Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chasing Sunsets

...so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting,
 people may know there is none besides me. I am the Lord, and there is no other.  
Isaiah 45:6

Have you ever chased a sunset? If you are anything like me and a little crazy about getting a great picture of the sun setting, you have probably done this. I moved to North Carolina from the foothills of Kentucky and had never seen so many tall pine and oak trees in my life. Now, don't get me wrong—I love a good tree as much as the next person—but when you are trying to get a good glimpse of the setting sun, those trees can really get in the way! But there was that one time when I was fortunate enough to find just the perfect frame...

On yet another excursion, I went out for a ride—in the direction of the setting sun—with about an hour before it would actually be setting. I drove...and I drove...and I drove. Each time I saw the potential for a good photo-op there was an obstacle in my way OR traffic OR there was a dip in the road and it went down below the horizon. I was getting frustrated and wasting gas so I headed for home, taking the same route back. I got almost all the way home and then I saw it—a reflection that was nearly blinding me in my rear-view mirror. It was what I had been driving all over the countryside for. A beautiful open area in the landscape with a perfect view of the sunset, basically right in my back yard, about 2 miles from my house. If only I had waited an hour, I would have seen it on my way out of town! :(

I pulled off into a parking lot...

...and watched as God finish His painting for me.

And then there are the those times when we don't even have to go looking for them. They are just there—right in front of us—given as a special surprise gift from the Father and beaming with His glory. The picture below is an example of just that. We were at our cabin in Fancy Gap, VA a few winters ago when I walked out on the deck...and there it was. I have never seen another one quite so exquisite since.

I was a little upset when I couldn't find the original file for this pic (although I'm still looking) so please excuse the quality of it as I pulled it from my Facebook page...I think you still get the idea, though :)

Then there was this simple little beauty that I just happened to capture from the golf cart as we were taking in evening cruise down the gravel road near the cabin one warm summer evening.

So, until next time, you might find me chasing sunsets. Then again, I just may wait for one to chase me! 

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.


  1. Oh Debby....I'm so glad you did go chasing those sunsets.....what a gift you have.....I absolutely love these!

    1. Lisa, thank you for the sweet commment...so glad you enjoyed them!

  2. I'm going to spend the rest of my evening going back and looking at your older posts...I just love your work!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.