Friday, October 25, 2013

Easy Peasy Sausage Pancakes

Today, I'm sharing this older post at Stephanie's
Roses of Inspiration

I am not one to write many posts on food, although it is one of my favorite things :)...
...and although I consider myself to be a decent cook, I am all about fast and easy...
...especially when it comes to breakfast.

The other morning I was trying to decide what to make for breakfast and I had an epiphany.

(insert Hallelujah Chorus here)

Since I am a lover of a sweet/savory combo, and since I was having a hankering for pancakes,
and SINCE I didn't have any sausage or bacon to fry...
...I remembered something I did have.

I had some of these in the freezer...and the wheels started turning.

Have you ever used the Jimmy Dean Sausage Crumbles?
They are completely cooked and are in the refrigerated section (not frozen)
at your grocery store...well, hopefully they are.

I normally buy the turkey variety but have been unable to find them lately... I am using the regular pork ones here.

So, here they version of Sausage Pancakes.

Mix the Bisquick batter, according to directions on box. 
Thaw out the desired amount of sausage crumbles....a little or a lot :)
This depends on how many pancakes you are making and your personal taste.

Add the sausage to the batter and you are ready to fry 'em up!

Here they are! Add your favorite syrup and you have a quick and yummy breakfast!

They were delicious!


  1. Hi, Debby...thanks so much for coming by and following...I sure do appreciate it. I am now following you by bloglovin and Google Friends Connect. Looking forward to it, too. :)

    I use the Bacon Crumbles all the time but didn't even know about the Sausage ones. Must try.
    Jimmy Dean and I are from the same home town...Plainview, Texas. Of course, when he got famous, singing and song writing and then the sausage, he moved away from there. I think his parents lived there until they passed away.
    Have a great day.

    1. Hi BJ! I have used these for a while now but am having trouble finding them as of late. I hope they aren't discontinuing them or I'll be upset! I grew up listening to him every now and then on the radio! I will definitely be trying the bacon crumbles in them too! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Aaaaggg!!! I'm so hungry now!!! I don't have sausage crumbles...waaaaaa!!!! Thanks a I have to take a shower and go to town....:) :) :)

  3. Now that is a good idea! I love the combination of flavors!

  4. These look sooooooo yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Coming over from a Stroll Through Life and a happy new follower!


    1. Hello...they really are simple and yummy...thank you for coming over and being my newest follower!!

  5. Oh my, I would love some please, I am hungry. Thanks for the recipe and Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  6. Hi and wow what a great breakfast recipe! Thanks for sharing and I saw it on fluster buster party.
    Julie at

  7. Yum, I can just about taste them with real maple syrup...who doesn't love pancakes!

    Hugs, Lynnie

    1. Lynnie....simple comfort food...maybe even for dinner, too! Thanks for your comment!

  8. I will have to whip these up for my 7 year old. He's been on a serious pancake kick lately, driving me nuts. Thanks for sharing :) I'd love to have you come link up with me at

    1. Thanks for the invitation, Cassidy! I linked up with your party!

  9. Oh my, they do look YUMMY! Everything is good with bacon, syrup and butter...right!!! LOL!
    Always a pleasure having your share at AMAZE ME MONDAY, thank you!

    1. You are absolutely right, Cindy! Thank you so much for providing the opportunity to share!

  10. I'll have to share this with my children - this sounds just like the breakfast they'd love! I appreciate you sharing your lovely post with A Return to Loveliness,

    1. Kathy, your kiddos will love them I bet! My son used to wrap his sausage links inside a rolled up pancake. This is way easier! Thanks for the party!

  11. I love a bit of maple syrup to drip down onto my sausage so I'm sure I would love these! I have never heard of the sausage crumbles. I will look for them and give this a try. YUM! Thanks for sharing it with SYC.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sausage pancakes!! You are brilliant, Debby! I made pancakes last night {one of my favorite supper meals}, but didn't put the sausage in the batter. I should have visited you first! Oh well, I will simply make pancakes can't have too many, right :)

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Happy hugs!


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