Thursday, July 4, 2013

Ol' Glory

Today is the Fourth of July and I just returned home from spending a few days at our cabin in Virginia. While we were there, my grandson and I decided to take a ride up the mountain on the golf cart to a piece of property that one of our neighbors owns. It is a meadow on top of a steep hill, all green and lush with a "pop" of red, white and blue where they have attached a flagpole to one of the trees. It was a beautiful day with a gentle breeze and that flag was just glorious as it billowed in the wind among the trees.

I came across this poem that I would like to share with you.

Ol' Glory
~H. Fred Jackson

Ol' Glory, she's called by those who know her best,
She stands head and shoulders above all the rest.
Ol' Glory, she's called by those who know her best,
Because down through the centuries she has stood the test.

From the earliest of battles she has stood proud and tall,
Always ready and willing to go when given the call
From the shores of America to the shores of foreign lands,
Her stars and stripes waving in the breeze always reminds us of our free land.

She may get knocked down, dirty, torn, worn or soiled
But She will pick herself up and knock off the dust and continue to toil
She is the symbol of our great land, freedom and liberty we all hold so dear,
A symbol of strength, courage and a spirit that will not disappear. 

When all the dust and smoke has cleared and even the shedding of a tear,
Then we look up and see Ol' Glory, the one we hold so dear
She's standing prouder, taller with more spirit than ever before
She's called Ol' Glory for all of us to love and adore.

May we always be reminded of what She stands for.

May you have a blessed Fourth of July...and thanks for stopping by!



  1. Beautiful photos and poem. Happy 4th, Debby.

  2. Beautiful flag images. Hope you've had a great Fourth.

  3. I loved it Debby!! Thank you for sharing the photos and the brought a tear to my eye. I am proud of this country and it seems that all we hear these days are negative things. I think we need to bring back our patriotic spirit and our love for our country. It's a shame all Americans could not read your post today.........I'm just thankful that I could. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you Lisa for your comments! Have a great weekend!

  4. Hope you had a beautiful 4th of July and thank you for stopping by and your nice comment.

    1. that name. One of my favorite aunt's name is Clara and guess what, she will be 103 years old in September! I enjoy following your blog and thank you visiting mine...come back and see me!

  5. My patriotic heart is smiling as I enjoy your post and beautiful photos :)

    1. Thank you for your sweet comments. I love your blog and your beautiful photos...and GREAT recipes! Stop back by and see me!

  6. Thanks for visiting me today and I am returning the visit. This is SUCH a nice post! :)

  7. Hey I survived your Word Verification or captcha or whatever but alot of bloggers just won't even I am letting you know that I will go one more round with it to let you know that and that you should try Askimet or some other spam protector that makes it easier for people to leave comments. I usually will endure this for at least one round but I see alot of bloggers saying that they won't put up with it, so if you change to something easier it may help. And I hope this helps! :)

    1. Debra...this is the first I have heard this is a problem. Since I am kinda new at this, I guess I'm not sure what you mean that little code thingy that verifies you as legitimate? Where does it come from and how do I do something different? Doesn't everyone's blog have that on it?

  8. What a pretty setting for the flag!

    1. Anita,

      Yes it truly is. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment!



Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.