Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sweet Little Accident

Getting good photos of my dogs is not easy to do. Hunter, my Jack Russell mix is a bit easier to snap (I will feature him in another post) unlike his brother, Oscar, who is a Dachshund. And yes, I do consider these boys to be brothers...and I consider them both as my children :) Trying to get a photo of Oscar, the wonderful, wild, wiener dog is like trying to hit a moving target. One day he was sleeping on the couch and looking oh so peaceful and innocent so I grabbed my camera and snapped a few. I then proceeded to get busy doing something else and totally forgot about it. 

A few days later, I had taken some other photos of other things and uploaded them onto my computer. I noticed a couple of almost completely black shots and was going to delete them. As I was editing and just out of curiosity, I decided to try to lighten them up to see what they were. To my surprise, there were the pictures I had taken of sweet Oscar as he was sleeping. By lightening them up as much as I could, and softening a bit, it created an effect that looked like a painting or a very detailed chalk drawing.
There he was...all snuggled up in the Christmas afghan.
I had forgotten all about them.

It's precious, don't you think?


  1. Oh Debbie - simply adorable!! I grew up with a dachshund named Bo - and they are a very cute breed, in my humble opinion. Now I have the joy of a grandbeagle, Marty, in my life. I personally think that dogs are one of the most special creations that God ever made. I love them.


    (Sleep tight, Oscar - there are more antics awaiting when you awake!)

  2. It is precious and looks very much like a drawing.

  3. How adorable! It was so worth your efforts, glad you didn't delete it :)


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