Monday, September 9, 2013

Mirror, mirror...

Mirror, mirror, that was once on the wall,
You were lookin' so bad so I made the call
To repurpose you so you don't look so awkward,
Now you're lovely to see 'cause you're my new chalkboard!

Ohhhh...I know...sorry for that horrible poem ={

As I started writing this post, all I could think of was "mirror, mirror  on the wall" and then I couldn't get it out of my head! In all reality, this poor little cheap mirror hasn't hung on the wall for quite some time and I realize now, just how ugly it has always been. It has been in a closet (it's got sentimental value :) and I got it out last year when I used it for a VBS prop. Back in the closet it went after that. I don't know what happened to the mirrored surface...chalk (hehe) it up to being cheap! I mean, I spent a whole $6.97 on this thing about 37 years ago! That was a lot of money for a newly married young lady to spend! I only know this because the price sticker is still on the back after all these years. I actually remember purchasing it for our first home right after we were married...or as my mama used to say "when we went to housekeepin'"...that would be 1976 :) I tried to get the back off before painting it and it wouldn't budge. There were no screws, tacks, anything...only a lot of glue holding the back on and it wasn't going anywhere... you can see, I didn't even bother to mask off the frame before I applied the chalkboard paint. 
I figured it would be easier to mask the chalkboard after it was perfectly dry.

I love the look of milk paint but have never used it nor did I have any... I just used a little ordinary white craft paint  and distressed it a little afterwards.

I was quite happy with the results ;)

Now, I just need to practice my chalkboard writing skills...I cheated here.
Until next time,



  1. Love your re-purposed mirror! Looks simple enough to make, that I may even try it on an old mirror, myself! :)

  2. Debby, are you just unbelievably clever or what??? (The answer to that is YES!) Loved how you took something old and completely refurbished it. Great! And I also happened to like the poem, too!

    1. Sharon, you are too sweet...thanks for humoring me about that poem :)

  3. A very creative transformation. I thought for sure you would write "the fairest of them all"!

    1. Thank you, Donna! That's a good idea...wonder why I didn't think of!

  4. And you do it is fabulous!!! I didn't know the paint would work on a mirror??? Genius!! Here's your crown!...:))))

    1. Thanks Lisa,

      Yes, glass really works good for chalkboard paint....actually this one takes the chalk very well. I have one I made from a silver platter and the surface isn't as good as this one. I use the spray paint and it is on there to stay! Thank you for my crown...I will wear it tomorrow! :)

  5. Now all you need is to somehow re-purpose a pretty comb or brush into a handle or holder for your chalk! :-)

    1. Now, aren't you the smart one! Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. Great job, you should write your poem on it. Thank you for sharing this project on Fluster's Creative Muster. Now that you've found our party I hope that you'll continue to join us every Tuesday evening.

  7. Thank you Robin! I will certainly try to join in...thanks for hosting!


  8. Very nice! I love repurposing things, we ALL need to do more of that!

  9. Great job Debby Ray! It is awesome repurposed as a chalk board. So cute!-aimee

  10. Nice work finding a use for something sitting in a closet! Re-purposing is one of my favorite things. Good job using the craft paint and then distressing.

  11. Diane, like you, I love to repurpose anything to make it more useful. Thanks for your comments and stopping by to see me!

  12. Debby, I found you over at Savvy Southern Style. I love how you turned this mirror into a chalkboard - so pretty!

    1. Thank you, Marie! I'm so glad you stopped by!


  13. Very nice Debby! I've been buying frames here and there at garage sales to do stuff like this with it. It think its time to go and buy some of the spray!

    1. Thank, Allie...I think the spray chalkboard is the way to go too. I have great results with it on several different surfaces and it does well! Glad you came to see me!

  14. It looks fantastic! I just love that chalkboard paint.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  15. This turned out great, Debby Ray! Love it! I think one can never have too many chalkboards, although my son has told me we have enough! Thanks for sharing with Sunday View.

  16. Debby, I loved the poem! That's the kind of poetry I do also. Mine is not too spectacular, but I love rhyming words. The mirror turned out super cute! Thanks for sharing with SYC.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.