Friday, April 18, 2014

Missing Mom: Our Last Easter Together

She was the closest thing to an angel that I ever knew or ever will know.
She was my mom...
...and yes, although I am somewhat biased in my opinion, it's true.
You can ask anyone who knew her.

April always brings to mind thoughts of flowers and all things spring... gatherings and celebrations.

Since 2010, April and Easter, in particular, hold some other very special memories.
Some sweet, some sad.
All very precious.

April 30th will mark the four year anniversary of her going on to be with her Jesus.
I wrote about my very last visit with her on my other blog,
Memories of My Childhood...and other blessings.

I am sharing it here...entitled

That little girl in the photo is still very much alive and well, living inside this aging body of mine.
Sometimes I just want to crawl up on her lap...the way I used to after I'd brush her hair.
Oh, how I wish that I could have just one more visit with more Easter.
I miss her so much.

But, thanks be to God, because of the resurrection power of Jesus,
I know that I will see her ALL of HER glory!

"But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord."

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

 Have a wonderful Easter Weekend, my friends!


Sharing at:

Spiritual Sundays


  1. Debby you could be writing for me. I think I understand your heart as you write. This is my second Easter without my mother. I've been missing her so much today.Her last Easter the kids weren't here so it was just she and my husband but I remember clearly how special I made it for her. I can only imagine what it's like for her now …what Glory to celebrate Easter with the risen Savior!

  2. I don't think one ever gets over missing their mother. Mine has been gone for over twenty years and I still miss her so much. I think the old black and white photos are so charming. A picture really can capture a time from our lives, can't it?
    Have a great Easter!

  3. Awww...this is a beautiful and loving tribute. The anniversary dates can be quite challenging. How will you honor the day?

  4. If it were not for the promises found in God's Word,I don't know how I could live. Yes,we will see our loved ones again.

  5. Dearest Debby Ray, this is such a beautiful tribute to your loving mother - you have brought tears to my eyes. It is a blessing to know you will see her once again in heaven - oh what a joy that will be!

    May you have a blessed Easter, friend! Hugs to you!

  6. What a sweet photo and wonderful memories of your beautiful mother. Wishing you a blessed Easter Debby.

  7. I am so glad that you have those sweet memories that bring you comfort. May you have a lovely Easter too.

  8. So beautiful and heartfelt... This is my first Easter without my mum who was my best friend and sister also. I'm an only daughter and she was my everything. Mum was taken away tragically and without warning. 66 years young we still had so much to do together. Being a young mum her and I were more sisters than mother daughter. I'm broken without her and keep thinking she will be back. Life seems unfair. I miss her like crazy. I struggle to imagine a life without her. ��

    1. Hi...I am responding here since you have no email listed to reply to. I just wanted tell you that I appreciated your visiting my blog and for your comment. I am so sorry to hear about you losing your is young. I am sure that this will be so difficult but I say that knowing that the Lord can and will give you comfort and peace. You have sweet memories, no doubt, and what a wonderful thing that is! I pray that especially during this time of year, God will help you through the love of His son, Jesus. Easter Blessings, Debby

  9. Dear Friend, I also lost my mother four years ago. I understand your pain, and the wish to be with her again. I hope this day will be filled with sweet reminders of her love and care for you. She must have been a wonderful person, because her daughter sure is.
    May God continue to rain down his blessings on you in Easter joy.

  10. What a sweet, sweet photo. I'm so blessed to still have my angel mother. I can't imagine the days without her.

    I'm heading over to read your tribute. Have a blessed week, my friend.

  11. Oh Debby. I'm so sorry - I know how much you must miss her on this side of eternity. I'm hoping that this brings you a smile - my mom has spent the last week up here in the mountains for the first time since we moved here 2 years ago. She was very afraid to venture up here, but she did it. And she's loved it. It was such a blessing to celebrate Easter with her sitting in between my husband and I. She's my angel, too. (My mom, and the one who led me to Jesus when I was a very young girl). And I never take for granted the blessing it is to still have her in my life.

    She would love to be shared - so I'm telling her today that you're another of her adopted daughters. OK?!

    Resurrection Sunday - the reason we hold such hope. Both for our eternity in His Presence, and for the happy reunion with loved ones.


    (And no, my blog isn't connected to FB - I'm not either. So far I've avoided social media - except I am a bit intrigued by Twitter and Instagram. Hmm...)

  12. Debbie, this is such a sweet and loving tribute to your dear mother! I know that you miss her terribly. hurts, and continues to hurt because we are human. What a glorious day it will be when parting and sorrow and pain are all passed away! Love the Scripture passage that you ended with. We have hope!

  13. Dear Debby,I loved this so much!! I miss my dear sweet Mother so much also. So glad we know we will be united once again, as it helps us bear this separation. I just added that picture of my Mother on my sidebar recently. I hope my children will have as many special memories of me when I get called home as I have of my Mother.
    Blessings tonight and always...Roxy

  14. Dear Debby,

    A sweet and loving tribute to your beloved mother. Our senses, secured in our memories, allow us to travel back to happy times with those who are no longer with us, physically, but forever beside us, spiritually and emotionally. A lovely photo of you and your dear mother, thanks so much for sharing.


  15. This is a reminder to me to treasure my Mom each day...Hugs to you, Debby

  16. I wonder if we really ever stop missing our mothers. I certainly still miss mine.

  17. What a precious little girl there:) And there's no one like a mother. I lost mine 4 years ago and my dad 3 1/2 years ago, Fall and Spring have always been my favorite times of the year. Although, I still love them, I get a bit sentimental now. "Without hope, we are of all men most miserable." Thankful that because of the resurrection, we have hope.

  18. Denny, that was a lovely tribute to you precious "angel" mother. Beautiful picture.
    Your scripture verses were excellent!
    Praise the Lord for the hope we have in Jesus Christ our Savior, and to have the assurance that we will see our loved ones again.
    I enjoyed my visit here tonight.
    Blessings, Debbie

  19. Oh this phone has its own spell check, how do you like your new name,Denny? Oh Brother!! :-)
    And your angel mother. Sorry


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