Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Simple Little Reminders

I wrote this post one day when I was feeling a little bit nostalgic.
Today, especially, is one of those days since it was on this day, four years ago,
that my precious mother went home to be with Jesus.
To honor her memory, I am sharing this again.


It's funny sometimes...what will spark a memory. The other day I was putting things away that were in the dishwasher and as I was opening up the various cabinet doors and drawers, I started my trip down Memory Lane. First it was one thing, then another and before I realized it, I was taking a mental inventory of all of the little kitchen items I have that had belonged to my mom. Some are things that I use on a regular basis...others not so much. I keep them mostly as reminders. These items are just inexpensive little kitchen accessories that would hardly bring a quarter at a yard sale.

In 2010, it became necessary to sell her home. At ninety-seven (and a half) Mom hadn't been able to live alone for the past couple of years and spent her final year between hospitals and the nursing home. In April of that year, she went home to Jesus. You can read about my last visit with her hereAll of her children—all eight of us—gathered at the house to go through it's contents and take away what we wanted to keep. Among other things, these little kitchen items just reminded me of her so I put them in my box of goodies.

I couldn't even attempt to count how many apple, black raspberry or pumpkin pies that were baked in this aluminum pie pan. It reminds me of the times Mom used to let me stand on a chair at the counter and "help" her cut up the apples, knowing I would put more in my mouth than in the bowl. I use this pan often and think of her sweet face whenever I do.

I have no idea why these two little strainers had any significance. I don't really remember them from when I was little but I know she must have used them often. They are really handy little strainers and when I use them or even open the drawer and see them I am reminded where they came from.

This egg poacher stirs up a memory or two. Back in the day, Vicks Vaporub was the cure for what was ailing you. My mom would boil water in this little "dipper" as she called it and then add a finger full of Vicks and let it melt. This created a very potent vapor to inhale as we sat with it under a tent made from a towel. I remember tears just pouring from my eyes as I would breath in those vapors right before bedtime. I remember feeling much better in the morning!

Ah yes...the measuring spoons...
...we're back to the pie making again...can you still buy these??

When we were going through things, my husband wanted this. Quite often he drinks his morning coffee from this Fire King mug. It reminds him of the mornings he sat at the breakfast table with Mom and Dad when we would be visiting for holidays or whenever.

I really don't know why Mom had these little Jello molds. She made lots of Jello but rarely if ever in a mold...I don't think she ever used them. That's okay...I probably won't either. They were hers. That's all that matters.

There are a few other random items that I retrieved from her kitchen cabinets and drawers...another small saucepan, a butter knife, a glass juicer...none of it worth anything to anyone else...anyone else but me. 

The older I become, the more precious are the memories.

What are the sweet little reminders in your life?


  1. Oh so sweet my friend. It really makes you think about what memories we are creating for our children. My 23 year old already said he wants my orange tupperware tea pitcher because he can't remember ever drinking tea out of anything else and a quilt that he has always had on his bed. Sweet memories......I can just see your Mom using these items that you cherish so much. Thanks for sharing....:)

    1. Lisa, I know what you mean...both of my boys are sentimental about things used in the home when they were kids. I am so thankful for this... simply because they remember. Have a beautiful Sunday :)

  2. Well, that brought a tear or two to my Sunday morning. Not to worry, they were pleasant tears. Your items reminded me of the ones I cherish as well. My jewel tea bowls, the Shawnee corn cookie jar and tea pot and casserole dishes, Mama's little wire cooling racks. I too have pie pans my mother used daily, but they are pyrex. Your measuring spoons are identical to Mama's spoons in my utensil drawer right now. My late husband of 34 years would not drink his coffee out of anything except one of those white coffee mugs you pictured. I have three of those little egg poaching pans and I use them all the time. They did not belong to anyone in my family, but I wonder if my kids will want and use them someday. My kids tease me that everything in my house has a memory attached to it. The little wooden spools in my/Mama's sewing cabinet are the same ones she used to sew my little dresses and mend table clothes and Daddy's shirts. I hope my insignificant items give my kids as many good memories as your items and mine give us. This was a very sweet post. Thank you. Sandra

    1. Sandra, I'm glad I was able to stir up some sweet remembrances for you, Isn't it funny some of the items were exactly the same as yours! Have a blessed week!

  3. HI Debby! Our memories make us who we are...and your memories of your Mom make you that daughter helping her, and remembering all the good times. Isn't that wonderful?

    And I think the 25 cent garage sale things are sometimes the most powerful in our minds. Would you ever let go of them? I have a rolling pin from my mother-in-law. I just used it this weekend. No one would think twice about it, but it means a lot to me.

    Thank you for sharing your trip down memory lane, and blessings to you for remembering your Mom so fondly.

    1. I'm so glad you were able to join me on my trip :) I wouldn't take anything for these memories...or those little items!


  4. Your measuring spoons are just like my vintage ones I picked up at an antique store, spoons just like my mother had! I use them daily and wouldn't trade them for the world. When my sister in law visited she was astounded I had the same measuring spoons as HER mother! We also drank from the white Fire King mugs at home for many years. I don't have any though. Hugs to you, may you love and appreciate her things for many years!

    1. I realizing more and more how popular those little measuring spoons and the Fire King mugs are! Thanks for your comment and sharing my memories with me!

  5. What a blessing that your mother lived such a long life! I enjoyed hearing about all of your memories! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Sarah, thanks for stopping by! She was certainly a blessing for sure!

  6. Thank you for sharing your beautiful memories with us! Have a blessed week!

    1. Thank you for your interest! Blessings to you as well!

  7. Isn't it amazing the things that become precious to us? Loved reading this today. Have a great Monday!

    1. Tim, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It is truly amazing some of the little things that become precious to us as we get older. I'm so glad you enjoyed my memory!


  8. Lovely post that truly struck a chord with me as I have similar sweet reminders. I like that you put the value in perspective...worth not much more than a quarter at a yard sale, but worth far more just because.

    1. are right....they may be worthless junk to someone else but precious to us because they are linked to sweet memories! Thanks for visiting my memories blog too and reading about my mom :) Have a blesses week!

  9. Such a lovely sentimental piece. My mom and dad are still alive, but approaching the end of life. I am realizing that it's not the *expensive* stuff that will have any meaning to me, but the sentimental things that are the true heart treasures. For instance, my mom gave me a turquoise ring that she had as a child - oh, I love this ring as I picture it being on her precious hand.


    1. Thank you, Sharon...
      I love how keeping these memories close to my heart keep my mom and dad near to me... until I will be able to see them again. I know you must cherish yours so much! I'm glad you enjoyed sharing my memory :)

  10. It's funny the things we get attached to from our childhood memories, especially after our parents are gone.

    What a coincidence, I did a post on my Mom today - if you know anything about depression glass, stop by!

    1. Hi Jill...that's awesome that we were thinking along the same lines! As far as the depression glass goes, first of all, is it green? or pink? I have a few items that I think are. Can you tell how much I know about from my answer? Lol! I will come and check you out anyway!

  11. What wonderful memories, Debby! One of God's greatest gifts to us, I think... memories... I have many "kitchen" items from my parents, too, and treasure them. Lovely post - have a blessed week!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. June,

      You are so right about memories being a wonderful gift from God. I saddens my heart when I know someone who has not had a happy life and most of their memories are not happy ones. I thank my Father for the way I was raised and for helping me keep the great memories alive through so many little reminders!


  13. Oh, this is such a precious post. I have some of my mom's kitchen things and use them daily and it is so funny how certain things remind you of things she made, such as one oval pyrex dish that always held banana pudding. I cherish these things and now that I am way senior, there are some heirloom of my own that I have always used. I do love all these fabulous memories. Thanks so much for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

    1. Thank you for your sweet comments. My mom had a lot of Pyrex too but I don't think I have any of hers. I just love using these things simply because her hands have touched them. I am so thankful to have these precious memories and i'm sure you are too!

  14. I was trying to explain to my husband last night why I want a dachshund and have been waiting 35 years to get one again. Not only did I have one I loved as a child, my mother bred and sold them. She knew all about them. When I see one, I get a little catch in me. They remind me of my childhood and my dear momma.

    Thank you for this beautiful post. I may do something about the things that spark memories on my blog one of these days. It's good to remember. Just think, our children will have our writings.

    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. Oh, Laura...we are kindred spirits... I have a sweet doxie named Oscar! We love him to fact, he is all snuggled up next to me at this very moment! My husband grew up with one in his family too...they are special little doggies for sure. Thank you for taking time to come and glad my post sparked some memories for you as well! I hope you get your doxie too!


  15. My daughter is always asking about those measuring spoons, she loves that type and cannot find them anywhere, I love all the vintage things, all the cookware and bakeware, such cool it all and enjoyed reading all your wonderful descriptions..come on over for a visit and see the goulie goules house sitting....I would love to know what you think, since halloween is so full of memories, just like all the memories...phyllis

    1. Isn't funny how these mundane little items have such cherished memories behind them? I also remember Halloween being so much fun when I was a kid. Those were the days of homemade cookies, popcorn balls and apples given as treats. Sorry to say those days are gone unless you know the person who is giving them.

  16. I also have several inexpensive kitchen utensils from my mother's house including the aluminum measuring spoons & cookie cutters & rolling pin & pie plates that no one else would want. My cousin asked me to find 2 of those white Fireking mugs just like yours because she & her brother drank Ovaltine out of them in the 50's/60's. She does not know what happened to them, but her parents no longer have them - probably chipped or broken/thrown away long ago. I did find them & gifted them with them. AND I also grew up w/a black doxie. Most estate sales I go to have the same kitchen things over & over again. There must not have been much of a selection back then in the stores. And I prefer estate sales in modest homes for that reason - such memories! Thanks, Mary

    1. Mary, since I have written this post, I have found so many people who love the same items! This really surpised me...the measuring spoons and the Fire King mugs, mostly. I am so glad I am a sentimental sap because using these things make me happy and remind me where I came from! Thanks for stopping by My Favorite Things!

  17. I had a conversation with a group of women on this subject just this past Sunday. This post is both the 1st to catch my eye, and my Pick of the Week from Sunday View's Inspired Sunday Link Party for next weeks link party post. Have a Blessed Week!

    1. Oh wow! I am humbled that so many others others found my post interesting and inspiring. Thank you for featuring it!


    2. Hi again. I was trying to open up the post on your blog called "Sacred" featuring my post and it seems the link is not working. ...keeps saying this page is not here...or something. Just wanted to let you know...again, thank you for the feature!

  18. Oh such lovely memories... THOSE measuring spoons! Just like the ones my mom had, and one look flooded me with precious memories as well. I have so many of her very fine antiques, but it's the small, wouldn't-bring-a -quarter-at-a-yard-sale items that do mean the most. Thank you for this lovely post! I hope there are things of mine that will have good memories for my son!

    Laura from Sunday View

    1. Isn't it something that those measuring spoons have the same effect on so many of us? I love how God has used these to remind me of such precious moments!

  19. Debbby, I loved this little tribute to your sweet mother! I often travel down memory lane in this same way. Just this morning I folded a plaid blanket that some of my friends gave me when she passed. It has the phrase "Come here and give me a hug, lovey" embroidered on it. I spoke at her services and told how she always said this to all of her grandchildren when ever we visited. My friends remembered and gave me this precious gift. It's the little things that give us such fond memories. Thanks so much for sharing this with SYC.

  20. Thank you, Jann...what a sweet memory for you! These little things are worth more than any amount of money as I'm sure you agree. I'm so glad my post sparked a sweet memory of your loved one!


  21. Such beautiful memories . I think that as daughters that have lost there Moms we do hang on to the small and simple things. Your blog really made me smile and made me think.

    1. Oh Lisa...those items really do become more special when our mom's are no longer with us. I thank God that He made us the way He connect our eyes (or noses or ears) to our brains so that they spark those sweet memories!

  22. Debby, I love this post! So very, very precious. You were blessed to have your mom for so many years!

    1. Thank you...yes, I was truly blessed to have her so long and having these little reminders around sure do keep her memories close!

  23. Debby, This was a sweet walk down memory lane for me today. My mom had many of the same items in her kitchen and I can see her using them to bake pies, do the Vicks thing, and even the strainers! Thanks for the memories :)
    Hopped over from the new linky at Roxy's. I'm now following your blog thru Bloglovin & GFC!

  24. Debby, I so enjoyed my visit today and walking down memory lane with you. WOW! I am amazed that we have nearly all the same things in our kitchen, though mine are from my 97 year old grandmother, who is still living. She gave me many of her kitchen dishes and pots and pans for my hope chest when I was just a teen. The ceder hope chest was her mothers and it was given to me since I was the first grand-daughter. It now lives in Stephanie's home as I handed it down to her. My favorite cake pans to use are the aluminum ones, they make a cake turn out the best! I still use the measuring spoons, but they are getting very thin.
    What a joy this was for me, thank you!
    Have a blessed day!

  25. Dear Debby, I am so glad you still feel the love and the sadness of your Mother; Firstly the love she gave to you and the memories and treasures. And even now the sadness of having her gone from this life. But the memories and treasures you will have till you go to be with all those who have gone before us! I really loved this post, this is a favorite of mine!
    And thanks for your special words to me!! Please know how much I appreciate you supporting this Link Up!
    But I really appreciate your heart!
    Always, Roxy

  26. Hello Debby! This was such a good post... Brought tears to my eyes. I have lots of sweet memories of my dad and of my grandma. I miss them so much. It's always the littlest things that we tend to hold on to than anything else. But, they are our treasured memories and I am so grateful for them. Just knowing that one day, we will all be reunited with them again, is just priceless. I have a ring that my dad bought for me when I was first married and I treasure that more than anything else. He picked it out and gave it to me. It has so much love attached to it, I'll cherish it forever. And, my grandma taught me how to cook with Love and that will never leave me. I have all of her cook books and I use them all to this day. She inspired me to be a good cook and to bless others with my talent.

    This was such a good post, thank you for sharing from your heart.


  27. Hi Debby! I loved all the photos of your Mom's kitchen things. My mom wasn't into cooking too much, but my mother-in-law was another story. She had almost all these items, and they all remind me of her, just like your sweet Mom. Cakes, jello, homemade bread and pasta sauce...all to feed her family. She really got joy from that.
    Thank you for waking up some loving memories in for her. Blessings,

  28. Yes much in common. My mom has been gone 4 years in September. It was the kitchen items and sentimental stuff that I wanted and treasure. I'm feeling those same sentimental feelings today also.

  29. I know how you feel. It feels so good to surround ourselves with things that mean something to us. I like having many of my grandmother's things to remind me of her. She lived next door to me while I was growing up and had such an influence in my life. I love all of these old fashioned things much better than anything new (and cheap) to use in the kitchen. Sending you lots of sweet hugs for such a wonderful post! Your buddy, Diane

  30. love the treasures. the measuring spoons reminded me of my own mom. :) i'm the youngest of 8 as well, but moved from wis to texas when i was 20 so lost so many years with my family... *sigh*

  31. Hi Debby,

    So enjoyed reading this trip down memory lane: 'mom's place'. Your kitchen trinkets, previously belonging to your dear mother, are wonderful little gadgets that access those special moments that you shared with her. I have the exact same set of teaspoons, which have turned out to be the most durable, having travelled with me since I was a young wife and mother, myself.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend!


  32. So many similar items that my mother had and I now keep tucked away. Precious because of the memories they hold.


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.