Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fancy Gap...a little closer to heaven

Fancy Gap...ever heard of it? I had noticed the road signs for several years before I actually came to know this heavenly little place.

Having lived in North Carolina for the past twenty plus years, we traveled through this area of southwest Virginia numerous times as we went back and forth to visit family and friends in Ohio, where my husband and I are from. Just the sound of it intrigued me—Fancy Gap—and never did I imagine that we would ever come to own a piece of it in the form of a few acres on top of a mountain where we built our little log cabin. There are many "gaps" in this area of the Blue Ridge Mountains but I just love how putting the word "fancy" in front of it gives it a certain sense of wonder. So...what is so fancy about Fancy Gap anyway? Probably nothing anymore than some of the places that you have visited...or maybe even right where you actually make your home. I am just a little prejudice I guess. Here are a few reasons why.

The road to the cabin is lined on either side with an array of wildflowers in the spring, summer and early fall.

The sweetpeas are my favorites...I think...

...they look like little pink ruffly delicate...

 ...or maybe it's these tall purple ones... I don't know what they're called, do you?

Then again, I think it must be the orange tiger lilies, or "ditch lilies" as I call them because they always seem to grow along the side of the road in ditches :)

I don't's so hard to decide...

...I can't seem to make up my mind...

From the moment you turn on to the nearly two mile long gravel road that leads to the cabin, it's like taking a trip back in time—to a simpler life, free from the worries and stresses of the day.  

These are such sweet cows. Sometimes I can almost get them to come over to the fence so we can have a chat. They just stand there and look at me like I'm crazy :)

On both sides of the road, all way up to our driveway at the very end, wild blackberries and black raspberries are abounding during the summer months. 

This little cabin on top of the mountain—where the road dead-ends in our driveway—has been our home away from home and our go-to retreat for peace and quiet for the past eleven years. It has been a place for countless get-togethers with family and friends...where echoes of laughter from our children and grandchildren can still be heard if you listen carefully.

There is nothing quite as relaxing as just sitting on the porch swing or maybe in one of the rockers, looking out over the mountain on a breezy summer day—just listening to the wind in the trees and the rushing of the creek down below. I tell you, it's like you can almost hear the voice of God, Himself. Whispering. Calling your name. Telling you how much He loves you—truly a worshipful experience.

Looking out over deck, the steep driveway curves down and then down again and crosses the creek bridge.

This is my grandson, Dacey, as he makes his way across the creek.

Every where you look, pieces of the past are still lingering. 

When I see these old buildings, I'm always so curious about the people who came in and out of them throughout the years...and the lives they lived.

Just a few miles away, off the main road, you can get onto the Blue Ridge Parkway which is altogether lovely on it's own. The speed limit is only 45 miles per hour so if you're in a hurry this may not be for you. Just a short trip down the parkway you will come to Mabry Mill...maybe you have heard of it. It's actually a very popular tourist spot and also one of the most photographed gristmills in the United States—in fact, a few other states have "stolen" photos of the mill and put their own name on it, taking credit for it being theirs. Shame on them, I say!

Every Sunday afternoon down at the mill, the sounds of banjos and fiddles echo throughout the park. The old time mountain music that this area is known for is played by some of the area musicians. Old and young alike enjoy a little flat-footin', the old time mountain dance.

The silhouette of Buffalo Mountain in the distance can be seen for miles and miles.

In the summer, folks come from miles around to visit the peach orchards.
Mmm... they are always so sweet and juicy!

I just couldn't resist getting a picture of this sign :)

Well, I could just go on and on but I won't...
...just let me show you a few more reasons why I love this place.

For me anyway, it's just like this cute little pillow says... heaven is a little closer in Fancy Gap!
I hope you have enjoyed our little visit... please, come back, kick off your shoes and let's sit on the porch for a while!
Thanks for stopping by!

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  1. Fancy Gap is surely a little bit of heaven on earth. Thank you for showing all of the lovely photos. Very peaceful and relaxing to look at. My husband and I dream of living somewhere like this one day. As we are getting older I realize it better be sooner than later. lol But grandkids 10 minutes away trumps beautiful surroundings for the time being.

    1. Hello Nancy,

      Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments. We love our place at Fancy Gap but understand the grandchildren thing too. Our cabin is only less than two hours away from our home in NC. We are able to get there pretty often but realize now we cannot retire there...the driveway is almost impossible to get up (or down) in the snow and two old people need to live where 911 can get to them if! We will enjoy it for as long as we can!

  2. Hi Debby, I'm very familiar with the Fancy Gap area, as I am a North Carolina native for 52 years. My husband and I drive all around that area several times a year because we LOVE the Blue Ridge Mountains and Parkway. We have several pictures of us at various times over the years at Mabry Mill.

    I also love all the wildflowers. The sweet peas are truly some of my favorites. I thoroughly enjoyed this post -- your pictures are gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing; I always enjoy meeting another North Carolina blogger online. :) Visiting from Amaze Me Monday; have a wonderful week.

    Denise at Forest Manor

    1. Denise,

      Oh how cool! You know exactly what I'm talking about then, don't you? We absolutely love the area. Thank you for your sweet comments! We live in Mebane, NC and the cabin is only about 1 hour, 45 minutes away. I am just getting started connecting with other bloggers and find it so much fun. I'm so glad you came to visit my blog...please stop back by!


  3. Hello Nancy,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments. We love our place at Fancy Gap but understand the grandchildren thing too. Our cabin is only less than two hours away from our home in NC. We are able to get there pretty often but realize now we cannot retire there...the driveway is almost impossible to get up (or down) in the snow and two old people need to live where 911 can get to them if! We will enjoy it for as long as we can!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Kara,

      Oops! I accidentally deleted your comment....I meant to hit reply the first time and hit delete instead...sorry! Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment.

  5. Beautiful photos ! I love the Blue Ridge Parkway and have several pictures from that area. Thank you for the lovely tour. Enjoy your week.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the trip to Fancy Gap, Clara! Thank you for stopping by :)


  6. How beautiful! I love the winding road through the countryside to get where you need to be. We drove through North Carolina last year...the mountains were fascinating!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment and for visiting my blog! We love the Blue Ridge and have been so blessed to be able to spend time there. It's a place where no one seems to ever be in a hurry :)

  7. Hello Debby, I love the way you spell your name :)
    Lovely photos! The gap looks so wonderful and crisp and clean. Thanks for stopping in for a visit, I hopeyou come again. Maybe we can be a blessing to one another for I feel that is one of the reasons I blog! Have a great week!
    Blessings, Roxy
    Do you have a blog roll on your side bar? answer me back on my comments or email me!

    1. Hello Roxy!

      I's so glad you came for visit and thanks so much for the wonderful comment. I am new to the blogging thing. Is the blog roll you are referring to where the little pics are of who is following you? If not, would you mind telling me what I need to do? Thanks! I am looking forward to following you too!

  8. Girl...I loved every photo.....couldn't decide which one was the prettiest. There is nothing better than God's creation as he intended it....untouched by "progress"...:) I'm so jealous of your log cabin....I would spend every minute there! You are such a talented blogger and when you become famous please remember your little blogging and hugs.

    1. are too kind with your compliments! We love our cabin and do get there pretty often...I am a slow poster because I probably add too many pics! I was hoping that one wasn't too long. Again, you are so sweet and I appreciate your comments! By the way, one pic that I did not include was the one of the wreath on the door that has sunflowers and a rooster on with a sign "Ray's Roost" on it....the the name of our! I will post it later :)

  9. This looks like a true slice of heaven to, streams, gaps, old barns and ditch lilies...ours are blooming here too. Lovely!

    1. It truly is, Anita...thanks for coming to see and your comments!
      Have a great rest of the week :)

  10. Well, that was a most lovely and beautiful visit to fancy gap, filled with sweet scenes and gorgeous photos! Will you teach me some flat-footin' :)

    1. Haha...I would teach you if I knew how! Anyone who wants can get up and join them but I have never gotten up enough courage, although my grandkids have! I am so glad you enjoyed the visit and thanks for your comments! Come back and see me :)

  11. Your photos are amazing, and I love the little cabin. A piece of heaven for sure.

    1. Dayle,
      Thanks for your sweet comments...coming from you, what a compliment! We do consider our little slice of heaven to be a gift from God. So glad you dropped by :)

  12. An absolutely beautiful series of photos!

    1. Linda,

      Thank you so much for comment and stopping by my blog! Come back and see me again!

  13. Gorgeous photos, truly an amazing place! Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday!!!

  14. Love your home-away-from-home. So perfect and peaceful. I've dreamed of owning a getaway spot in the Pigeon Forge area. I love vacationing there. I agree with you that as you age, you have to consider whether "mountaintop living" will work for you though. Sigh.

    1. Thank you, Gayle...we were just there this past weekend and it sometimes so hard to leave and go back to NC. We know we better enjoy it all we can...while we can! Thanks for stopping by!

      Have a blessed week :)

  15. We spend as much time as we can manage at our cabin in the woods at Fancy Gap. I enjoyed all your wonderful pictures!


  16. Absolutely beautiful, Debby! I have always enjoyed the beauty of the Fancy Gap area as we've passed through there a number of time on trips south. It must have been such a touch decision to sell this cabin. I understand the realities of aging, but I would have been so tempted to hang onto a place like this regardless. Glad you and your hubby have more common sense than I would have.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.