Friday, October 11, 2013


Does anybody really know what time it is?
Does anybody really care?

Anyone over 30 probably remembers that song by Chicago, right?

During the course of a year we might say that it's springtime...or maybe summertime.
We say it's wintertime...or even Christmastime.
Have you ever wondered why we don't say it's autumntime? Or falltime?
It sounds funny, doesn't it? Oh well...just some random thought that entered my mind :)

Speaking of time, I just love clocks and have them sitting around everywhere... it's always 'time' for something at my house!

Last year, I painted my fireplace and gave my mantle an new look, using clocks and books.
I really liked it and didn't want to put them away to decorate for fall (time) :)
So I kept them all in place and decorated around them to see how I would like it.
 I was quite pleased, actually!

I apologize for the picture quality...had to doctor them up more than usual.
Living in the woods has it's drawbacks when it comes to indoor photography without a flash :( 

Most of the clocks are Goodwill finds...except for the anniversary clock that belonged to my parents and the large one hanging on the fireplace.

There is another clock that I want to add to my collection. 
It's a clock that my family had when I was a little girl and would love to find one. 
You can read about it here, on my other blog, if you like. 

Of course I added some of my Dollar Tree pumpkins!

The round clock below was a $5.00 purchase from a discount store...
...I added a little copper craft paint to enhance the finish a bit. 
It had fallen off the wall and chipped the bottom of it so I sat it in the plate holder...
...I like it much better there, I think! 
This anniversary clock was given to me by my hubby the first Christmas we were together. 
After I took the photo, I realized it needed a new battery :)

As a side note, the lamp used to be brass. I painted these several years ago with black flat spray paint, highlighting them with copper craft paint and giving them a coat of clear satin to finish.
The next year they came out with the oil rubbed bronze spray paint...wouldn't you just know it.

This pocket watch has been in my husband's family for many years, beginning with his grandfather and will be passed down to all of the James Rays that came after him...there are five, including him, so far. Their names and birth dates (as well as death dates of those who have passed) have been engraved inside with the exception of our 15 year old grandson...there is barely enough room.
 I am sure a jeweler can figure out where to engrave it...when we get around to it :)

This is my oldest son when he was a young of the Jameses.

Here are few more random shots of my "autumntime" decor.

...more of those pumpkins...

This is the first year I have added burlap to my decorations...I wonder why I waited so long??

The only clock in kitchen is the one on the stove...but it's still "autumntime" in there too :)

...more Dollar Store cuties...

Another Goodwill item, this wreath was bare except for the little berries...kind of pinkish in color.
I spray painted it brown first then lightly with gold for a few highlights...
...and added a few stems and leaves.

So, there have it...autumntime, falltime or just plain old fall...
...whatever time you choose to call it...I'm ready!

After all, does anybody really know what time it is??

Give yourself  time to enjoy it...inside and out!
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  1. You are a very talented lady. Your home looks ready for fall.Wish I had the talent to do things like this to my home.Oh well,it is still home and everybody is welcome.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comments, Ruth! I am sure your home is beautiful as well! You have been blessed with an eye for taking beautiful photos...that I know! Have a great weekend!

  2. Your decorating is beautiful. I really enjoyed seeing your clocks and your family watch! I have a very old watch that was my grandmother's. Perhaps I should get that out and display it somehow.


    1. Thank you, Susannah...I love the old watch. You can buy the little cloche with a hook in it where it hangs...not sure who sells them...this one is plastic.

  3. I love your "TIMELY" fall post! I am a clock fanatic, I have them everywhere, too. I have an anniversary one exactly like yours, too! Love the way you incorporated them into your pretty fall decor. The pocket watch, ... PRICELESS!!!

    1. Thank you, and I should never be late to anything, right??? Yes...I love the pocketwatch too :)


  4. This is a lovely post, Debby. I really like your clock collection -- I have one, too! I actually did a post a while back on just how many clocks there are in my home -- I truly should never be late! I have a very similar anniversary clock that had belonged to my hubby's sweet parents, & it is such a treasure. Your fall decor looks lovely.

    1. Thanks, Carol...I have always been fascinated with anniversary clocks ever since I was a little girl when my aunt had one. I am drawn to every unique clock that I see so I am sure I will acquire more as time goes pun intended!

  5. Dear Friend! I know what time it is! It is time to rejoice for this is a new day! I must say this post was so good!
    I am gonna Pinterst a few of these photos later! I am speaking today for a ladies tea.
    Your a very precious lady, love your heart!
    Happy Autumn Time!! :)
    Hugs, Roxy

    1. Roxy, you are so sweet...thanks so much for your comments and "Pinteresting" me :)

      Blessings, Debby

  6. Oh wow! I love, love your clock collection! You've inspired me.

    1. Thanks are so sweet. My collection won't be complete until I acquire the one in this post from my memories blog... post . I remembered to add this link into the post as an afterthought and you may have read it before I did. I would be interested to see if any of my blogging buddies have ever seen a clock like this before....from the 50's.

  7. Your mantle is lovely! I will have the old Chicago song stuck in my head this afternoon : )

    1. Thank you, I was writing the post, I couldn't get it out of my brain either!!

  8. What a great post! I love your "FALLTIME" decorations and the clocks. The mantel looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing, have a happy week ahead!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet comments!

  9. Your vignettes are gorgeous!
    And now that song will be going through my head for the entire time I am cooking dinner, lol! :) YES I remember it ! :)

    1. Debra, you are about the third person who has told me they had the song stuck in their head after they read my! Oh well, I hope it's gone now :) Thanks for your visit and sweet comment!

  10. Lovely autumn decor, especially the clocks on the mantel. I have seen Chicago perform that song at a concert, it was great.

    1. Thank you :) That's pretty cool that you got to see them sing that very popular song!

  11. Seems to me you have done a fine job of decorating for fall(time) without having to put your clocks away. ;)

  12. Now, this is a clock collection! I like how they look with all of the books.

    1. Thank you for your comment and stopping by My Favorite Things!

  13. What beautiful vignettes and your photos are stunning. I would love for you to link up to my Inspire Me party that will be live this afternoon at 2:30 Pt. Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty

    1. Thank you Marty! You always throw a great party...I'll be there! Thanks for the invitation!

  14. Hello, I'm visiting from Inspire Me Tuesday. Your photos are gorgeous, such lovely vignettes. The clocks are great, as is the pocket watch in the dome. Very nice.
    Have a great week,

  15. HI! I read your profile - I am also a transplant ... from North Carolina to out west in Utah. How I miss the trees and ..everything. But I have learned to bloom where I am planted! I love your mantel with all the lovely Fall décor. I love the theme of clocks and books. Wonderful! Thank you for your testimony of the Savior. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Elizabeth...where from in NC? I have never been to Utah or anyplace closely related. There are certainly a
      lot of trees here for sure! Sometimes I miss the wide open spaces of Ohio where I am from. Thank you for stopping by!


  16. I love clocks too, Debby, and yours are lovely!
    Thanks for the share (and I love Chicago - instantly recognized the song/lyrics!)

  17. Debby I love clocks too! Especially vintage ones. Spring of 2012 I did a "Time for Spring" theme and loved it. Thinking I need to do something similar again this coming Spring. I like how you worked them into your Fall décor. Time flies by so fast. Especially the older I get. Yes, let's take time and enjoy life! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Jann, since you said you are a vintage clock lover, I wanted to mention this...I don't know if you noticed the link in this post that directed you to my other blog... about the clock we had in my family when I was growing up. My goal is to one day find another one that doesn't cost me an arm and leg! If you get a chance to check it out (maybe you already have) let me know what you think. I would be interested to know if you have ever seen one! Have a great day :)

  18. Thank you for hosting the party! I am looking forward to seeing your "time' theme post this spring! You are right...time goes by way too fast :(


Thank you for stopping by today! Your sweet comments are such an encouragement to me.