Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lettuce keeping...revisited!

Hey everyone! Almost a month ago, August 12 to be exact, I posted about the way I learned of keeping lettuce fresh and many of you commented and were interested in trying it. You can find the original post here. Well...let me give you an update so those of you who are interested knows exactly how well this works.

I have to admit that I hadn't gotten into my aluminum lettuce bowl for several days. I put a few leaves on a sandwich last week a couple of times but I haven't actually used lots of it for a salad or anything for at least a week or so. I know what you're thinking... SHAME ON ME FOR NOT EATING SALAD! OK, it's not that I don't enjoy a good salad....I LOVE SALAD... REALLY! I'm conducting an experiment, remember?, is September 7 and it has been 26 days...count 'em 26...and the lettuce I put on my sandwich today from the same batch of lettuce is still fresh and crisp...just look at it!

There was only minor browning on the edges of the ribs.
This is the first time I have actually counted the days!

I am so amazed by this!
 It makes we wonder how much lettuce I have had to throw out in my lifetime...
...and the money that went out with it!

Just want to keep my peeps informed!
Sharing again at...


  1. You're a genius!!! Can't wait to try this!! By the way...I love your fall's cozy and yummy and pretty all wrapped up together...:) Have a great Sunday!!

    1. Genius? Hardly...thank the good folks a Pampered Chef for that lettuce tip! Thank you though. You really should try it. There were so many fall pics to choose from...I had a hard time trying to decide which ones..thanks for the compliment :)

  2. Hi Debby! Thank you for this. I don't know how many bunches of lettuce I have thrown out too...especially the Spring Mix. That seems to 'go bad' so fast!

    Happy Monday!

    1. Ceil...I just threw the last couple of leaves out yesterday! This was of course from romaine heads. I don't know how it works with bagged mixed greens that are already cut if that is what you mean. Unfortunately, the bagged lettuce sometimes has chemical "preservatives" in it so this may not work as well. I think the key is the paper towels for absorbing the water and the aluminum bowl that keeps it so cold. I will be interested in knowing how this works for your greens...let me know!

  3. Hello Debby, Okay if this really works my chickens will be so mad at you :) I appreciate this post and I think it may go viral... Hope your having a great week and don't forget to eat your greens.
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Lol! There may be a few leaves at the bottom for your chickens...the last few leaves went into the trash yesterday :) Let me know if you try it!

  4. Fabulous tip, I love it. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  5. Thank You for your helpful tip Debby! it should help me reduce the waste! hate to throw food away. Lizy

    1. You are welcome! Let me know if you try it! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. WOW! Thanks for sharing this tip--totally amazing! I am going to the grocery store this evening, and I can't wait to try it! Laura from Sunday View

  7. I just put a fresh batch in the fridge tonight. Let me know How it works for you!

  8. Wow, seriously! I am so going to have to do this, Debby :) It seems like my lettuce goes bad within 5 days. I'm so glad you shared this with Roses of Inspiration. Blessings to you!


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