Saturday, April 26, 2014

An Impending Storm

"I can hear your whisper and distant mutter.
I can smell the damp on the breeze and in the sky I see the halo of your violence.
Storm, I know you are coming." ~ Robert Fanny


Yesterday when I was out and about, right before a thunder storm, 
I turned down a road I hadn't intended to so I found the closest driveway to turn around in.
The view before me nearly took my breath away.
The bright green foliage of the new growth on the trees seemed to be glowing like neon... someone had turned on a light switch.

The sky was almost navy blue in the darkest place and the sun was still shining...
...creating this fantastic contrast.
 The greens were at their greenest, in every shade on the color wheel.

After I got home and was able to see the photos on my computer screen, 
I couldn't help but be reminded about the storms that we all face in our lives.

Just like the wind, sometimes they just blow in out of nowhere it seems. 
Sometimes they are predicted...but many times they aren't.
Sometimes you can sense can almost feel them in the air.
There is no doubt... they are coming.

Storms are imminent.

God even told us this would happen.

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. 
In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” 
~John 16:33

And if you're like me, you'd probably say you've had more than your share...
...whatever that means.
I wonder what actually is our share? 

For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble;
he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. 
~Psalm 27:5

So here's something else that came to mind...
...if it hadn't been for that ominous, dark blue stormy sky,
the leaves on the trees and the grass wouldn't have appeared so bright and beautiful,
and I would have missed the blessing of seeing it (let alone the photo-op!) :)

It was only because the sun was still shining on them.

Not unlike the thunderstorm, the SON will shine on us when we are facing dark skies,
and He will bring back the brightness once again...that is, until next time.
God wants us to keep trusting and praising Him in the midst of those storms!
We are being made stronger for weathering them!
I don't understand it...but I believe it.

Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications!
The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped;
Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him. 
~Psalm 28:6-7

We are supposed to have a stormy week ahead here in central North Carolina.
I heard somewhere that April showers bring May flowers :)

But more and more, by His grace and mercy,
 I am learning what I need to do during my own frequent storms.
I pray that you are doing the same!

Have a week full of Sonshine...whether it's raining or not!



  1. Dear Debby, This photo was just stunning! Come over and share this post on my Link Up (Now) as I am testing it out for next Wednesday!! Please pray that it is a blessing to others! Now,Please come on Wed. also and join in!!
    I am counting on some of you sweet gals to get this party started!
    I did PIN that picture...
    Blessings and I have been praying for those who are in the storms path. We have missionary friends who spend most the summer months ministering to those who have been affected by them.
    Always, Roxy

  2. So inspiring!! It is also so true. You can't see the Light without the darkness.

  3. First let me say,that picture is stunning.I love how this scene gave you such inspiring words to share.

  4. Amazing photograph...beautiful description of the scene...and an inspired analogy. Thank you.

  5. A lovely photo and post, very apt. Thanks for sharing, Debby.


  6. I have just come across from Roxy's blog, so this linkup did work!! I do love that photo, its beautiful and so is your words:)

    Blessings Jo

  7. such beautiful photo, and beautiful words as well,

  8. Beautiful photos, Debby, and such wise words!

  9. Hi Debby! I looked at this photo about three doesn't look real! Almost like a painting. The lighting is so impressive...kind of makes me speechless! It really is beautiful my friend.
    And your reflection on the storms in life is very true. The supernatural light of Christ should make me stop and stare too. Love the SCC song. Can't help but think of his hard life story as he sings.
    Have a blessed Sunday :)

    1. Ceil...yes, this photo was taken with my little Sony Cybershot...I did need to do a little editing in order to reproduce the true vision of it when I saw didn't look quite as vibrant as my eye saw it! Thank you for always being a source of encouragement to me. Blessings, sweet friend!

  10. Debby, your storm photos are so beautiful. I love the contrasting colours. Thanks for your word of encouragement today. Blessings on your week. Pam

  11. Gorgeous photos Debby and scriptures are perfect!

  12. What a beautiful photo Debby. It does seem that dark clouds do enhance the colors of trees and grass right before a storm comes but your camera (and you) did a great job here. Wonderful illustration; our pastor spoke of the very same thing today and I thought of your post and the photo. Hope you have a good week!

  13. Oh Debby, LOVE the picture-- and I very much miss the "impending storm" atmospheres we used to have in the Midwest. And thanks for the reminder that when life storms come along, God is our shelter and protection! Swinging by from BIHG link up

  14. I LOVE that picture!!! Really caught my attention because of the contrasts and because I love to take similar pictures.... then when I came and read your post.... it was a blessing also! Yes, we do face storms.... lots of them, it seems.... thank you for the perspective.... a wonderful post. :)

  15. The pictures are breathtaking!!! and the post is awesome :)

  16. My dear Debby Ray, this post was just what I needed, my friend. Thank you for being a godly example and sweet encourager to many. Happy Monday! And I LOVE the photo :) Hugs to you

  17. That was a stunning photo! And, I just love the truth that you brought out of that moment. God is with us in every storm. Sometimes He chooses to calm the storm, and sometimes He invites us to walk with Him on water through it. He is there - that's the bottom line. I'm like you - I don't understand it, but I believe it.


  18. Hi Debby and what a wonderful post with so much to think about. Your snap is just gorgeous and isn't it something how God using nature to speak to us? I've been my share of storms but I always have know God was right there with me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  19. Debby, another gorgeous photo! I love how your eye captures the amazing glory in what is around you. Thank you for sharing. Just looking at the photo, I can "smell" how the air gets thick and rich right before it rains....thank you for your post!-aimee

  20. Beautiful post, Debby, and awesome shots of the stormy skies! Stay safe this week!

  21. Debbie Ray, what an incredibly insprirational post, I'm in awe of your words. OH my heavens, what a stunning photograph, you were so blessed to get to see God's beauty, oh my, I'm still reeling at the beauty of that wondrous sky! Thank you for sharing.

  22. Such a beautiful message to go with your photo. When I first saw it, I thought it was a painting.

  23. That picture is electrifying! It looks almost surreal! Love this true every day of our lives! thank you for sharing your great picture and a great lesson to remember!

  24. what a beautiful photo! thanks for your comment today! i'd love to have you link in some fences in the future! :)

  25. What gorgeous photos! God makes beautiful things and it's so good to know He is with us in the storms.

    Visiting from the link up over at 'the weekend brew.' : )

  26. Such a timely message for me. I will continue to praise Him in the storm. Thanks for linking up with The Weekend Brew!

  27. Beautiful Debby! Both your photo and your words. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  28. Debby, you know I love your photos and your reflections, but this one is really special!! Absolutely beautiful and so thought-provoking. A testimony to God's faithfulness!

    Thanks so much for joining Grace at Home. I'm featuring you this week!

  29. Wonderful visual of life’s storms literally and figuratively. I am new here--found you through Imparting Grace.

    1. Karmen...thank you so much for your visit and kind comment! Storms...we all have them...that's for sure. Have a great rest of the week!

  30. Gorgeous photo! Thank you for sharing. You will be one of the features tomorrow at the Anything Blue Friday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on in tomorrow to check out your feature. Hope to see you again at the little blue soiree. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.