Saturday, October 12, 2013

Small Beginnings

Do you ever feel like your life is small and insignificant? 
Maybe you feel like what you do and say really doesn't matter all that much.
I have experienced times when I have felt that way. 
I imagine I will again.
On those days when our self-esteem doesn't seem any larger than what we could place in a thimble,
we need to remember... the acorn.

“When the oak is felled the whole forest echoes with its fall, 
but a hundred acorns are sown in silence by an unnoticed breeze”

~Thomas Carlyle 
(Scottish Historian and Essayist, leading figure in the Victorian era. 1795-1881)

Acorns into Mighty Oaks

When I leave this world I hope
I leave a better place
Where deeds I've done
And paths I've trod
Have helped the human race;
Where seeds I've sown will blossom still
And trees I've planted grow
From acorns into mighty oaks I hope I've made it so.

For to leave the world without a trace
No footprints in the sand
No memory in a loved one's heart,
No mark upon the land,
No legacy to show you cared,
No promises to keep,
Must surely make it hard to face
An eternity of sleep.

~Author Unknown 

For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything.
Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before God.

1 John 3:20-21

Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, 
but our sufficiency is from God.

2 Corinthians 3:5

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.  
 Philippians 4:13

Dear Father,

I pray that You will show me what it is that You want to accomplish through me, no matter how big or small the task, and for me to be able to recognize Your voice when You are speaking...and to gain the strength from You to accomplish it. In Jesus name, Amen.  

I hope you have a week filled with TALL blessings!

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  1. Thanks for the reminder that even when we feel insignificant,we still matter. Most of all I matter to God.What a thought!

  2. Beautiful post and photos! The acorn has many lessons to teach.

    1. Thanks yard must be gaining a LOT of is full of them :)

  3. P.S. I posted an update about how to get my blog address to update in your blog list, whenever you have time to check it out. It's still a work in progress but I discovered this little solution along the way. Thanks for hanging with me.

  4. Oh, you will never know how much this touched my heart tonight. I was feeling a little *insignificant* - having a (smallish) pity party. But I was so encouraged by your words, your choice of Scripture - and your photos were really, really lovely.

    I'm going to remember that I am one little nut that God is nutty about!!


    1. I am so glad I was able to encourage you, Sharon. I struggle with this as well. I am just so thankful that we have the opportunity to encourage each other! Have a truly blessed Sunday!

  5. this was wonderful! Sometimes I feel at 67 that I have run out of juice and what am I needed for. Your prayer hit home and I have said it twice already. Of course, I like where it say - -no matter how big or small - - . Thank you for adding the prayer to your post tonight. I really needed to be reminded that there are many things that we can do to help God. .He does strengthen us...we just need to notice it.

    Blessed be,

    1. Susannah, I know how you feel...I am not that far behind you and feel like I could have done so much more. Well, He isn't finished with either one of us yet is He? Age means nothing in God's equation, right? I am blessed that you were blessed! Have a restful Sunday :)

  6. Lovely fall photos! Fall is my favorite time of the year. So glad we can rest in this confidence before God.

    1. Thank you Holly! And amen!!! Thanks for stopping by :)

  7. Hi Debby,

    Your thoughts here today have touched me, along with your inspiring photos of the humble, but important and amazing acorn! I think we all have such feelings of doubt or insecurity with regards to the big picture and how our brush strokes have painted the canvas of our lives. I know that with each passing year, I think about my footprint on this earth and the steps I have taken on my chosen path.

    Thank you for your prayers and all of your gorgeous photos, especially the second one of that tall, handsome and leafy gem! Definitely a looker and one to look up to!!

    Also, thanks for your sweet comment on my guest post on 'my favourite room' over at Savvy Southern Style!

    Have a wonderful week,



    1. Poppy....what a sweetie you are! I love it how the Lord inspires us to live by patterning ourselves after His own creation. If any of us did not admit to our doubts and insecurities, etc., we would not be honest with ourselves I'm afraid...that's why we aren't God and He is!! I hope you have an awesome week!


  8. Adding an amen to your prayer. Enjoyed your great photos. Here, the deer eat the acorns as soon as they fall to the ground so I seldom see anything but the caps.

    1. Thank you...the deer do love those acorns! We have them in the yard daily. I love the acorns...they are all different shapes, sizes and colors :)

  9. Lovely photos! Isn't amazing that God has packaged the beginnings of a mighty oak in a little acorn. Thank-you for your inspiring words.

    1. God;s creation is so amazing. Thank you for stopping by :)

  10. Oh the Fall colors intermixed with His Word, just beautiful! Thanks for linking up with The Weekend Brew.

  11. Wonderful and encouraging! Love the poem and pics.

  12. AND we have acorns in our small front yard hitting our roof, hitting our car, hitting the yard, the sidewalk... and, yes, they are beneficial in many ways, but they are also noisy and making me watch them carefully. You made me chuckle, but your photos are wonderful. And the spiritual reality is lovely... I just need to ignore what I see in my yard, doncha think??? Bless you.

    1. Same here...the acorns are everywhere, back and front yards. Their beauty fascinates me. Thank you for stopping by :}

  13. Thanks for this encouraging post and the encouraging note you left on my blog. Nice that God brought us together!

  14. Hi Debby! What a wonderful comparison today, Debby. I love it! And if we don't have the quiet fall of the acorn, there will be no mighty oak, right? So much of our lives we sow in secret, never knowing if we are the seed, the fertilizer, the nourishing dirt. But we all can be those things to each other.

    Just like you are to me today. Thank you for this beautiful post.

    1. Ceil....I always appreciate your encouraging and uplifting comments. Thank you so much and have a blessed week!

  15. Beautiful are the acorns photos!
    Greetings, RW & SK

  16. Debby,
    A great analogy - small yet can grow with God's help into mighty. Love it. Thanks for sharing at Sunday Stillness.

    1. Janis, thanks for giving the opportunity to share! Have a great week!


  17. Debby, this is such a beautiful posts, and your photos are stunning. I have always felt that we are here to make things better for others. To me, that is a sign of a life well lived.

    I am glad you are enjoying my church photos. My husband and I are always on the look for churches when we are out and about. We are in North Carolina, too.

    1. Beverly, thank you...and amen to your statement. Have you and your husband visited the little church in West Jefferson, NC (in the mountains) where the Frescos have been painted on the walls? It is absolutely gorgeous. I went with a group of ladies from my church to see it. Just in case you have never seen it, I am adding the web address for an article about it (below) if you are interested. Have a wonderful week :)

  18. Hi Debby! Lovely snaps and the little acrons are so cute. Thank you for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  19. What a great post. The might oak from such a tiny acorn, I love this. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  20. When I first clicked on the link to your blog, and then saw the header and your beautiful pictures, a huge smile crossed my face. I absolutely love the fall and your post with pictures and verses and quotes so encouraged me today!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Oh...thanks so much for your sweet comments! It blesses me to know that someone else has been encouraged. I do so enjoy your blog and your postings :)


  21. I have definitely felt this way before and I love the way you turned it around! Great pictures and quotes and scripture!

    1. Susan, thank you for stopping by and for your commen. Like I mentioned in the post, I still struggle with it at times. Praise God that He can gt me out of that pit when I fall in it! Have a blessed week :)

  22. Hi Debby,

    What beautiful photos and a great
    message. Thank you for sharing.

    Bear Hugs,

    1. Thank you..and thanks for being my newest follower!

  23. Such an inspiring poem! Reading it after a long time. Truly happy about it.

    1. I didn't write the poem but found it so lovely....thanks for stopping by!

  24. Reading and viewing your lovely post is a great way to start the day! :)

  25. Calling by from SYC, I particularly enjoyed this post, very moving.

  26. Debby, I have always love the analogy of the acorn and the mighty oak. So very true! We are all important in God's eyes and we need to never doubt that! Thanks for sharing this with SYC. A wonderful reminder that we all need from time to time.

    1. Sometimes it's easy to get discouraged but I know in God's eyes we should never doubt our worth...because He is the one who made us! Again...thank you for the opportunity to share :)


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.