausea is an awful feeling. Hate you are leaving our state, but I love Tennessee too and would move back there. Your home always looked so pretty. I'm not surprised that it sold so quickly.

  25. So glad to hear you sold your house, Debby. That was fast, and I understand all the whirlwind, because we sold our house on the first day of open house. Now, you have new adventures waiting for you, and I hope your new area suits you. Your butterfly pictures are so pretty, even in black and white. I hope you have good days ahead, Debby.

    Yes, God is good. : )


  26. Wow! That was fast!
    Super that you've sold your house, exciting and busy times ahead :)

    Take care of yourself, hoping the nausea has now passed and you are feeling stronger.
    Continued thoughts and prayers.

    All the best Jan

  27. So happy for you, Debby! Congrats! I hope that nauseous feeling has gone away by now. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  28. Wow, that is unbelievable you sold it for $10,000 over! Such great news! It must be mixed feeling to resign from where you have worked for 26 years! Hopefully you won’t have to look for another one! It is never fun to move but you are going to where you want to be!

  29. I am so glad for you...I know by instagram that you retired. I still pray for you, but sometimes don't come by to check your blog. Mainly because I like to be able to really focus on what you say, and here lately I have had a hard time focusing on much of anything. So glad for your quick sale! I hope the packing goes smoothly.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.