Friday, October 25, 2013


Last Friday while we visiting with our family at the cabin, I got an early morning call from my sister. I figured the news probably wasn't going to be good since the night before when she had texted me, the message was that our precious aunt, our deceased mother's only living sister, probably wasn't going to make it through the night. Aunt Clara had just celebrated her 103rd birthday on Labor Day of this year and was doing well at the time. She had gotten sick very quickly. Just as I had assumed, she told me the news of her passing. My first response was one of sadness, of course, which was mostly for her family.

When you have lived so long for the Lord, and you are 103, it's a little hard to be sad for too long when you know they are in the presence of Jesus. And her mother and father. And her brother and four sisters! Oh, what a happy reunion was going on in heaven that day! This photo as you can see was taken three years ago at her 100th Birthday party. Wasn't she just the cutest thing?

Although I was thoroughly enjoying the weekend with our son from Nashville and all of grands, there was a tinge of sadness that would creep in every now and then. I thought about Aunt Clara's children, all seven of them still living. I prayed that God would comfort them in their loss.

As we turned onto the road leading back to the cabin after our family outing, I saw something I hadn't seen in a very, very long time. A bittersweet vine had taken over a small tree that sat right beside the road. I have never seen any of it in the entire eleven years that we have had the cabin, plus we had just been there two weeks before and as always, I had been up and down the road several times taking photos. I had not seen it.

Out of curiosity, I was looking up some definitions of bittersweet and this is the first one I found.

The definition of bittersweet is a combination of both bitter and sweet, or an emotional feeling that is a mixture of both happy and sad.adjective.

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.     Psalm 116:15

I won't even try to figure this out...I'm just going to accept it as a special blessing from my Father and be thankful for His almighty omnipotence and omnipresence.  I love it when He reminds me that His timing is perfect.

I'm sharing with:


  1. Aunt Clara is dancing down those streets of good. What a happy day for her! May you and the family be comforted in knowing you will be together again and this time it will be forever.

  2. Awe, your Aunt Clara is beautiful! What a long and full live she lived here on this earth.

    1. Yes, Barbie...with a beautiful, sweet spirit as well. She was a blessing and I'm so thankful God gave her a good, long life! Blessings for your weekend :)

  3. Oh Sweet Debby Ray,
    What a gift from God to you. I am happy for your Aunty and pray that the Holy Spirit will comfort for your entire family.
    Laura Lane
    Harvest Lane Cottage

  4. Speaking of bittersweet, this is a bittersweet post, Debby. I agree we shouldn't be sad for Aunt Clara. She lived far beyond what most do, and she is now beginning her second life, which is eternal. Still, it brings us sadness to lose those so dear to us. Heaven sounds sweeter as each loved one passes.

  5. Its hard not to be a little sad though. My mom is 104 and she lives alone. What a blessing she is...

    1. could one not be....that is the "bitter" part with the "sweet" part as she is home in heaven. it is so wonderful that your mother is doing so well at 104...quite amazing and such a blessing!

  6. I am so sorry for your loss...but what a comfort to remember where she is and Who she is with! Thanks for sharing this "bitter sweet" moment with us.

    Blessings, Joan

  7. So sorry for your loss, but also very glad that you can rejoice knowing that she is with Jesus!

  8. You have the right spirit about an aged person leaving this world for the next. It's a journey we all will take and it is bittersweet. I remember the one time I found some growing in Ohio. I was overjoyed to see it and collect some for our seasonal celebration. Fall itself is bittersweet. I loved your post. Your aunt looks so full of joy.

    1. Jeannie...thank you for your sweet comment. I love the part where you said "fall itself is bittersweet" are so right. We get to see all of the beautiful colors...right before the gray days of winter.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss - but what a beautiful blessing those messages in the berries:) I remember when my FIL died - it started snowing.That snow was like a message to us from him:)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and your sweet comment. I really do believe God sends us those special messages :)

  10. Yes, what a beautiful sign from the Lord! And how wonderful your Aunt lived so many years for the Lord. You are blessed to have such a heritage.
    Debby, I have been looking at all of your fall photos from past posts. They are outstanding and I thoroughly enjoyed them! Your home has an artist's touch and it's so warm and welcoming~especially in this season! Thank you for stopping by.

    1. Janis...yes, I am truly thankful for her long life! Also, thanks so much for all of your kind comments! Welcome back, anytime!

  11. Dear Debby
    Your aunt Clara was just the sweetest lady at her 100th birthday party and definitely the belle of the ball. She looked at least 20 years younger. Yes, I also think there is a great, joyful reunion taking place in heaven and the One who enjoys is most, is our sweet Lord Jesus! I am glad you have such fond memories of your aunt and praying with you that Pappa will comfort her family. Thanks for sharing this special lady with us.
    Blessings XX

    1. Mia, She was a very special lady and we were blessed to have her with us so many years. thank you for your sweet comment!

      Have a blessed week :)

  12. We are experiencing a loss of an old dear friend here too, your post came at just the right time. So thankful for God's promises to us!

    1. Anita, with sadness, I read the post about the passing of your sweet friend. I am blessed that my post was a blessing to you! God truly IS good!

  13. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home

    Hi Debby,
    So happy you stopped by neck of the woods so that I could find you, and your beautiful blog.
    Your Aunt Clara was a beautiful woman. I loved seeing her photo above.
    And your post . . . . it brought tears to my eyes.
    Your bittersweet is extra special . . . and might always serve as a loving memory of your Aunt. How beautiful.
    May you always find peace and comfort in your loving memories of her.
    Happy Fall,

    1. What a sweetie you are Suzanne! Thank you so much for your kind comments.


  14. Sorry about your Aunt Clara's passing but like you said, what a celebration in Heaven. Loved your post and yes, she was the cutest thing.

  15. I'm sure your aunt was such a blessing to her family and friends her entire life. How wonderful to have the assurance that she will spend eternity with her precious Lord.
    Happy to be a new follower,
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice,

      Thanks so much for your sweet comment and being my newest follower!


  16. I think the Lord placed that bittersweet there just for you, just when you needed to see it. And that scripture makes sense in light of your 103 year old aunt....she is precious in His sight for serving Him all that time!

    1. You know what, AnnMarie? I do too! I love the ways our God shows Himself to us! Thank you for you sweet comment :)

  17. What a lovely post - and I really loved the lesson of the bittersweet. Most good things in life have that *other* element to them. Especially the death of a believer. Sometimes I think about standing on the shore and waving goodbye to a loved one - and then I think about the other side - all the people who are waiting to hug them hello! Especially Jesus.

    Praying for comfort for the ones left behind, but also rejoicing with you as another saint meets Her Lord!


    1. Thank you Sharon...yes, death of a saint is truly bittersweet and I can only imagine what the reunion with family was like. I know my sweet mama was happy to see her sis! Can you just imagine how thrilling it will be when are all together in heaven? I don't know that I will ever get the chance to meet you here on earth but I sure hope to meet you in heaven one day!

  18. Hello Debby, I so believe in God's gracious gift of this special meaning of the Bittersweet vine. He is the vine!
    My heart leaps in the fact she is with her Saviour! I have a dear friend that her Mother is close to death even now.
    Thanks for your permission for using the pictures. Thinking of you dear friend!
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Amen Roxy...and thank YOU for all of your encouragement to me! I hope your friend can find some comfort in the bittersweet vine as well.

  19. Death is surely not sad. So the bittersweet feeling I understand. Letting go is not always easy. - I wonder, by the way, if I want to die myself. There is so much exiting going on! *smile*

    1. Anders, I'm sure you agree that there is an unending sadness when someone dies and they don't know the Lord Jesus. Thank for you for comment and for visiting my blog.....WAY over here! :)

  20. How beautiful to think of her reunited with her first family! Having lost my grandmother at 101, I know that there is sadness no matter the age. One thought that I love concerning Christians is that, once having gone to Glory, they are more alive than ever before. Breathing celestial air is the best. Comfort to you and all your family today...

  21. Hi Debby, much love and sympathy to you. Your aunt had a long and glorious life; I believe that's what we all hope for. Hugs and I hope your week will be filled with friends and family and love to see you thru. :)

  22. By the time I got to the Bible verse at the end I started crying . Beautiful and inspiring ( and yes bittersweet ) post.

    Virtual hug here along with the tears : )

    1. Thanks, Deb...sweet comment...thanks for the hug!

  23. Hi Debby, please accept my condolences on the death of your Aunt. She must have been a wonderful person to have made such an impression on you. And how God is showing you that your emotions are so understandable. "Bittersweet" is so right.

    You will be in my prayers, as will your Aunt and her family.

  24. I have chill bumps reading your post. So beautifully written and what a blessing to find the bittersweet. Your aunt was precious. Sympathy to all your family.

    1. Bonnie...thanks so much for your sweet comments.

  25. Thank you, Bonnie... yes she was a sweetie. Blessings.

  26. Love your images ... I followed your link on Brooke's Creative Mom site and glad I did. Looking forward to more of your shares!

  27. So appropriate Debby. Her passing was definitely bittersweet. Love that cute picture of her on her 100th! A joyous reunion is going on for sure. She will be missed. Doesn't matter how old they are, there will still be a void.

  28. Oh Debby, a beautiful "bittersweet" blessing indeed! Hang on to those precious memories!

    1. Thank you Cindy...I'll never see another bittersweet vine without thinking of her :)

  29. This is such a precious post Debby - thanks for sharing the blessing of your beautiful Aunt Clara's life - and the bittersweet moment of her passing - with us at Create With Joy!

    It appears she was well loved and will be greatly missed!

  30. I know just how you must feel Debby - so many of my loved ones are already gone home to Heaven - I am so delighted and know someday that we'll see them again based upon our faith in Jesus - one thought that comforts me is knowing that this time apart is short comparing to the time we'll finally all be together -definitely bitter but mostly sweet. I appreciate you sharing your lovely post with A Return to Loveliness,

    1. Kathy, can you just imagine the time they are all having in heaven? Thank you for your sweet comments and for providing the opportunity to share it!

  31. Awww...that put a lump in my throat!!! What a precious thing to discover! xo Diana

  32. Beautiful tribute, Debby! And the bittersweet ... what a wonderful gift from God to discover right when you did!


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.